We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Mariah Switzer . We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Mariah below.
Mariah, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Can you open up about a risk you’ve taken – what it was like taking that risk, why you took the risk and how it turned out?
Mariah, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
Anyone who knows me is aware of how much fashion means to me, ever since I was a little girl , I remember I would put on mini fashion shows for my family everytime I got new clothes ,it’s always been my dream to just experience and travel the world getting to experience fashion in different countries go to fashion weeks sitting front row , go to fashion events just meeting new people and see how the industry is doing what I love to do seeing how artistic people are , I always envision how it would all happen I’m gonna be honest I put out my dreams and goals all on Pinterest it really helps me to feel motivated on planning my future and what I want it to look like , their are a lot of things that have helped me with getting to where I want to be I will name them my mom plays such a huge role and I will continue to say it because if it wasn’t for her I would not have such big dreams , be motivated to do better , and take on risks she pushes me to become who I am and I’m just so thankful to her for that , there are a few fashion movies and tv shows that have also helped with inspiring me I will name some of them and why , The devil wears Prada, confessions of a shopaholic , House of Gucci, Sex and the City, breakfast at Tiffany’s, Clueless, 13 going on 30 , America’s next top model, project runway , Gossip girl, Emily in Paris and The hills , Everyone one of these has either inspired me in my fashion sense to constantly try new wardrobes , I take a lot style inspiration from characters like Carrie Bradshaw , to Serena Vanderwodsen’s , Blair Waldorf’s , Holly Golightly and Cher Howitz , some of these movies/tv shows have helped motivated me to have more goals. I love to see what’s trending in the fashion world but I’m gonna be honest and for example if a certain jacket or pair shoes that are trending I see about different ways I can style It not just in the way anyone else styles it or I don’t really care what’s in or not if I like it then I will get it no matter what I will figure out how to style it on my own doesn’t matter if other people don’t like it beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all but I’d say if you like something just wear it who cares what other people are going to say , saying that however I do still really like certain fashion trends regardless. There’s a lot of things that have inspired me and certain influential people that have inspired a lot not even just a fashion sense but with helping me keep up with a positive mindset and outlook of life wether it be some famous people(I’ll name some that I recommend who have constantly inspired me gave good advice) or my friends and family. Some people who have really driven me and
I’m sure everyone that knows me is well aware how much of a fan I am of Hailey bieber she just reminds me a lot of myself , I take a lot of fashion advice (she is my main inspiration for alot of my style) , lifestyle advice , wellness advice , skincare advice , the way she knows how to market her brand she gives good advice about how to just be so carefree and not take things so seriously while still living a good life , Emma Chamberlain is another huge one been watching her YouTube videos for years and I always listen to her podcasts which I highly recommend btw I love how she’s so honest about life , the industry says how it is and not afraid to be herself it’s just calming to see people like that I also collaborate with her coffee brand and I just love working with them , Kendall Jenner is another big one , her style is also a inspiration of mine , she’s so real alot , also has Good marketing techniques and I love the fact how honest she is about having anxiety and how she deals with it because I do think it needs to be talked about more I have anxiety and it’s not easy thing to deal with or talk about about especially with people who just don’t simply understand what it’s like but that’s okay not everyone will I feel like when you actually have it it’s easier to understand other people more, Benedetta porcaroli is another one get a lot of my style inspo from her as well , she’s very well spoken , the way she presents herself and her confidence is really inspiring to me , Kelly Rutherford , I think she is a icon, I look up to her fashion sense a lot the way she does not to care what she wears , the way she puts herself out there she’s just seems to live her life to the fullest no matter what and I really admire that , I follow her on instagram and she just seems so humble the quotes she posts are all so true : Hannah Harrell she is a YouTuber, influencer , I’m gonna be honest here she is the one that mostly got me inspired to take my social media seriously in the first place , she just shows people to be comfortable in wearing whatever they want , expresses different ways of fashion , her attitude towards life and not afraid to put herself out there. I have alot of other people change my outlook on life but I cannot name them all but all these women have helped me with expressing myself , influenced me in so many different ways and continue to do that.
With the question about how I set myself from others to be honest I do not compare myself to other people we are all unique in our own ways and that’s what makes us ourselves and we shouldn’t ever compare ourself to other people but you can obviously get inspired by people but learn to not compare yourself by saying “oh they got it all their life is so perfect” just because you see someone’s life seems that seems so perfect on social media it doesn’t mean that it is a lot of people just know how to hide how they really feel.
