We were lucky to catch up with LauraBeth Ryan recently and have shared our conversation below.
LauraBeth , thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today One deeply underappreciated facet of being a service provider is the kind of crazy stuff that happens from time to time. It could be anything from a disgruntled client attacking an employee or waking up to find out a celebrity gave you a shoutout on TikTok – the sudden, unexpected hits (both positive and negative) make the profession both exhilarating and exhausting. Can you share one of your craziest stories?
My company, Cheerful Hearts, was started while I was bedridden for ten years due to a spinal injury. It was created to inspire, educate and empower women to overcome thier toughest challenges, and to live life with abundant joy!
But the crazy thing is, once I launched it and was happy and fulfilled, my former husband became resentful and after only two years, Cheerful Hearts had to be put on hold as my family was falling apart.
I had to flee a domestic abuse situation and was fully dependent on care. I flew from Maryland and landed in Texas with nothing but a suitcase to my name. I was overcome with fear and anxiety, wondering how I would survive. And had no idea if I could rebuild the company once through it all. But it was the one thing that gave me hope.
I knew if I could get the company off the ground again I would be able to support myself financially. Plus I had a strong passion to serve my clients. So I searched every possible avenue and found a program for people with disabilities to help relaunch the business. It was hard work, especially with my health conditions that force me to take a slower pace. But I was determined!
Within a year I was up and running, and as word spread, I began motivational speaking and gaining coaching clients! There were times I was overwhelmed and wondered if I could do it. Many tears were shed in frustration. But my determination was relentless.
When you persevere, believe in yourself and have faith, great things can happen! Whatever your struggles in life or business, you can rise up and over come them. The challenges are there for you to break through them, and to strengthen you. Keep moving forward, keep believing, And never give up on your dreams!
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers
I was an active, happy homemaker and day care provider with 4 small sons, and never stopped. When suddenly, an injury to my spine left me in debilitating pain, and unable to sit, stand or walk. I was 28 yrs. young and the doctors offered no hope. The only thing that kept the excruciating nerve pain at bay was lying in bed with pillows propping me up. I remained that way for ten years.
At first, I fell into deep despair, and hung on to my faith by a thread. But given time, I learned to change my mindset and decided to choose joy! I couldn’t control my circumstances, but what I could control was my mind and my attitude.
In those 10 yrs, I got creative in raising my sons, and writing became my passion. Words of hope and inspiration would bubble up from within, offering understanding and hope!
Later I was inspired to start our company, Cheerful Hearts, turning all the poetry and pros into a greeting card and gift line! It was from my tragedy that emerged new creativity,visions and dreams!
The company grew and evolved. And now, as an International Women’s Empowerment Coach, Expert Life Strategist, Author and Motivational Speaker, I help Professional Women overcome their toughest challenges with GRIT and GRACE.
I have a unique approach to coaching due to my experiential life and business experience. I coach with compassion, because most busy, professionals don’t need a kick to get going, they need a listening ear to help them strategically conquer thier many demands. And to help quiet thier inner critic.
Our company serves from the heart, with the utmost integrity. Getting clients fast results and elevating thier lives exponentially is what I’m known for. Refered to as, “The Queen of Resilience ” whether as a dynamic speaker or a powerful coach, you will learn how to become unstoppable!
Let’s talk about resilience next – do you have a story you can share with us?
After ten years in bed due to a spinal injury, I never gave up hope. Technology advanced and I recieved treatment that allowed me to stand up! I had to learn to sit, stand and walk again. All while starting over after leaving a marriage of 22 years because of domestic violence.
I was able to live on my own, with assistance and was determined to restart my company, Cheerful Hearts, to help others and to become an independent woman! I later remaried, ( to man who accepted my physical limitations), And grew a successful business.
Then cancer struck, and the treatment ravaged my body. I beat it! However, it left me parylized and in horrific nerve pain in both arms. The business had to be put on pause for three years.
Because I had learned resilience, it gave me the fortitude to keep going. I rose up, and once again, rebuilt our company. Life is not about how many punches you can take, but instead about how many times you keep getting back up!
How did you build your audience on social media?
I started posting on social media from the very beginning of our company. It’s important for visibility of your brand, and to allow followers to know more about you. When potential customers or clients see you, it gives you the “know,trust, and like” factor. You must have that for them to feel confident about buying from you.
Videos elevate that trust factor, when you are your true, authentic self. For those starting out, start sharing tips on your topic. Add personal photos of you having fun. And ask questions that will engage your audience. Attention spans are shorter than ever so be concise and offer value. Lastly, be real, because people know the difference.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://cheerfulhearts.com/
- Instagram: @CheerfulHeartswithLauraBeth
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/laurabeth.young.14?mibextid=ZbWKwL
- Other: https://g.co/kgs/9U657f
Image Credits
LauraBeth Ryan Kevin Ryan