We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Maggie Glenn. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Maggie below.
Maggie, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Parents can play a significant role in affecting how our lives and careers turn out – and so we think it’s important to look back and have conversations about what our parents did that affected us positive (or negatively) so that we can learn from the billions of experiences in each generation. What’s something you feel your parents did right that impacted you positively.
Taking that leap of faith and having confidence in yourself along with God’s plan – easier said then done, right?! I was very fortunate to have two fantastic role models in my mother and father. They taught me from an early age that part of life – and business in particular – is to take risks. Yes, there are obvious times to play it safe but you won’t learn and grow if you don’t push your boundaries.
Starting a small business affiliate in a brand new town has been nothing short of terrifying. S.L.A.M. Sweat Like A Mother is a world-wide organization and one that I have been a part of for a handful of years, but starting my own affiliate (S.L.A.M. Sweat Like A Mother Indy) in a town we had just moved to took next level courage.
As a little girl, I can remember my dad talking about business deals he was a part of and what the risks vs. rewards would be. How he could play it safe but possibly always wonder with those pesky ‘what-if’ thoughts in the back of his head or he could go for it and KNOW for a fact what the outcome would be. My mom echoed those sentiments and always encouraged me to ‘go for it’ if I was in between a decision that could lead to failure. Both of my parents were always there to comfort me when I failed (because failure happened multiple times!) and celebrate with me when I succeed. They were the calm in the storm of ‘it will be okay’ no matter what was happening and they were there to always remind me to have confidence and bet on myself.
One other key aspect that I believe my parents did right was expose me to athletics. Sports, in their opinion (and one that I now share as well), were such a great tool to prepare children for the game of life. A good work ethic, servant leadership, loyalty, perseverance, grit, determination, that ‘never give up’ attitude and passion for something you believe in are just a few characteristics that my parents were able to teach me through athletics. The lesson of winning and losing was also learned in athletics and more importantly, how to handle those events. Just like in athletics, in business and in life – there are going to be winners and losers. What is important, and what I was constantly reminded of by my parents, is how those winning and losing scenarios are handled.
Fast forward to years down the road when I wanted to open my own small business affiliate and I had to put my game face on. The work ethic that my parents taught me early on was single handily the most important lesson that I learned that would be put to use. Grit and determination – two characteristics that are both a part of athletics and small business owning – are things that my parents continue to remind me to have to this day. Lastly, they continue to remind me to be a servant leader. Show up for others – just like your teammates in athletics. Have confidence in yourself, take the risk and know that when things don’t go as planned, you can pivot and it will be okay.
Maggie, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I am a Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism coach, To Birth and Back Movement Professional and nationally certified Group Fitness Instructor. I own an affiliate of the worldwide organization – S.L.A.M. Sweat Like A Mother – called S.L.A.M. Sweat Like A Mother Indy located in Indianapolis, IN.
S.L.A.M. Sweat Like a Mother is a comprehensive exercise program for women in all stages of motherhood, but it is also so much more than just a fitness group. We are a community and we strive to bring women together as moms and as athletes. We believe in showing our children that your body is the greatest instrument that you will ever own, and that through movement you can build strength. Our classes combine fitness with camaraderie, and offer an opportunity for women to come together under a common goal of bettering themselves, challenging themselves, and becoming the best version of themselves that they can be.
We truly set ourselves apart with the knowledge that our coaches hold (national certifications that are accepted across the board, extensive nationally certified pregnancy and postpartum fitness knowledge and nationally recognized running certifications to name a few) and are able to impart during class and into everyday movements. We truly are a community that looks to lift each and every mother up, giving her that village to care not only for her baby, but for herself.
I attended my first S.L.A.M. class in Clarksville, TN and was sold from the very beginning. I was greeted with a hug and immediately welcomed. Being a former collegiate athlete, I loved to workout but had missed the camaraderie of doing it with others since my son was born. Add in the fact that my active duty army husband was deployed and I was craving community, S.L.A.M. checked every box I was looking for. While these workouts were able to be modified to fit every woman’s need, they were not a walk in the park. Since joining S.L.A.M., I have been in the best shape of my life (through 2 additional pregnancies!).
It was after 4 years of being a member of S.L.A.M. that I made the jump to being an instructor and then an owner. Through my journey I became a nationally certified group fitness instructor, To Birth and Back Movement Professional and Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism coach. These additional certifications are something I am incredibly proud of and want to use to help women in all stages of pregnancy and postpartum. The amount of knowledge with regards to fitness during those stages is so minimal and there is often mixed messaging that is received. I feel it is my duty to help women navigate this season and continue to be active and move their body as much as they want to and are able. Not only does movement help our physical selves but our mental too and I feel strongly that the two are connected. Creating a community where support is felt in all aspects of motherhood is something that I strive for – both in and out of the workout.
What’s been the most effective strategy for growing your clientele?
The most effective strategy for growing our clientele has been authenticity. You can market all day and night but at the end of the day, what someone – especially a mom – really wants is to be able to come as she is and be accepted. To know she is seen and that she matters for nothing other than how she is showing up that day. To know that her struggles are valid and have someone to celebrate her wins (no matter how big or small) with. To have someone who knows what she is going through and who will be there every step of the way. At S.L.A.M., we strive to build this community through movement and remembering our bodies are the strongest and greatest things that we have.
What’s been the best source of new clients for you?
The best source of new clients has been referrals from current members. The personal relationship piece is huge – people will trust what they know and are comfortable with. If you have a friend that recommends something, you’re much more likely to commit vs. trying something completely new on your own.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.sweatlikeamother.com/indianapolis/
- Instagram: @s.l.a.m.indy
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slamindianapolis