Any insights you can share with us about how you built up your social media presence?
What’s a lesson you had to unlearn and what’s the backstory?
(Warning this is going to be long so I hope my point is able to be proven) In this paragraph I’m going to be giving some advice about kindness and when it should actually be given , talking about setting boundaries, who deserves to have your kindness, how unfair this generation treats people, how to handle when someone is mean , how to handle when people try to use you, life advice , Ways to spot manipulation , Relationship/ friendship advice, and anxiety. You know I have always gotten told that you should always treat people with kindness no matter what but I don’t really necessarily agree with that I will explain why , I think you can be nice to a extent but you have to know your limits with people , if someone is constantly disrespecting you and not acknowledging how you feel , then I don’t think they deserve your kindness , kindness and respect is earned not rewarded. I really wish I learned this earlier in life cause I use to be like this so coming from experience being nice all the time it gets you absolutely nowhere but being stomped all over , people will just use you cause they know that you are a good person and know you will tolerate just about anything , You gotta know your boundaries with people and set them even if they don’t like that and that’s not my issue , you should never expect people to do stuff for you if you can’t even do stuff for the , I think the biggest thing is definitely learning how to respond to people who act disrespectful personally I think if you’ve communicated it several times or they refuse to apologize on their end and don’t see a issue with what they said or did and are not treating you right then yea I’m sorry but silence is definitely the best response or just completely go no contact with them I always say communication is key and it’s true however Sometimes you just don’t owe people a explanation on why you decided to suddenly stop talking to them especially if they are rude and don’t treat you right. I will gladly explain why I think it might be beneficial to do this if you feel like you have to if they won’t ever take accountability on their end , then having them constantly act like a victim in situations they created I cannot stand people with this kind of mentality manipulating people into think the other person is the problem just because they can’t ever take accountability on their end or just because the other person won’t tolerate that kind of behaviour from them is beyond wild to me. That mindset it gets you know where in life you have to admit that you have your own faults it’s apart of being a adult realistically no one perfect I’m not perfect either I make so many mistakes as well and their are times where I’ve been a toxic person I wish I could take back words I’ve said or things I’ve done but I can’t do that but I’ve just learned what not to do and that’s a big step , most people wont ever admit that they have their own faults if you are actually “mature” you own up to your own mistakes , apologize when you are wrong. it’s how you learn and part of adulthood, I’ve dealt with so many people who never apologize or take accountability see what they are doing on their end and the cycle never gets better it’s very toxic,and it’s not how you go on with life in order to grow as a person you need to acknowledge that your not going to always be perfect and should take responsibility for your own actions, cause actions have consequences, if you don’t like how things are going or are attracting negativity then something needs obviously needs to change. Another example is when people say something rude disguised as a joke I can immediately tell if something is actually a joke or someone just saying something to offend me or someone and those people always be like “oh it’s just a joke calm down” or getting told “your too sensitive” so many people say this but don’t realize the effect it has on people las time I checked jokes are meant to be funny I didn’t laugh..…. Also I despise when people tell someone to calm down or calling someone “sensitive” just because telling someone to calm down definitely feels like your invalidating the other person’s feelings , their feelings just don’t matter and it just makes me angry especially if I’m happy about something or was in a good mood the fact that I probably wasn’t even in a bad mood to begin with suddenly someone just has tell me out of nowhere to “Calm Down” I will definitely be in a bad mood now. Telling someone to calm down especially when they have anxiety doesn’t help makes the situation worse. And calling someone sensitive is like telling them to just not having feelings at all like first of all do not tell me how I should be feeling and second of all it’s so thoughtless, rude and feels like a condescending thing to say on both parts , just let people feel emotions it’s part of being a human. On to the next I have anxiety their have been times where I wish I would’ve had just communicate more then I did or just talk about some things but my anxiety stops that from happening sometimes it gets so bad people think I don’t like them because of it but trust me that’s not the case my anxiety really just be acting up horribly and it acts up even worse around people I’m not comfortable with yet
