Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Mary Roosen Little . We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Mary, appreciate you joining us today. Can you share a story with us from back when you were an intern or apprentice? Maybe it’s a story that illustrates an important lesson you learned or maybe it’s a just a story that makes you laugh (or cry)? Looking back at internships and apprenticeships can be interesting, because there is so much variety in people’s experiences – and often those experiences inform our own leadership style.
The most life changing thing I have ever experienced was my two-year advanced internship in Hypnotherapy with the Wellness Institute.
During this time our internship group would go for five days every three months for an immersive experience learning the Hypnotherapy techniques and diving deep into transpersonal psychology. The personal growth I experienced while attending this internship is something I will always hold dear to my heart. It was here I learned to hold space for my own inner healing, which I believe is an intricate part of holding space for the healing experiences of others.
During this time there was a weekend solely devoted to healing trauma associated with birth experiences, which immediately interested me. I remember the moment the thought came to me “why aren’t we creating a calming birth experience from the start?” It was like my whole soul lit up; I had found my purpose! With encouragement from my mentors and internship colleagues who had become my closest circle of friends, I began searching for a birth doula training and was guided to the Orchid Nest in Delray Beach Florida where I received my doula certification. I continued to get certified as a childbirth educator through HypnoBirthing International.
My internship is something that holds powerful meaning for me, as it guided me to exactly where I needed to be and ignited a passion within me, I didn’t even know I had- Supporting Mothers and families to connect through birth and release fears surrounding the experience.
Birth work lights up my soul, and I now can’t imagine life without It!
Mary, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
My name is Mary Roosen Little, I am an Advanced Clinical Hypnotist, A certified Birth Doula, HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator, Trauma Informed Yoga Instructor, and Mother to an incredibly smart, energetic, and big hearted seven-year-old boy. Together we like to hike with our wildly loving golden retriever Lady, bake gluten free creations and be goofy!
As a mother myself I know how crucial support is during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. My purpose is to help mothers and families release fears and connect through birth.
There are three services I currently offer through the Nourished Soul Doula to help ease the transition into parenthood and provide support throughout the entire birth process.
Birth Doula Services, HypnoBirthing childbirth education classes – and Heart Centered Clinical Hypnosis & Life Coaching.
As a birth doula I provide non- bias support for mothers and families through their pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum experience. I specialize in fear release and heart centered connection, often calling on my hypnosis and meditation background. Whether working with a first-time mother, a well-seasoned parent, or individuals somewhere in between, I offer compassionate presence and serve as a guide through the transformational process. This usually consists of three prenatal appointments, being on call for the three weeks leading up to the birth, hands on support through the entire labor and birth, and two postpartum appointments to check in on the family and offer a sense of community. I also serve as a connection to other supportive professionals in the community and help guide my clients to services such as lactation specialists, pelvic floor support, mental health services, chiropractic care, acupuncturists and more.
Leading up to birth I get to know the mother and her birthing desires and how they would like to be supported. I adore working on pre-birth parenting and strengthening the connection between mother and child while the baby is still in the womb. Research shows that this builds neurons in baby’s brain and sends calming hormones to both parent and child. If the birthing individual has a partner, I love to get them involved too. During the prenatal time we spend together we practice breathing techniques, comfort measures for labor and birth, education, and advocacy in the chosen birthing environment.
My desire is that every woman and individual I work with feels complete empowerment and autonomy over their body. This is something that has been lost in much of the medical and birthing environment and part of my mission is to change that. As women we are powerful human beings, with innate feminine power, worthy of calm safe birth experiences.
