Today, we’d like to introduce you to Lorien Cortez. Lorien was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented Cara H. Cadwallader.
Lorien , can you walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
My Backstory:
I grew up in the vibrant city of San Diego, where I was surrounded by the beauty of the sun and the sea. Though life was bright on the outside, internally I often felt a sense of disconnection. Like many, I carried deeply rooted emotional wounds of generational trauma that shaped my interactions and self-perception. My father’s estrangement from my Pima grandfather left me without the deep sense of belonging that my soul yearned for. In my search to fill the void created by a lack of connection to my heritage, I turned outward, exploring Native American studies and spiritual practices, eventually finding solace in a sweat lodge community during my early adulthood.
It was within this community that I first discovered the power of my voice. I became the singer of prayers in the sweat lodge, a role that brought me closer to my true self. This path led me to Lakota vision quest and sweat lodge camps, where I immersed myself in ceremony and deepened my connection to spirit. My move to Montana thereafter, marked the beginning of a new chapter where I was able to not only tap into the vast beauty of the mountains but also explore my own inner landscapes.
Eventually I was guided away from Montana, back to San Diego where I met my husband, and then to Hawaii where we quickly started a family of our own. Through many challenges, and some serious manifestations, we found our way back to Montana with our boys. This move marked a pivotal moment in my life—a time when I began to shed the rigidity of certain spiritual paths and the expectations that came with them in search of my own internal knowing.
The path of embodiment is often riddled with self doubt, denial, reluctance, and self sabotage. Sure enough, the next few years left me feeling even more disconnected within myself, which contributed to a growing sense of anxiety, stagnation, and disharmony in my life. Ultimately, this imbalance and resistance affected my parenting, intimacy, confidence, and enthusiasm for life.
The journey into emotional fitness and shadow work with Cara, became a crucial part of my healing. This process has allowed me to confront hidden parts of myself, to embrace my feminine power and wisdom, and to reframe my narrative. I’ve come to understand that my wounds aren’t weaknesses but opportunities to heal, grow, and empower myself and others.
Please tell us more about your brand, Official Makeup Artist with Seint
My Passions and Work: Today, I wear many hats—each connected by a common thread: the desire to help others see their inherent beauty and worth. As a middle school counselor, I work with students who are navigating the often turbulent waters of adolescence. I guide them through restorative practices, academic and social skills lessons, and emotional fitness exercises, helping them to build a toolkit and develop the confidence they need to embody their higher selves. Watching these young people grow into self-assured individuals is one of the most fulfilling aspects of my work. In addition to counseling, I am passionate about helping women discover and celebrate their inherent beauty through my hobby of being a Seint makeup affiliate and artist. I see makeup not just as a way to enhance one’s appearance, but as a fun tool for self-expression and empowerment. It’s about helping women feel seen, not just by others, but by themselves—loving the skin they’re in and recognizing the beauty that’s always been there. What I’m Most Proud Of: If I had to pinpoint one thing that has been instrumental to my success, both personally and professionally, it would be the power of authenticity—of shining the light of my most authentic self. For me, this means embracing vulnerability and being willing to sit with uncomfortable emotions, both mine and others’. I believe authenticity is contagious—it inspires others with the courage to be themselves, fostering growth, healing, and meaningful connections every step of the way. In a world that often encourages conformity, embracing and expressing my true self has been revolutionary. It can be so easy for us to ignore the struggles of others, but this practice of authenticity helps us understand that our experiences of struggle, peace, and freedom are all intertwined. We begin to realize that we can no longer sit idly by and do nothing about the pain that exists in the world because we recognize our wellbeing is connected to the wellbeing of others. This is the light of authenticity that I aim to embody in my life, hoping to inspire others to join me on this lifelong journey of healing, contributing to the liberation of all people, one heart at a time.
So, as we mentioned to our audience earlier, you were introduced to us by Cara H. Cadwallader and Emotional Fitness Dojo and we really admire them and what they’ve built. For folks who might not be as familiar, can you tell them a bit about your experience with Emotional Fitness Dojo .
Profound Work with Cara:
The most significant turning point in my growth has come through my work with Cara, my friend and coach. Her guidance in the areas of emotional fitness and embodiment has been cathartic. Through our sessions, I’ve developed an emotional fitness dance and journaling practice, which has helped me connect deeply with my emotions, to honor them rather than suppress them and to cultivate a greater awareness of my triggers in realtime.
This work has not only helped me know myself more fully but has also had a profound impact on my personal relationships, most significantly with my husband and sons. It has allowed me to be more purposeful in how I move within these relationships—setting an example for my family on how to navigate discomfort, be vulnerable, and allow emotions without judgment. This approach is creating a safe and trusting home environment, where everyone feels seen and valued, in turn, deepening connection and intimacy.
The work I’m doing with Cara has also helped me tap into my inner wisdom and power. I’m discovering a deeper sense of confidence and clarity regarding the gifts I have to offer. I’m finding my voice in ways that are both empowering and transformative, using it to stimulate change in myself and hopefully those around me. I’m excited to continue uncovering more about myself, knowing that this journey is ongoing and ever-evolving. My goal is to recognize and reveal my unique path of inspiring others to connect with their own hearts in pursuit of personal and collective liberation.