, people don’t realize how hard it is to come out of a dark place because of having it , then being judged not very many people understand what it’s like to deal with it , some days you have good days some days you don’t , I try not to let my anxiety affect my life but it’s hard not too cause people don’t get it and think it’s something you can just get over and learning how to deal with it everyday but what I find that helps me usually with coping with anxiety is that I like to go for walks cause it helps clear my mind while putting on a podcast , I binge/ rewatch my favourite tv shows I don’t know why but it helps me a lot I like the feeling of experiencing the show again especially if the show brought alot of happiness to my life that’s why I call them my “comfort” shows, travelling helps me alot as well cause I feel like I am able to escape reality for a little bit and be stress free I feel like I can just live in the moment experience life as much as possible, reading helps me as well , working out/fitness helps me not stress cause I’m constantly moving my body around , meditation helps as well , I like to do baking I’ve always loved doing it since I was a kid I would always make cupcakes, brownies and banana bread with my grandma, listening to music has always helped me or listening to podcasts something about going on a walk and putting on music or podcast soothes me , styling clothes comforts me (I love fashion) ,even just taking time for myself helps and I don’t know i’m really career driven so focusing on my career and goals helps me get to where I want to be , This is why I never judge people if they go through something or them just doing something that makes them feel happy cause you don’t know what they are going through I’ve had certain individuals judge me for the ways I cope with having it and if it makes them feel good then why should you even care ? Making fun of someone just for doing the things they like really shows what kind of a person you are. This generation I apologize dearly I’m gonna offend a lot of people reading this but I absolutely cannot stand this generation , we live in a generation where people judge you for literally breathing, why are we judging people for doing what makes them feel good about themselves?!?!? or think your trying to argue by saying how you feel (saying how you feel should not turn into a argument) , somehow we are normalizing being toxic to people and I can tell you right now playing with peoples emotions? It’s really not a attractive look on your part I don’t care if your in relationships doing this or in friendships with people and playing mind games with them about how you actually feel , using someone to get something from them or seek validation? That’s wrong the fact some people find it amusing and funny ,seriously seek help cause that’s not okay.
Playing with your own families emotions cause it unfortunately happen as well I see it in any aspect in life but
Why are we doing that or normalizing this kind of behaviour and the fact that People actually flex and think it’s “cool” to be narcissistic or play with people?? brag about doing it to their peers (yea I’m playing her/him they are so gullible) Or constantly taking people for granted??!! I will tell you right now that it gets you nowhere in life if you actually want people to be in your life why are we playing mind games and thinking it’s okay to manipulate ,gaslight or lovebomb people ?! (In relationships or some friendships) I know of people who play these types of games on people where they ignore the other person just to make the other person want them more , chase them or confess something
Likeeee ?????? I’m sorry that would make me feel unwanted and honestly I immediately get so disinterested when someone pulls that kind of behaviour on me , if someone actually liked you there would be no games. I also see people who will refuse to take accountability or apologize if they done something to hurt you so they buy gifts (this is lovebombing btw) instead of ever apologizing and they just start acting nice to you like nothing ever happened and that’s also not right money doesn’t buy love you want people to care for you ? Show respect and own up to your actions. I know when others are trying toy with me it’s always a gut feeling (trust your gut) not just in relationships but in friendships as well or just someone I’m close with but I just play dumb and act like I don’t notice cause some people really do be out here thinking I’m not self aware these things happen but I know. “you play stupid games win stupid prizes” and it’s true YOU choose how you want to treat people if you cannot handle being treated the same way back then maybe you shouldn’t be doing it ……. unfortunately later on in life if you still do these things to others it will eventually come back to Haunt you what goes around does come back around you only play yourself when you play with genuine people who want what’s good for you. I will never deal that behaviour and I’ve dealt with it too much I don’t trust many people because of it cause people easily fake things , are very good at hiding and lying. But it’s hard to tell in this generation if people are actually being real with you or just want something from you. The second I notice someone trying to play with my own emotions, I leave, I’m gone. I do not beg nor do I chase them to stay cause at end of the day you gotta let people do them if they want to play games ? let them , if they wanna act a certain way ?!? Let them , if they want focus on themselves? let them. if they want to communicate? Let them. if they don’t want to communicate? Let them. if they want to do that ? let them. people are gonna do what makes themselves feel good and if they don’t want to deal with you anymore and leave great that was their choice and you just have to respect it , from my own perspective You’re either in my life or your not plain and simple. The moment you feel like you have to start chasing people to be in your life is probably the moment you need to start putting yourself first I’ll say it once and I’ll keep saying it until it’s being understood some people need to take this advice as well and I do this with anyone you can care about someone alot but you should never chase after them to stay in your life. I do not have the time or energy to play games nor do I want to, if you want to play games with people ? Just go to the arcade or go play soccer. Disloyalty is another topic this generation seems to be horrible with it the amount of people I know personally who are in relationships