We were lucky to catch up with Majorie Gatson recently and have shared our conversation below.
Majorie , thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Risk taking is something we’re really interested in and we’d love to hear the story of a risk you’ve taken.
In the summer of 2021, I was sitting in Bryant Park in New York City on my lunch break. At this time in my life I was very discontented, depressed and uninspired with working as a fashion designer in the fashion industry. The dreams I chased my entire life to become a fashion designer, were slipping away after almost a decade of working in the city. This existential crisis I was in at the time is called the Saturn Return in astrology. Your Saturn Return is the most pivotal time of your young adult life that occurs between the ages of 27-31. Thankfully, I knew astrology so I had the knowledge to interpret my experience, but nonetheless it did not make my circumstances any more easier. At 29, I was in the midst of a major reckoning in my soul journey. I knew there was more to life than slaving away in a corporate environment where I was wasting my time and talent. I was supporting an industry that proved to be unrewarding after many years of constant hustling and dedication. I was not getting that devotion back and I had to get out of this toxic cycle.
That fateful lunch-break inspired me to take my metaphysical business, The Punk Priestess, full-time and to finally leave the fashion industry behind for good. I had started reading tarot and astrology under the Punk Priestess since 2018 and during Covid my business began to soar to a point where I felt I could take it to the next level. I had no idea how this would happen, but my intuition reassured me that the universe would take care of that vision, I just had to stay the course. Fast forward five months later and I took the leap of faith to leave New York City and move back to Detroit, Michigan, a place where I was born and raised. I was without a traditional job, but I had my business and that was enough for the universe to realign my life in magical ways.
Instantly, within a week of moving back to Michigan, I was booked solid for 3 months. I was also hired to read tarot and astrology in person for an incredible metaphysical shop and I was able to support myself without the reliance of going back to fashion or working a corporate job. Now two years later, my business continues to thrive in so many ways I am still surprised at all the new opportunities and growth that continues to take place. I think the real win for me is having a sense of agency and control of how my life and most importantly my time is orchestrated. To have something that I created on my own that I can continue to grow and develop is one of the most beautiful blessings of my life. My work is so important, because I am able to help people be the best version of themselves and to cultivate their self-development. This is something I’ve always wanted to do in this world and the Punk Priestess has allowed me to do just that. It is a real privilege and an honor to do this work and touch so many lives in many meaningful ways.
Trusting in your potential is a scary thing. Trust and the unwavering belief in yourself and your talents is the most important step in starting a business and maintaining it. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart, which is why most people do take this path. It is an unpredictable road and there is no complete guidebook on how to run a business in these modern ever-changing times. You have to follow your intuition, know your craft and have the devotion to consistently show up not only for yourself, but for your clients. I am so glad I followed my instincts to take a chance on my intuitive gifts and that I get to continue to see them through.
Majorie , love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I am an Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon, and Libra Ascendant with a 4th House stellium in Capricorn. Since the age of twelve, I have been studying astrology and I have been reading tarot for over a decade. I am an Evolutionary Astrologer, meaning my discipline is studying how the soul evolves in our natal charts overtime. When I began learning the art of divination a decade ago, reading tarot happened very effortlessly for me, because of my background in astrology. I have also been very interested in psychology, sociology, and mythology since a child, and these are perfect sisters to blend into the interpretive sciences of divination and astrology.
I am a tarot reader who will mix both astrology, tarot, and oracle cards into the mix. I use many different decks and I have my own special practice of reading tarot that I have cultivated over the years. With my astrology knowledge, I do not subscribe to the traditional ways of reading tarot or its timing. I like to use the collective astrology around us or the natal astrology in a client’s chart, to help provide the best guidance and counsel I can for one’s life journey. I create my own tarot spreads, which I have self-published in an e-book called Punk Rock Tarot Spreads (2020), and have been teaching astrology, tarot and crystal classes in person and virtually for the past six years.
I am very proud to find a way to make astrology and tarot fun, relatable and approachable. Especially astrology, for it is an extremely in-depth science and everyday, I myself, learn something new, so it is a never ending study. I am so thankful I have so much Capricorn in my chart, because it allows me to stay grounded as an intuitive reader and I am able to present information to my clients in a very clear and organized fashion. Astrology and tarot is not complicated, a lot of it is just memorization and personalization. I am proud that I am able to share these intuitive tools to help people navigate the liminal spaces in their lives and to become more conscious and aware of the world around them. I think everyone should know tarot and astrology and it is my mission to bring these tools to raise the vibration of the conscious collective.
How did you build your audience on social media?
The social media Witch Wave of 2020 helped grow my audience. I always felt that the collective was hesitant to share divination or astrology on social media. In the beginning, I was very alone in this, because I was always posting about tarot, crystals and astrology online. It wasn’t until the global pandemic, that more people started to feel comfortable sharing their esoteric interests on social media.
I have a love-hate relationship with social media like the majority of people. I feel it takes a lot of time out of your day and week to maintain a consistent social media presence. It was not in my initial plan as a business owner to be a content creator as well, but unfortunately to compete with the ever changing algorithm you need to make consistent content or your business will not be seen, which means you will not attract clients for your business.
I try to set strict boundaries with social media and not spend much time online, because I am doing real intentional work in the real world, not just for likes or followers. Majority of accounts buy followers to skew their perception that they are really well-known, but a lot of it is smoke and mirrors. I am not concerned with follower count for many of them are bots anyways. My main prerogative is to provide the best astrology and tarot services ever to my clients. Genuinely helping people’s lives for the better is what I’m interested in when it comes to having a social media presence and audience. I also could not do what I do without my wonderful clients and support system. Without them the Punk Priestess would not be where it is today and for that I am forever grateful.
Any stories or insights that might help us understand how you’ve built such a strong reputation?
Energy does not lie and I feel just my being authentically myself has helped build my reputation. My years of immense study and experience in my work, ensures credibility to my clients. My reputation comes from being authentic, having consistency, unwavering devotion, hard work and being knowledgeable in my field. I have taken no short-cuts to get to where I am today and I’m excited for the next elevation of growth ahead.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.
thepunkpriestess.com - Instagram: https://www.
instagram.com/ thepunkpriestess/ - Youtube: https://www.youtube.
com/channel/ UC6E8S8Q7alYhTAy1NCGWZ8g - Other: https://www.tiktok.com/
@thepunk_priestess?_t= 8UWwC5Yaozy&_r=1
Image Credits
Portrait Photography credit: Monica Zaldivar