We recently connected with Manny Griggs and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Manny , thanks for joining us today. Risk taking is something we’re really interested in and we’d love to hear the story of a risk you’ve taken.
With great risk comes great reward. Always count the cost but more importantly believe in yourself always. If you don’t believe in yourself how will they? At the age of 18 I decided to join the world’s greatest Air Force, giving me a basic life starter kit. For seven I devoted my life to something that was safe secure and filled wit structure. In 2021 I decided to take the risk in becoming my own boss by building my own brand through expanding my social presence with comedy skits and motivational videos. It wasn’t easy because the hard work didn’t start paying off until my 4th year cresting content. In 2021 I had no 0 subscribers on YouTube that number is now 4000 and growing with a reach of 500,000 and over 2 million views. Along the way I’d meet people that encouraged me to keep going like Aries Spears & Megan Thee Stallion. When you believe in yourself the risk turns into reward based off your consistency and ability to silence your inner doubt while focusing on attacking your goals. The mindset is everything.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
For those that don’t know My name is Manny Griggs social media influencer & comedian. I’m a content creator motivational speaker and a passion for people. My purpose and foundation of my brand is to inspire people to become the best versions of themselves. My discipline comes from myself as well as the core values the Air Force has taught me. Integrity First. Service before self, and excellence in all we do. If you care to know more about me type Manny Griggs into goggle and enjoy the ride. Since I was a young boy my vision was to walk the red carpet and give the greatest speech to the crowd like in the movies. I look at life with such a positive mindset that my Nick name around the city of houston is the high energy dude.
We often hear about learning lessons – but just as important is unlearning lessons. Have you ever had to unlearn a lesson?
The perception that people have of you is not the perception you should ever place on yourself. I have very tough skin when it comes to this concept because I understand the true meaning of life. I had to teach myself that people will always tear you down regardless of how much good you bring to the world. However we must not let them tear us down because their words can’t penetrate our hearts. The entertainment industry is definitely a space that can create a sense of being lost in the sauce, which is why it’s important to always know who you are.
We’d love to hear a story of resilience from your journey.
My entire life story has been built on resilience. Nothing was ever handed to me I had to put the work in. I never felt entitled for people to give me anything because nobody owes you anything. People can respect the person who didn’t look for an easy route to success. For me anything worth having is worth hard work.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/mannygriggs?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/@Mannygriggs