We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Lauren Castro. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Lauren below.
Lauren, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. Let’s start with a story that highlights an important way in which your brand diverges from the industry standard.
My reason for starting Made Scents is completely tied to my desire to diverge from the industry standard — I have always loved candles, but over the years I had grown tired of spending copious amounts of money on uninteresting fragrances in cheap vessels. So, I decided to make my own. Then, as I dove deep into researching the world of candle making, I learned that many large candle brands contain toxic ingredients, which *literally* burn into the air in your home. Stunned and galvanized, I set out to create candles that lived up to a higher standard, with rich and unique scents, clean ingredients, and lovely vessels that inspire repurposing or re-use.
As I pushed further and began testing scents, it dawned on me that this part of the journey – the unique blending of fragrances – could be a collaborative moment. Why weren’t custom candles a thing? You can choose flavors for a cake. Monogramming on a leather good. So why not custom candles? It just made sense. And thus, Made Scents Candles was born.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
Aside from candle-making, I am also a full-time graphic designer. Everything that you see for Made Scents Candles, from the logo and packaging to the website, was all lovingly designed by me. It has been so enjoyable designing something for myself, because I get to make every little detail exactly how I want. I am really proud of the brand experience that I have created, from clever puns hidden within labels to the personalized messages that come with custom orders – each moment of the Made Scents experience has a hand-made touch from me that can be found within it. That “hand-made with love” appeal coupled with a luxurious product that is clean and cruelty-free is what makes Made Scents stand apart from the rest. I am also proud to say that I do “candles for a cause”, where I create limited edition candles and the proceeds go to nonprofits that I believe in. Most recently I sold “Roe-sy Glow” candles, with proceeds going towards the Center for Reproductive Rights.
Made Scents is still young (I launched my e-commerce website, madescentscandles.com almost exactly a year ago in May 2022!), but continues to grow organically thanks to my wonderful supporters, who I lovingly refer to as the glow-getters. It’s been exciting to see how this once-hobby has turned into something bigger, and I am looking forward to seeing where it glows… I mean, goes. :)
We’d love to hear your thoughts about selling platforms like Amazon/Etsy vs selling on your own site.
I don’t currently sell anywhere but my own website and instagram, but I am definitely in the “never say never” camp when it comes to learning how to run a business and trying new things. Adding some additional platforms into the mix may happen in the future, you never know!
I have seen a lot of artists and makers do really well on platforms like Etsy, but I do believe that it’s important to have your own website as well, in case there is ever a scenario where those platforms fall apart. The only website you can count on staying live and not being subject to ads or algorithms is your own!
We’d love to hear the story of how you built up your social media audience?
To be completely candid, my social media audience is small (but mighty!) right now. But I would also like to caveat that by saying that I truly believe in quality over quantity, so I don’t really mind having a small audience! Most of my followers have bought a candle before, and many have purchased multiple times. They are loyal and wonderful, giving earnest feedback so that I can learn and continue to grow and create an even greater shopping experience in the future. When it comes to social media, I find that it’s a delicate balance of finding the time to make your product and then finding the time to market your product. I am still figuring out that perfect blend!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.madescentscandles.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madescents_candles/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MadeScentsCandle/