with people that be in everyone’s dms , in their likes and comments and their following looks like they went to all girl/boy school again why we normalizing this ??? Having a roster and a situationship ? Having side pieces?!?! Asking for pics?!? What your body count is ???! Netflix and chill?!? Also People who cannot simply be alone and jump from relationship to relationship just heal and be by yourself for awhile I promise you being alone will not hurt you and it’s really not that difficult, if you ever want to be in a relationship you have to be fully healed and learn how to love yourself because how do you expect to love other people when you can’t even fully love yourself ?!? And it’s not fair to give the other person trauma just because your insecure and not healed from the past. I’ve seen people go through it and they never truly heal from it especially if you constantly keep doing it or don’t see a issue with it you do it to yourself at that point on. I can tell you right now no sane person actually likes when just about anything or anyone can easily grab your attention it’s a disgusting and very sleazy look on your part. I do see why people say they don’t believe in love anymore cause why are we normalizing any of this , what happened to sending letters?!?! Driving out to actually see someone ? Holding a boombox outside of peoples windows? What happened to old school romance?!?! nobody does that anymore or suddenly it’s “way too much effort” when it’s literally just the bare minimum. I literally appreciate when someone holds the door for me or is just nice to me and actually stays that way but even just that is asking for too much nowadays. The way this generation thinks has completely changed my perception of love makes me think love isn’t even real anymore but to people out there looking for it stay single until you find someone who actually values and doesn’t treat you like a option! To me dating nowadays is either people unhealed from old stuff , not over a ex , has severely bad commitment issues ,doesn’t know how to properly communicate, being secretive, pathological liar, literally a sociopath or just a plain narcissist or even worse they have all of these traits so if you find a good person keep them cause it’s rare. Honestly, nobody wants anyone with any of these traits this goes for both genders I see so many girls do it as well not just men. Anyone who is un loyal in a relationship it’s embarrassing and I know people do it to appear “cool” but that doesn’t make it right If you cannot be faithful or commit to one person just don’t ever be in a relationship and I mean this from the bottom of my heart stay single . I truly think social media is partially to blame for this stuff and it ruins relationships not just that but friendships as well I’ve never seen such horrible communication besides in this generation we live in a time where people ignore other people cause they think it makes the other person suffer or ghost people when we can’t communicate how we feel ? And that shouldn’t be normalized either I’d rather someone be brutally honest with me then be ghosted or ignored cause people don’t realize how hurtful the silent treatment is. I’ve been through it with friends, family and relationships and I will tell you that ghosting is not the way to handle situations infact it makes situations worse if you cannot handle conflict or grown up conversations your not emotionally mature enough at all. ghosting will always be the cowardly way out of handling situations and it’s showing me who you are as a person and that’s okay but I don’t have to deal with that or be nice to you. Theirs a saying “if people ghost you respect the dead and never bother them again” Sometimes you have to have tough conversations or be in situations you don’t want to be in “good people” are always honest , people deserve way more respect when they are upfront about how they feel who don’t just run away when stuff gets difficult excuse my language and I truly mean this from
The bottom of my heart anyone who chooses to ghost people or uses the silent treatment to get back at people just grow the f*ck up and learn how to talk and use your words properly then you can try to come back and communicate it’s literally 2024 stop acting like your a toddler especially if you are over the age of 20 just do better for yourself and if your still out here treating people like this then I really do recommend seeing a therapist on how to properly communicate with people because its just not healthy at all. if you actually want to gain people’s trust and respect you gotta be honest with them even if that means hurting their feelings. Unfortunately I know full grown adults in this world who are still acting this way and it’s just sad cause at your big age you should definitely know better. I get some people are afraid of rejection or scared to be upfront about confrontation using the silent treatment makes situations 10xs worse so coming from someone who’s sees it being used on people I’m close with or even myself just stop and look at what your doing it doesn’t solve anything do that is it making things better for yourself? Do you feel better not knowing how to communicate? You feel good about yourself knowing your hurting someone emotionally ? Oh No you don’t . Yea cause it’s rude and wether people want to admit it or not it is a form of manipulation and shows the other person your lack of respect for them as a human being when you could have easily just been upfront about how you feel the truth is going to hurt regardless of how you put it I would rather the truth hurt then be ignored because I take being ignored as you showing me that your saying you don’t know how to communicate properly & without proper communication you can’t have relationships or friendships with people, especially if you think ignoring them when your angry is gonna solve any of your unresolved issues. I don’t force people to communicate either cause if you don’t want