We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Lori Halvorson a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Lori, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today So, naming is such a challenge. How did you come up with the name of your brand?
The first type of pilates that I became certified in is called “Pop Pilates,” so I knew I wanted to play off of that – it’s too fun! I also wanted the name to be inviting, and let people know that we’re here for THEM, and what THEY need. I wanted it to feel accessible and not overly intimidating. In essence, I wanted people to be able to “pop in” for a class or session when it works for them. That’s how POPin Pilates was born! I want everybody to feel welcome to “pop in” as frequently (or infrequently) as they are able to because I recognize that with all of the challenges in life, it’s not always possible to overly commit oneself to a class or workout. Even popping in when you can is valuable, though, and I hope our name helps people understand that.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
My official POPin Pilates adventure began back in the spring of 2020, but I have honestly been in love with fitness for years and particularly started enjoying Pilates around 2010. After a good decade of being a fitness enthusiast – working out in my living room with YouTube videos – I learned that it was actually possible to become certified in my favorite type of pilates – Pop Pilates. When COVID hit, I found myself with more time at home, like everyone else, so I decided the time was right to get certified. Pop Pilate is a mat-based pilates format that can be practiced essentially anywhere and is super accessible, so it seemed like a great place to start.
With the support and guidance of a lot of amazing people, things really took off from there, and in Winter 2021, feeling very nervous and excited, I turned POPin Pilates into an official LLC! Since then, I have also become a certified PIIT28 instructor, a certified Zumba Instructor and a NASM-certified Personal Trainer. I have had the privilege to teach fitness classes at local YMCAs, local Recreation Centers, gyms, social service organizations and in virtual spaces ever since. I’ve worked with training clients both through the YMCA and privately as well, and my schedule keeps growing – which I love!
Honestly, I just really enjoy fitness and I really enjoy helping people do, feel and be their best. I’d like to think I do so in a fun, laid-back and…sometimes goofy way, which isn’t always the environment in health and wellness. I want EVERYONE to feel welcome and included, and I want potential clients to understand that my goal is to help them meet their own needs. Fitness is NOT one-size-fits-all and I’m thrilled to work with individuals in a way that fits their schedule and their needs, whatever those are.
How did you build your audience on social media?
I had never been on social media before – honestly! My business Instagram was my first foray into the entire ordeal, so needless to say, I was nervous. It’s been just over three years now, and while I definitely feel more confident in my presence than when I started, I am still learning – CONSTANTLY!
One of the best strategies that I have stood by since creating my online presence is authenticity. I have remained – and strive to continue to be – authentic in everything I post. This goes from small things – I rarely use filters and I never Photoshop – to larger things – I do not promote products I haven’t tried/don’t use myself, etc. I stand up for my beliefs and don’t shy away from them, and I consistently try to share and promote amazing content that is already out there. I’d like to think that, when people look at my Instagram feed, and then meet me in real life, it’s not a surprise. I hope what they see in the flesh aligns with what they see virtually, and I believe that my efforts to do so make me relatable.
My online audience has grown significantly, but my engagement can definitely be improved, so I am constantly trying to innovate and learn as well. I use the tools at my disposal for analysis and understanding, and I try to apply those learnings as I continue my efforts to grow my presence.
No matter what I try, though, I strive to do it in a way that’s reflective of me.
Are there any books, videos or other content that you feel have meaningfully impacted your thinking?
One of the biggest resources I have used to increase my entrepreneurial thinking has honestly been other business owners. Taking other fitness classes, working with other trainers, looking through others’ social media feeds, and checking out other websites, all of these resources can be so helpful for learning and growing. I think one big mistake people make is looking at others as competitors, instead of resources. There will always be other fitness instructors, other trainers, other people doing what you do. It does very little good to “steer clear of them.” Reach out to them and learn from them! Your business will be a lot more fun if you have collaborators in lieu of competitors!
Contact Info:
- Website: popinpilates.squarespace.com
- Instagram: popinpilates
- Other: popinpilatesbr@gmail.com
Image Credits
Royal Son Media Shawn Coleman Posche Visuals DesFlyy Emily Williams Alaya Valley