We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Linda Triska a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Linda, thanks for joining us today. Looking back at the decisions you made early in your career, particularly whether to join a firm or start your own, do you feel you made the right choice for that stage of your career?
When I was in my early 30s, I felt that God was calling me to the ministry. I had a vision of an umbrella with strings hanging down from it. At the end of each string was a tag that seemed to have different phases of what my ministry would entail. The first one that I noticed had the word “Speaking.” I had no speaking background nor did I have any prospects of doing that anywhere. I was puzzled. However, a couple of weeks later the pastor’s wife of the church where we were attending asked if I would speak at the women’s ministry’s group for 4 weeks about the gifts of the Holy Spirit that are listed in the scriptures. Though shocked and nervous, I went ahead and studied and did my best for those 4 sessions. Right after that, a couple who were pastor’s of a small church in the area, asked if I would come and speak to their congregation. From there, invitations kept coming and I have been speaking in churches, ministry groups, retreats and conferences ever since. Though I do speak on many other subjects, the gifts of the Holy Spirit has been the center of my ministry. I now have my own non-profit ministry called It’s Beginning to Rain Ministries, Inc.
Linda, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
I am a pastor’s daughter who grew up in the church. Though I did not stray, I DID NOT want to be in the ministry. So I went to college and got a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration with a teaching certificate. I work in the corporate world for several years as well as entertainment as a model and actress, but couldn’t get away from what I knew God’s plan was for me, and as I had previously said, began my ministry in my early 30’s. I continue to speak wherever the invitation is given and where doors open.
In 2021, I published a book set comprised of a main book and a workbook entitled, “The Work of His Hands: Targeting Your Spiritual Gifts.” The book was written to explain how spiritual gifts operate based on the Bible and how they equip us to lead to our life destiny. There is an accompanying workbook with fill-in the blanks that can be used for a Bible study and a couple of self-evaluations that include an assessment to identify one’s spiritual gifts and how they can connect to one’s purpose for their life. The books can be purchased on Amazon.com, Kindle, barnesandnoble.com and all other book platforms.
Over the years, I have started a food pantry called Feed My Sheep that continues to serve those in need since 2008. At the time of my departure, we were feeding 2,000 people per month from our 3 locations. It became one of the largest pantries in the High Desert region of Southern California.
Additionally, I hosted my own television talk show that streamed around the world on Faith Unveiled Network and over KVVB
television channel . The show was also called It’s Beginning to Rain. I shared a radio show with another minister for a time as well.
My ultimate goal in life is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and help others discover their destiny for being on this earth. We were all created for a purpose and reason.
Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?
When I started the Feed My Sheep food bank, I had put it under the church I was attending. I had no idea what I was doing and it proved to be a lot of work entailing areas that I was not familiar with. However, other people began to come along side me to help accomplish what I had set out to do (and I do believe God sent them my way). They had giftings that I needed. For example. a couple weeks after I open it, a lady began attending our church who had at one time been employed by a food bank. She knew how to do all the administrative tasks necessary to get things started. I had people come forward who offered to drive the box truck we had purchased. Several others were willing to pack the food bags and do the distribution and I had to learn where to find food donations, write grants and make connections. It was hard work and definitely required a resiliency with its ups and downs but it paid off. After 5 years, I passed it off to the church and incorporated It’s Beginning to Rain Ministries and began to gather food for a veterans home and seniors community in addition to my speaking engagements.
How about pivoting – can you share the story of a time you’ve had to pivot?
As I had shared earlier, I felt I was called to the ministry in my early 30s. The backstory is that I had been working as an office manager for a new start-up company . After 2 years, they ran out of funds, and I was out of a job. It was at that time, I began my ministry and my whole life changed.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.itsbeginningtorain.com
- Instagram: itsbeginningtorain
- Facebook: It’s Beginning to Rain Ministries
- Youtube: It’s Beginning to Rain Ministries, Inc.
Image Credits
Klete LLC (advertisement)