to talk that’s fine on your end but just don’t expect me to want to communicate with you either on my part. I also have so much respect for people that can just let me know if I did something wrong who don’t just leave me wondering , because so many people just tend to assume how the other person feels without actually asking them , I’m not a mind reader so many people expect you to just read their minds but I’m gonna be honest if I’ve done or said something hurtful to you or you have a hard time saying how you feel I don’t know unless you say or tell me cause there’s way too many misunderstandings and miscommunication and it unfortunately does ruin friendships and relationships because people would somehow just assume how you feel then ask about it but I will say on my end if you don’t let me know how you feel I will just assume that you don’t actually want too so I just just go on about my life . Going back to the ghosting and ignoring , people who don’t give you the time of day don’t deserve your time , along with people who try to make you feel bad about yourself or make fun you for being yourself and doing something that makes you happy. I am
A very understanding person to a point cause I get it we all have our demons and go through stuff however if I’m
Noticing a pattern with you and my feelings are being constantly ignored or not appreciated then I just won’t associate myself in that situation anymore I can immediately tell when someone is purposely trying to do something to hurt my feelings, cause people know what they do , they know when they are being mean, they know trust me, but some tips I have on how I react when people are being mean or people who just want advice This is How I react when someone is being mean or just saying rude things I either just laugh and respond with something like “yea ahaha” or just say something rude back because people absolutely don’t like when it’s being done to them people say you shouldn’t do that but like the other person who is being mean clearly doesn’t care since their the ones spitting out the nasty words in the first place ?!? but when I want to set boundaries I do use my words and say “I don’t like when you say that can you please stop” sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t or I just use silence cause it’s not saying much but it is at the same time .When people give out backhanded compliments to try to lower your self confidence to make yourself fit on their level , their own insecurities which is called “negging” by the way like I said when people do it to me I just do it back because people absolutely cannot handle what they dish back out they usually stop when its being done towards them or are in a state of shock and be like “how dare you treat me like after I just treat you like that” like?!? Um Did you not just do that to me , I use to get so upset when people did it to me and thought why would anyone say stuff like that but I just realized how people treat you is usually how they feel about themselves and when you show a weak emotion to these types of people they know they can easily get to you and the more you allow people to do something that you aren’t okay the more they will not ever actually respect you as a person your basically allowing them to walk all over you I will also put out there there comes a time where you get so exhausted of people and how they treat you so if you don’t like how Im reacting maybe you should not have hurt me or hurt others just a thought….. If you actually want people to be nice to you and have respect for you be nice to them, My intentions have always been genuine with people I don’t ever fake things cause I know how it feels to feel used and just have people toss you to the side when they didn’t get whatever they actually wanted from you it’s one of the worst feelings to ever experience that’s just not the type of person I am , it’s not how I was raised or won’t ever be. However do not put me in a position where I have to show you how heartless and cold I can be I will unfortunately get to that point if you cross my boundaries or you cross the line with me. it doesn’t really matter how much someone means to you , from my own perspective I know I can care/like/love someone and this can really can be about anyone from someone that’s in my family, a friend, acquaintance, boyfriend, crush , or just anyone I am close with the moment I feel disrespected by them I just immediately leave and normally I don’t walk away from people you have to of done or said something just so hurtful for me to just get up and say “nope this just isn’t gonna work out for me or this is not how I want to go about things” but if I feel hurt by your actions or maybe you said something very insensitive , I can’t just pretend everything’s okay and go on talking to them how I normally do because what they said or did hurts so I just silently remove myself or even this if I feel that stuff is getting one sided on my part I’ve said this before but if I feel like I’m always the one that starts the conversation or has to talk to you first most of the time I’m not doing that either there comes a point where it becomes draining to always be the one to start the conversation/message/talk to people first realized since I stopped messaging or talking so many people first I never hear from any of them again
not even a “how’s life” or happy birthday or merry Christmas ,no congratulations, no support , no apology, NOTHING and I don’t stop putting in effort not because I don’t care anymore it’s because I’ve realized the phone works both ways, so much stuff can be one sided but something that makes laugh so hard is one sided drama imagine thinking we have drama or “beef” when I’ve never even spoke to you before or said I didn’t like you it’s such a hilarious thing to experience and I’m gonna be honest anyone who has drama with me right now it’s one sided I never got no bad blood for anybody it’s usually all love (unless you have disrespected me).
