We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Massie Twins a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Massie, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. Owning a business isn’t always glamorous and so most business owners we’ve connected with have shared that on tough days they sometimes wonder what it would have been like to have just had a regular job instead of all the responsibility of running a business. Have you ever felt that way?
I couldn’t be happier as a business owner! In fact, I oftentimes have recurring dreams (or nightmares, really) about going back to work at a 9-to-5 job (usually working at a grocery store, which was my first minimum-wage-paying employment). During those spells, I’m constantly wondering why I don’t just quit; why am I there, stocking shelves, instead of working for myself at my own business?
I realize not everyone is cut out to run their own company, nor is everyone in a position educationally or financially to do so, which makes me perpetually aware of how fortunate I am. There was, no doubt, luck involved, so I take every opportunity I can to work hard to maintain and bolster my accomplishments. But I never could have done it alone, nor could I keep things running without my business partner and associates, who contribute significantly to my ongoing success. There really is no end to the situations and people who deserve my infinite gratitude.
Massie, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
Under the moniker “The Massie Twins,” we’ve been reviewing movies full-time for over 15 years. We’re identical twins – through no fault of our own – which is an amusing gimmick to exploit on occasion, helping us to stand out from other members of the press. We watch around 300 films per year, a daunting yet rewarding task; we tend to enjoy seeing terrible movies just as much as the great ones. In this new information age that we’re experiencing, everyone is essentially their own critic, which makes getting our writing out to readers a much more sizable mission than ever before. The Internet has given a voice to so many people – whether or not that’s a bad thing is an entirely different discussion. But we’d like to think that over time, readers will filter out the noise; just because anyone can post their thoughts on a subject does not make them knowledgable or worthy of an audience. With our extensive background in film – most notably, having seen far more movies than anyone should have to in multiple lifetimes – we’re in a strong position to present critiques with substance. We hope you agree!
Alright – so here’s a fun one. What do you think about NFTs?
I’ve read a lot about NFTs, as new technology always interests me. But I just cannot seem to understand why anyone would purchase one. It’s essentially a digital receipt, but it doesn’t actually grant access or rights to any original piece of art. In theory, the artist can sell additional NFTs and can reproduce their art continually, thereby diminishing the exclusivity of having an NFT. In fact, should the company that issued the NFT go out of business, or simply stop maintaining or lose their database of issued NFTs, suddenly those receipts are essentially worthless (in combination with the artist partnering with a different company to offer competing NFTs). I think a lot of people don’t realize what an NFT grants the owner, or even what it represents; people are jumping aboard due to its relationship to crypto, hoping they’ll be a part of the next big thing, without doing proper research.
We’d love to hear about how you met your business partner.
This is an easy one: my brother has generally shared the exact same interests, which has come in handy every time we ventured into a new business opportunity. Having unusually similar histories and practically identical educations has given us uncommonly even footing for starting a business; we’re pretty much always on the same page. That doesn’t just help in running the business, it also comes in handy for the product itself, for which we can debate likeminded avenues.
Contact Info:
- Website: GoneWithTheTwins.com
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/massie.twins/
Image Credits
Second photo: Massie Twins with actor James Remar.