We were lucky to catch up with Marissa Elliott recently and have shared our conversation below.
Marissa, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. How’s you first get into your field – what was your first job in this field?
I think like every injector (or at least every one that I know!) it was a “right time, right place” kind of thing. I was working on a transplant unit for a major hospital in our area and honestly, very over it. I had worked for some med spas in the past and was approached about a new one opening up. (Spoiler: my mother in law was the owner begging me to join the team). At first, I was only there to help get things off the ground. But I quickly fell in love with aesthetics- it was such a different environment than the hospital. People LOVED being there. I started with medical services like microneedle, lasers, body contouring and spent the next 2 years training under advanced injectors to really hone my skills. While yes it’s a stressful job, and requires much more work and education than my previous jobs, I would never look back. I absolutely adore my job, my team and my patients.
Marissa, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I provide a range of services including neuromodulators and dermal fillers. Products range from: Botox, Dysport, Juvederm, Restylane, Versa, Radiesse, Kybella and Sculptra. My patients come to me for natural results that give them a refreshed look, but still have them looking like themselves. Undetectable injectables are my favorite thing! I always tell my patients “I want people to notice something different about you, but they have to ask you what’s changed.”
My patients also know my room is a safe space. I always book appointments a little longer than I need, in case they want more education on treatments available, or if they need or want to talk to me about, well, anything. CRAVE is and always will be a judgement free zone- if you need a cheerleader or a shoulder to cry on, we’re always here.
I’ll also never inject you because someone else told you something is “wrong” with you or needs to be changed. We will only focus on what YOU want. I’m not here to give anyone a complex about anything- that’s been done to me as a patient in the past, and I won’t do it to anyone else. We can gently talk about your concerns, but we won’t let other people dictate what you do with your body.
Putting training and knowledge aside, what else do you think really matters in terms of succeeding in your field?
One of the most helpful things in this field is connecting with other injectors. No one can know everything. It’s important to have those professional relationships to lean on. None of us are in competition with each other- we are a community that should always aim to build each other up. Having an experienced mentor is so valuable, and mentoring others that come after you as well. I am so thankful for all of the injectors I’ve met with over the years. I’ve learned so much from each of them, and love passing my knowledge down to other injectors.
What do you think helped you build your reputation within your market?
Honesty. My patients know I will always be 100% honest with them. If I don’t think they need something, I will tell them. I’m not here to make a quick buck- I want them to trust me and know I’ve always got their back. Also- just being genuine. My patients know when they see my videos on social media, that’s the same Marissa aka Mo they’re getting in the room. I may be goofy and silly, but they don’t have to doubt that I’m ever not being my genuine self.
Contact Info:
- Website: Cravemedicalspa.com
- Instagram: Www.instagram.com/ms_injector
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cravemedicalspa