But anyway I Think that’s what a few people in this generation seem To be forgetting that communication is a two way factor . comprehension is also another factor because if I have to continuously tell you that something you are doing or saying is bothering me and its not being understood it’s frustrating . I’d rather lose people then lose myself cause what do I look like telling a person how they should be treating me where it really should just be common knowledge. And the fact that I don’t even actually want to leave these people in the first place but I have to for myself, people don’t realize how hard it is to leave when you actually wanted to keep that bond with those people with a family member that you wanted so badly to work out , like I said I never end things with people because I don’t still like or love them or care about them anymore it’s only if I’ve realized but they aren’t treating me right so I have no choice but to walk away ,and you cannot push people away then suddenly wonder why they don’t wanna talk to you. But I have good memories and good times with these people and I’m thankful for them stuff they did and I’ll still be there if you need to chat if we end on good or bad terms I still want the best for them but good luck getting the same me again when that trust gets broken or I feel betrayed it’s hard to want to try or want to rebuild the bond back ever again especially if they are giving me reasons not to trust them , I trust actions not words cause people can do a lot of talking and claim to “care” about you but if their actions are saying otherwise then it’s hard to believe anything they say. you cannot change people who do not see a problem with the way they act or shouldn’t try to change them. I admit no matter how much someone has hurt me I still care deeply about those people I hate that I’m this way like no matter how many times I’ve been done dirty by someone and they don’t even deserve it , I still try to find some good cause I know it’s there somewhere in these people but my self respect is way too high to be dealing with friendships , family relationships or relationships or acquaintances for people who only care when it’s convenient for themselves sometimes you have to leave certain situations
if the person is being completely inconsiderate of you and how you feel. I will not ever walk away to teach people a lesson I do it cause I learned my lesson of what I won’t be tolerating from you. I actually have enough self respect to say to myself this is not how I want to be treated. “hurt people hurt people” but at the same time it’s still really not excuse to be horrible to others. People aren’t gonna like that I’m saying this either but I treat people exactly the way they are treating me you can call me petty , selfish or whatever for doing this but you have to do what’s right for you at the end of the day and whats gonna protect yourself if you ever wonder why I am acting different, or off and I’ve suddenly “changed” and be like “this isn’t you” ummm???? it’s probably because of you I only act different when my boundaries are not being understood or feel very disrespected and hurt by you so I have to put my foot down and say enough is enough. If you don’t like it that’s also not my issue I only give out what I receive back , you reap what you sow and if you don’t want negativity back? don’t treat people like trash. don’t like the way I’m handling stuff ? Then don’t do it to me, simple. This is like the third time I’ve said this in this paragraph but You should NEVER expect people to be nice to you when you aren’t really nice to them or doing someone dirty and expecting their energy to still crave you. I’ve also realized over the years you learn a lot about how certain people are when you see how they treat you when you aren’t on good terms with them anymore , it really hurts and sucks because you would never do anything to them or treat them so poorly and especially when you thought so highly of them then they just suddenly decide to pull a complete 180 and talk bad about you or just become really mean out of nowhere but you have to realize that some people will not ever or do not have the proper brains to think or have the same heart as you and that’s okay. The audacity some people have in this world though to think that I will ever be kind to them After being disrespected just blows my mind . or even this I’ve Had people who have seriously came to me wondering why I don’t put in effort to support them when they don’t even put in the effort to support what I do which is absolutely insane to think that I will ever tolerate that kind of hypocrisy . people fail to realize that this stuff goes both ways, you talk to me ? I will talk to you. You put in effort ? I will as well. You stop putting in effort? Then why should I continue to put in effort as well . You stop talking to me ? I will gladly stop talking to you as well. You ignore me ? I will do it right back. If your mean to me ? I’ll do it back. if Your nice to me ? I’ll be nice back. You don’t wanna communicate? I won’t either. You take days to text back ? I will do the same thing. You apologize? I will apologize too , you don’t apologize? I won’t either. You wanna play games ? Don’t be surprised when it’s being done back to you or I leave. You wanna lie to me ? Why should I be honest with you either. You don’t respect me or my feelings? Why should I respect you or yours. If you don’t like when any of this is being used towards you then simply don’t do it to other people, treat people how you want to be treated. but my whole point in this whole paragraph is that not everyone deserves to have your kindness , kindness is earned ,set boundaries when needed, don’t expect people to be there for you when your not their for them, accept people for who they are
the more you allow all these to happen the more people will not never respect you and that’s okay , at the end of the day we are all going through something but it’s never a excuse to be hurtful.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/__itssmariahhh_?igsh=OW8ycm9iYWc5djgx&utm_source=qr
- Other: https://www.tiktok.com/@swatzermeriah?_t=8jCeM2YqrpN&_r=1