Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Leigh Larson. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Hi Leigh, thanks for joining us today. Can you talk to us about a project that’s meant a lot to you?
I get many commission requests as a fine art painter. From portraits of loved ones to a favorite childhood cabin. Each one very meaningful to the client, but I have one that will stay in my heart forever. It was a calm, clear, sunrise over a lake in Canada with a favorite fishing boat. It was the very last picture that a father took before passing on. It was meaningful to me to capture the emotion of this picture, so that it would be forever cherished by his family. A reminder of how beautiful life is and also how very short. To take in every moment with gratitude. I named the painting “Through My Father’s Eyes.”
Leigh, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
I have been painting since I was in kindergarten, my first masterpiece is still on my closet wall! I fell in love with painting in college and started teaching it shortly after. As my family grew, I stopped teaching and became a part-time studio artist and full time home-maker. Finding time to paint with a newborn was very difficult, but I took full advantage of every second of nap time. My painting practice was and is my form of meditation. The process brings me to the present moment. It brings me gratitude for the beautiful world we live in. This is my heart work. I pour my heart into every painting I do! To share my talent as well as my heart is such a blessing. I specialize in oils and have fallen in love with painting landscapes. I crave the moments where my brush creates depth, light, and emotion with one stroke. At a quick glance the subject of my paintings are landscapes. Yet within these colorful landscapes, if you take the time to look long enough it is PEACE. Peace in the moment, peace within myself, and a subtle reminder that the world can be a beautifully peaceful place. My forte is sky-scapes and cloud systems (sunrise, sunset, northern lights, milky ways). Yet, I don’t back down from a challenge, I push myself with new subject matter from my travels and new commission ideas. This is how I continue to grow as an artist.
How about pivoting – can you share the story of a time you’ve had to pivot?
The decision to stop teaching it was the biggest pivot I have had to make in my career thus far. At the time, I was running my own “paint-n-sip” studio. I had 5 employees, one location and did traveling events! We were busy! I was also struggling with postpartum depression, and exhaustion with the newborn stage. I had to make the difficult decision to stop operating the teaching studio. I worked hard to build up my business and I felt like a failure to let it close. In hindsight, it was the right decision, for my family, and for my self-peace. I pivoted from teaching and managing an art studio full time to an artist! I am now on my own creative journey! I am making my own collections, seven so far. I get to work with people to create their dream painting and space. Forming connections and collaborating with other artists through exhibits and residencies. I am proud of myself for having the bravery to make this pivot, as well as the confidence in my work. Through this chapter in my life, I learned to have patience with the journey and parenthood. It’s okay to give yourself permission to pivot at any point in one’s life!
What’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative in your experience?
There are many rewarding aspects of having a creative business. I would have to say the most rewarding part of being an artist is the flexibility it gives my family. I am able to be there for them, all the music lessons, baseball games, doctor appointments ect. while simultaneously living out my dream. The skills I have learned along the way are just as rewarding! I have learned how to wear all the hats within a creative business! How to be a photographer, a website designer, a curator, a content creator, marketing guru and much more.
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