My HypnoBirthing class series is a phenomenal evidence-based childbirth education course through HypnoBirthing International. During this series we will meet for 2 ½ hours 5 times over the course of 5 weeks. I offer this program both as a group class or a private in-home class. For those who prefer to take the class remotely, virtual classes are also an option. This is a course that is very near to my heart. Because of the amount of time spent together throughout the course there is a plethora of valuable content and hands on practice including: The stages of labor, how to achieve a safer, easier more comfortable birth, techniques for deep relaxation to help eliminate fear, tension, and pain, breathing techniques that oxygenate your uterus and birthing body- sending oxygen to your baby through the whole process, how to create your body’s own natural relaxant for pain relief, comfort measures and birthing positions, how to create connection with your birthing companion, how to breathe your baby into the world reducing the likelihood of intervention and tearing- and much more! These are techniques that can be used for any birthing situation, and are helpful in both low risk pregnancies, and those with special circumstances.
My Heart Centered Clinical Hypnosis & Life Coaching sessions are done one on one, and I offer in office, home, or virtual appointments. During these healing sessions I help my clients tune into their personal power and innate ability to heal past traumas and release limiting beliefs and fears. I specialize in inner child healing, reparenting and birth issues. It is my experience that individuals who connect with their own inner child simultaneously become more present, grounded parents. This is a helpful modality for new or expectant parents who may be having worrisome fears come up around birth and parenting, or who are wishing to release old patterns and step into their strongest wise self. This is also a beautiful time to connect with baby and send them calming healing energy while still in the womb.
It is done in a deep state of relaxation where the client is able to access the subconscious mind. Between 90-95% of our thoughts, patterns and limitations are in the subconscious mind. When we go to the source of the limiting pattern or reason for dis-ease in the mind and body it is then able to heal and be integrated more fully. During these sessions my clients are relaxed but also completely aware and in control. (No, I do not make anyone quack
like a duck!). They remember the entire session and gain more healing and self-awareness. This is a beautiful practice when trying to conceive, preparing for birth, releasing fears around birth, healing your own birthing story, postpartum adjustments, meeting life’s daily challenges, preparing for a new endeavor in life, releasing a limiting pattern or addiction or healing grief after loss.
It is my greatest hope that my offerings allow mothers and parents feel supported, present, and empowered in their bodies, completely autonomous through birth and life! Because whenever a child is born, so is a mother, and every mother deserves a tribe.
Has your business ever had a near-death moment? Would you mind sharing the story?
As a single mom there have been many times I have wanted to give up or throw in the towel. There have been times I have been worn out and needed to slow down a little and take time to care for myself and my family.
What keeps me going is the goodness I see in the world around me. Every time I go to a birth, or see a mother connect with her child, I am filled with courage. Women are phenomenal beings and as a woman I know that I have what it takes. When I take the time to slow down and connect with my breath, I feel my own inner fire and resilience.
To help supplement The Nourished Soul Doula I currently work for Anna’s Cleaning Service Knoxville. This also happens be a great source of inspiration for me. Anna goes above and beyond to support and encourage me as a single mother and entrepreneur. This ignites the passion in my heart and inspires me to continue to support mothers and families through birth.
I also have incredible friends, neighbors and family in my tribe who have listened to me and supported me- from long dog walks and late-night calls, to going out of their way to connect with me and my son. These little lifelines are some of the most meaningful gifts in my life’s journey, and I have immense gratitude for all those who continue to support me.
Supporting women through birth work is in my soul, and I don’t plan on giving up anytime soon.
Any stories or insights that might help us understand how you’ve built such a strong reputation?
I am still building my reputation as I am rather new to Knoxville, but I believe the biggest way that I have built a reputation thus far is simply by networking within the birth and wellness community and creating relationships. I also keep in touch with previous and present clients. My vision is community and I believe that as I reach out in authentic kindness and compassion it creates a ripple effect that will hopefully be influential to everyone I interact with. I am thankful to all the other entrepreneurs in Knoxville who have lifted me up, and I hope to do the same for them, because as we lift each other up- we also rise.
Contact Info:
- Website: – coming soon, currently under construction
- Instagram: @the.nourished.soul.doula
- Facebook: The Nourished Soul Doula
- Other:
Image Credits
All images taken with my iPhone – pictures of me and my son- and me with clients and their babies – used with permission