Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Melissa Mor. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Hi Melissa , thanks for joining us today. What’s the backstory behind how you came up with the idea for your business?
I knew I wanted to start a business, specifically an online store. Fashion & jewelry has always been my passion. I was a buyer for many years in designer women’s ready to wear & knew this was my next step. I started working on a mommy & me line of clothing and realized it was way too complicated & costly with all the different size ranges I would need to produce. I spent a good 5 months debating over what business to start. Ideas would pop in my head constantly but they weren’t the “one.” Fast forward to May of 2021 I was about 7 months pregnant with my daughter. We were on vacation in Hilton Head & I asked my husband what I was getting for a push present. This was my 3rd baby and it had become this long running joke that I never got any push present because we couldn’t find something extra special & sentimental. He looked at me, laughed and said oh no not this again. We both then had that “aha” moment. There was no business out there specialized in push present jewelry for moms. From that next day, I knew this is what I’m meant to be doing.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.
I have a business specialized in “push presents.” A push present is a present a partner or family gives a new mom to commemorate the birth of a new baby. Many new parents are too busy learning the ins & outs of parenthood so many of our clients shop after baby is celebrates their first birthday etc. & they are more settled. But really, Mrs.Push curates meaningful jewelry for mom at any stage of her journey!
What’s been the most effective strategy for growing your clientele?
Word of mouth. In the age of social media & digital marketing, I still find that a majority of customers come by referral or from meeting in person. I don’t think enough credit is given these days to in person events & promotion among friends. Then you grow exponentially from there!
How’d you think through whether to sell directly on your own site or through a platform like Amazon, Etsy, Cratejoy, etc.
I use Shopify which I love. It’s super user friendly & easy to figure out. I had a designer create my site but I am able to keep up and make tweaks on my own which is great. My only ONE con is that they stopped their phone support & only have live chat at the moment. I loved to be able to speak to someone when I need help as opposed to live chatting a laundry list of questions. Fingers crossed they return to phone support again soon.
Contact Info:
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