We were lucky to catch up with Leo McCarthy recently and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, Leo thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. We love heartwarming stories – do you have a heartwarming story from your career to share?
I began my career with State Farm as an auto claims adjuster in 1989 and later as an independent insurance agent in 1997. Many highs and lows of being a small business owner has created very memorial experiences in helping my customers over the years. I am humbled in their trust and the ability to assist the needs, concerns and dreams. Through my profession, I’ve made lifelong friendships and established many valuable business connections. Periodic reviews of insurance and financial services are part of my agency, thus making sure customers understand their coverages and get to meet their agent in person.
My forever 14 year daughter was killed by an underage drunk driver a block from my home while she and her two friends walked to our house. Through turmoil, pain, and loss of a loved one, my family and friends assisted in setting up the Mariah Daye McCarthy Scholarship Foundation dba Mariah’s Challenge. The non profit organization’s goal is to save a generation, one youth at a time. Since giving Mariah’s eulogy and the setting up the scholarship, we have awarded $469,000 in scholarships for post high school education endeavors. I look back and feel humbled and amazed by the love and support we’ve received for the foundation. The tenants of our scholarship are based on character, honesty and integrity, not grades, SAT scores, or extracurricular activities. Mariah’s Challenge requires the students to not drink for four years of high school, do not take non-prescribed drugs and never get in a car with an intoxicated driver. A 500 word easy is required along with a face to face interview with Leo. High school, home schooled, and alternate seniors are eligible to apply. I present Mariah’s Challenge to local state high schools and corporations. I recently published my book about our experiences, One October Night, a memoir, in 2020. It is available for purchase at amazon.com.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
INSURANCE: I help those in need in protecting their family in offering auto, home, life insurance and financial services. My agency provides help in providing insurance protection based upon the customer’s needs. My licensed team members are great listeners and provide options tailored to customer needs. Annual insurance reviews are a standard offer to my customers.
Life insurance provides financial help to surviving loved ones. A promise on piece of paper provides help for spouses and family.
The challenge is a way for high school students to live a life of simple self respect. Refrain from drinking while in high school, do not take non prescribed drugs, and helping their community provides the opportunity to apply for the scholarship during their senior year. I was proud to be part of People’s Magazine AllStars Among Us. Being a member of 30 amazing souls at the MLB All Star Game of 2009 was an honor. My daughter, Jenna, nominated me to be one of the2012 CNN Heroes. I was humbled to be voted one of the Top Ten CNN heroes that year. We attended an internationally broadcast award show and gained widespread exposure for our foundation and mission. I love presenting Mariah’s Challenge to the Montana’s high school as well as California, Idaho, Tennessee, Washington, and New York. In person and virtual presentations are the norm.
What’s been the most effective strategy for growing your clientele?
I hire great, good people who are smarter than me! My agency team members are highly effective in proposing options based upon the customer’s needs and wants. An effective agency is an offshoot of a great group of team members. Continuous training and effective listening skills and having fun helping people make the job rewarding. Engagement with the local Butte business community and helping and serving on several community enrichment boards is a great way to give back to my great, good town.
Consistently being part of the community and supporting Montana Tech University and the local high schools in class presentations and providing assistance in other areas.
Training and knowledge matter of course, but beyond that what do you think matters most in terms of succeeding in your field?
Stay ripe on the vine. Continuous learning and obtaining industry related designations help me in various ways. Stepping out of your comfort zone and asking questions provides a great learning situation which helps you in your chosen profession.
Being a fan of stoicism provides many helpful ideas in my personal life and professional career.
Personal and professional organization of goals are a ongoing guideline for continuous self and personal renewal.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.leomccarthy.us
- Instagram: leomccarthystatefarm
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/leomccarthy.us
- Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/leo-mccarthy-ricp-clu-78237b20
- Twitter: @LeomacMc
Image Credits
CNN Heroes, Top Ten 2012. Peoples Magazine MLB All Stars Among US, 2009.