We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Melody Williams a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, Melody thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Do you feel you or your work has ever been misunderstood or mischaracterized? If so, tell us the story and how/why it happened and if there are any interesting learnings or insights you took from the experience?
With me being an only female born Into all male siblings, it’s been an adventure to say the least. It’s always, “oh you’re so tough” or “why are you so rough” “you act like a man, etc…..and it’s crazy because people simply overlook the fact that I am a only girl and the last of the bunch, so I was raised a little different. My mom had to learn how to raise me after having a couple of males, and they all had to learn as well and adapt to me. So I was taught male traits and female traits. Some aspects In my life, it has stopped some work and some relationships cause I think they wanted me on FULL GIRL MODE, instead of understanding you just have a STRONG,TOUGH,NO B.S tolerated WOMEN standing in front of you ready to tackle ALL ASPECTS. So as I go through life at the age of 40, I take the gesture and I adjust it if need be, I don’t get offended, if I truly see it can be toned down and no shady business is being presented, then we are fine. It’s just this thing of being all around prepared. I truly think jobs and companies need a people of structure these days not the all over the place people. Cause when once you get to know a person, you could have been totally mistaken, maybe met that person on a gloomy day (WE ALL HAVE THOSE) you never know, just give somebody a chance, speak to them, give them a smile, a lot of times people reciprocate to that and helps them feel better so you can understand them at the moment. Us as people have to learn how to uplift more instead of bringing down.
Melody, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
As a kid, my mom kept me in talent shows,dresses, hairbows, etc and I carried it over into adulthood. About 6 years ago I decided to go full on with my motivational skills, I have this thing about CONFIDENCE!!! I LOVE TO SPREAD IT!! my thing is I DESPERATELY need to people to understand that YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE AND FLAUNT THAT….if you were not meant to be that then you wouldn’t have been!!! MEN AND WOMEN LOVE ALL TYPES OF PEOPLE!!! Why hurt yourself instead of loving who you are??? So I decided to start modeling and speaking to show my confidence as a plus size women and hoping I open up as many people to love themselves as possible….I talk with confidence, even tho I am a pisces and sometimes we can be quiet lol…but overall I speak and stand with CONFIDENCE, that’s what gets me and others going about me, people always speak on my confidence. I actually go to people’s photo shoots, music videos,branding events, business ventures just for support! I literally pull up just to cheer my people on and see what I can do in that moment and later. I love to brand upcoming businesses and help them to elevate. I am here to love on my people and help them love themselves!
How did you build your audience on social media?
I am very introverted but in business you have to be VERY EXTROVERTED LOL… I used so many hashtags pertaining to my business, hashtags are key to networking because you find like-minded businesses and like minded people to follow and possibly do business with. Always utilize your search bar with keywords pertaining to you business to build presence as well.
Like whatever your business is, make sure you are searching all things pertaining to your business on all apps. Even on Google, Google some business and find their social media pages that way as well.
: Is there a particular goal or mission driving your creative journey?
Yes that no matter your color, size,journey whatever it is….
Whatever you want to do you cannot let a soul or a thing stop you!!!
If you are destined to do it don’t let nothing stop you and you can look fabulous no matter who you are!!!
We have got to shake this about wanting to change who we are to accommodate feelings of the world….be exactly who you need to be not who anyone else wants you to be. This journey for me is to get out more SELF LOVE& ACCOMPLISHMENTS to all….I hope my messages spread across the GLOBE.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: @_therealbigmel_
- Facebook: BIG MEL
- Linkedin: Melody W.
- Twitter: @meldatopic
- Youtube: BIG MEL
Image Credits
Demario Scott of Royalty kings&queens corporation.