Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Melisa Caprio. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Melisa, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Naming anything – including a business – is so hard. Right? What’s the story behind how you came up with the name of your brand?
Postcards to the Universe came to me almost in a dream. I was falling asleep one night and I heard very loudly in my head the name. I had no idea what it meant but I knew it was important. So, I got out of bed and went to see if the name was available and it was, so I bought the domain name. It just sat there for a year until I understood what I wanted Postcards to the Universe to be.
Let me share a precursor to hearing the name on that evening. I was studying universal spiritual laws at the time. The law of attraction, the law of vibration, the law of inspired action, etc. I am also a photographer and artist and liked taking photographs of handwritten letters and cards. There is something very unique and personal to a person’s handwriting and sending postcards. So, I believe having those two things in my psyche sparked something and opened me up to receiving the name of my business and what it would eventually become.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
My background is in fine art photography, I owned a photography gallery and dark room for a while. I also worked as the staff photographer for Dolphin Human Therapy for seven years. When the job ended I had a decision to make on what I wanted to do with my photography and creativity. I didn’t want to do commercial photography.
As I was asking myself what was next, the idea of Postcards to the Universe came about. I just described how that happened in the previous question, I decided I wanted to combine photography with manifestation. Meaning, I wanted to use my creativity and my photography to consciously co-create with the Universe on what I wanted to manifest. The second part of that was asking myself how I could share it with others.
I started doing workshops and asking people to create a manifesting postcard which is similar to a vision board. It’s more focused down. I ask people to work on one area at a time. People can make as many as they like. They would send me their postcard or leave it with me at the end of the workshop. When what they put down on their postcard materialized into their life I would share their story (with permission) along with a photograph I took of that person’s manifesting postcard. It was amazing how many people would contact me to let me know that what they created on a postcard showed up in their life.
That became the basis of my book Postcards to the Universe, Harness the Universe’s Power and Manifest Your Dreams which was published in November, 2019. There are 30 stories alongside the images of participants manifesting postcards. All photos in the book I took. It is broken down into the major themes in life where we all want abundance: Love, health, career, finances.
It has grown from there and now I have a radio show and podcast titled, Postcards to the Universe, Creating the Life you Crave on OMTimes Radio which airs live on Wednesdays at 4PM ET. My podcast is created from that show. Each week I interview other authors and creators doing amazing things in their lives that they want to share with the world.
For you, what’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative?
I am one of those people that isn’t happy if I am not doing something creative. I had to find a way to tap into my creativity on a daily basis. It is healing work for me. If it is not nourishing my soul in some way I become stagnant. I look at creativity the same way I look at energy, it must always be moving and changing. It’s the only way that I can fill myself up. It doesn’t matter what is going in the outside world as long as my inside world is being nurtured and fulfilled. For me that is living a creative life.
Creativity is different for everyone but as long as what you do is feeding and nourishing you that’s all that matters. And it doesn’t mean you have to make a living at it, just as long as you get to do something that you love with your life that is tapping into your creative spirit. We all have that inside of us, it just manifests differently.
Do you think there is something that non-creatives might struggle to understand about your journey as a creative? Maybe you can shed some light?
There is no such thing as non-creatives. Everyone is creative, they just don’t realize they are. People think you have to declare yourself an artist to be creative. That you have to say that your a painter, sculpture, photographer, or author, etc. and that makes you creative. That is not true. You could be a mathematician, attorney or scientist and still be living a creative life.
It’s in how you define creativity. Once you realize that creativity is how you show up in your life in the things you love, you will understand what I mean. How do you show up for the people you love? How do you show up for your community? How do you show up for yourself? Ask yourself those questions and you will discover your innate creativity. If you feel very unhappy in your life then you aren’t tapping into your creative self.
Do something to change it, first show up for yourself and see what it is you need. Once you know how to give yourself what you need, you will start to feel the energy shift and a spark of excitement will happen because your creative self has been waiting for you to ask.
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Image Credits
Photos by Melisa Caprio