Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Lindsay Farrington. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Lindsay, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Can you talk to us about a risk you’ve taken – walk us through the story?
I feel like I don’t take the phrase “taking a risk” the same way as most people do. In reality, everyone takes risks everyday…from getting in your car to drive, getting up every morning to go to job you hate or even choosing to not exercise. When you really take a step back, you realize how risky our daily lives already are. You risk your life getting into a vehicle, you risk your mental health by going to a job you hate everyday and you risk your physical health by not exercising. It’s pretty insane when you think about it. So, with the “risky” things I’ve chosen to do, they just seemed like a natural adjacent step with little thought involved. A risk I took in my life (which I think back to often) was when I decided to go to Europe with almost no money, no visa and no plan.
After high school I was super lost. I had just lost my boyfriend and his brother to addiction and suicide…and I was in the darkest time in my life. I had an opportunity to go to Germany to stay at my boyfriends aunts house and I didn’t hesitate to say yes. I told my parents I was leaving maybe a week before I booked my ticket with my high school graduation money and packed a couple bags. I never thought about it too much. The decision was so visceral that it felt like my only option at that time. My parents wanted me to stay and go to university, but I knew that would be impossible for me at that time. I booked that ticket to Europe with zero expectations. It was a “hell yes” to go and that’s all I needed to know.
I ended up staying in Germany for about 6 months, I met a friend there and started babysitting to make a little extra money. After a while, it wasn’t working anymore, so I decided to travel around more. I finally ended up in London when my money was about to run out because I figured they speak english there and I’d have an easier time navigating getting a job. My first day there I met someone that helped me get an under-the-table job at a restaurant and I met friends that I stayed super close with for many years that evening. We all helped each other through our travels and they even helped me process a lot of the emotional trauma that I had been carrying. I have never felt so free and scared out of my mind all at the same time. After working a few jobs there, I got into some trouble once it was discovered I did not have a work visa. And that was a pivotal moment in my life. My friends were suggesting I become a “go-go dancer” (which is basically a stepping stone to becoming a stripper) or go back home to go to school since I always knew that was an option my parents suggested. After a full day of contemplation on a double decker bus, I made that humbling phone call back home. I soon left all my new, close friends and went back home to start university. And when I look back on this time in my life, I am in total amazement. I could NEVER do what I did back then. It was definitely an extreme risk I took to leave and explore the world like that. But again, it wasn’t even a risk to me at the time…it just felt right.
During that time and experience, I learned so much about myself and the world. Invaluable lessons one could never learn in school. For me, taking a big ‘risk” was made much easier after enduring such devastating tragedies…and that’s why I always get excited for a friend when they’re going through a hard time because I know how much it can open up your life in ways you couldn’t imagine before. And taking a certain “risk” becomes a simple decision instead of some thought/anxiety provoking experience.
Just go for it
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
I own a mortuary business in Southern California. I found this after years of searching for something deeper. I was working in fashion and nightlife in New York City for years when I suddenly woke up miserable, knowing there was more out there than that. I was on my way to an audition in Brooklyn, waiting for a bus while across the street I noticed an old, run-down funeral home. I was curious. I went home and started reading about it…and it felt like a “hell yes.” I found a mortuary school in the city and started classes a month later. I haven’t looked back since! My funeral home is boutique in style and provides curated type funeral services (i.e body viewings in art galleries, beach memorials and celebration of life parties). I also do traditional funeral services (i.e burials, cremations and church services) in addition to alternative burials (i.e full body burials at sea).
I work with many different religious, cultural beliefs and customs, which is one of my favorite aspects of my work. I am a very curious person and love exploring different ways of life/thought/habits/etc.
I am most proud of finding work that fulfills me according to my true values and personality. It wasn’t an easy ride to get here, but I am so proud of it. I am a person that values authenticity/depth, helping others and creativity…and I get the opportunity to do all three. Plus, being my own boss and a business owner! Which, I must say, is the most challenging yet most expansive path I have ever ventured down.
I am constantly finding new ways to grow my business through creativity, so stay tuned!
Any stories or insights that might help us understand how you’ve built such a strong reputation?
This is the simplest question in my opinion. Love what you do and people will notice. Word of mouth is the greatest advertising investment. When you love what you’re doing, that energy will be palpable and people will want to do business with you…therefore growing a very positive reputation.
Are there any books, videos or other content that you feel have meaningfully impacted your thinking?
Oh my gosh, YES!!! Reading other people’s stories and advice have been my greatest expanders!
The 2 biggest must-reads:
Letting Go by David Hawkins
Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
I love doing hypnosis type meditations that help heal and unblock negative beliefs. I usually spend my slow-time at work going within (instead of worrying).
Kyle Cease is a comedian that now has a spiritual type subscription and I credit his ease, honestly, relatability and humor with staying sane during really difficult times in my business.
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: @farrington_mortuary
- Linkedin: