We were lucky to catch up with Lisa Crawford recently and have shared our conversation below.
Lisa, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. Did you always know you wanted to pursue a creative or artistic career? When did you first know?
As a child growing up in South Africa with in the 60s & 70s we had no television back then. I would love watching my Dad’s home movies and silent films like Charlie Chaplin, Woody Woodpecker etc.. , I would dream about going to Hollywood one day and becoming a filmmaker.
Lisa, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that, that dream would come true. Fast forward to 2017 when my son had moved out. I decided to do what I was most passionate about. I sold my vending business, house and moved to Hamilton Ontario, AKA Hollywood North. To pursue a career in film and television. Starting off as a Background performer, which became my film school. I progressed to acting, eventually earning my first ACTRA credit on Umbrella Academy.
At that time decided I would have a go at producing my own films. My short films, What If and Death Game, have appeared at film festivals across the globe. Along the way I connected with amazing creative artists in Hamilton. Other projects I produced include RU Curious and Digging Up Dorothy. I also produced Darren Stewart’s short drama, Stroke of Fate, starring award-winning Canadian actress Sheila McCarthy, currently airing on CBC Gem. I was also the author of ‘Becoming Lisa: A Transgender Journey’. I was nominated for Best Actress in my first film ‘What If’ at the Las Vegas Global Film Convention. Our team was fortunate to receive funding in Prince Edward for short film with a long name ‘Ramblings Of A Middle Aged Drag Queen’
While on set playing a role of the prison muscle on ‘New Eden’, I had so must fun that day. When we wrapped I said to my friend Caroline who played a prison guard on the show, “we have to do a comedy about a women’s prison”. That was the day that Pink Is In was conceived. In December on 2019 we gathered our ACTRA friends to shoot a Teaser. Six months later the show was picked up by Bell Fibe TV1. Twelve episodes later, the award-winning comedy series, is now airing on Bell Fibe TV1. and on Tubi in The USA, Mexico & Australia. Pink Is In has won several Film Festival Awards and was nominated for the ACTRA Series Ensemble Award Canada two years in a row.
Is there a particular goal or mission driving your creative journey?
One of the most important lesson I learnt about producing films, is collaboration. You have to put aside your ego and work on what is best for the project. My goal for Pink Is In is to be picked up by a bigger broadcaster and produce more seasons. The goal is not for me personally, but to create work for as many cast and crew as possible. Helping others to realize their dreams has been most rewarding for me.
What do you find most rewarding about being a creative?
Helping others to realize their dreams has been most rewarding for me. I have the ability to see someone’s talent when other do not. I believe in giving people who don’t normally have the opportunity a chance. Creating films to me is creating magic. It starts with an idea, then a script, bringing the creative team together and producing a piece of art. Seeing the whole process materialize into the end product is so rewarding. Films are make believe, but the moment a person is drawn into a film, it comes believable. Films can provoke emotions: it can make a person laugh, cry or feel empowered. If I had to choose one genre it would be comedy, I would rather make a person laugh than cry.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.pinkisin.net/
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/pinkisinshow
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pinkisinshow
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisa-crawford-6a776473/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/pinkisinshow
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@pinkoneproductions2811/featured
- Other: https://www.amazon.ca/Becoming-Lisa-A-Transgender-Journey/dp/B0B6LH5WQ4
Image Credits
Helen Tansey for headshot and the photo with Goldy, Madawaska the dog & I .