Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to LaToya Wilson. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Alright, LaToya thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Can you recount a story of an unexpected problem you’ve faced along the way?
Some of the most unexpected problems I’ve faced with the SHEE Foundation are finding funding and support. I thought for sure, this is a non-profit and people will flock to support the cause! To my dismay, this was not the case, and it continues to be a struggle. On a daily basis, I am working with President Tiffany Washington, and Strategy Resource Manager, Lisa Nolan on ways to fund the organization. I’ve had grant writers to say they would help me with finding and writing grants; however, when it came to them actually doing the work, they either didn’t follow through or wanted to be compensated. I understand that it’s a business; therefore, I am very transparent about the fact that we have no revenue coming in and that’s why I need someone to help with acquiring grants. When people say they want to help, I am overjoyed and feel a sense of relief in the moment. When they don’t come through, it really discourages me and I have to push myself to keep going. it’s very disheartening to think that people don’t want you to win out here in the non-profit world. I absolutely love supporting others and seeing everyone win, so it was a shock to me when that same attitude wasn’t reciprocal.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.
I am the Founder and Executive Director of the S.H.E.E. Foundation. In addition to the foundation, I am an Empowerment Lifestyle Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Consultant on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. I pride myself on being a voice for the voiceless and empowering women to LIVE IN THEIR BIRTHRIGHT OF GREATNESS!
I got into the business of non-profit because I wanted to give back. This was given to me about 10 or so years ago by God and I put it to the side as I finished my graduate degree, raised kids, worked a full-time job, and everything else under the sun. One night I was awakened at 3am; you know when you’re sleeping really good, and God said “ok it’s time” just as clear as day. I got up, started putting things into motion and here we are.
The S.H.E.E. Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit working to empower persons who identify as female and/or have past or present justice involvement and who desire to acquire life skills needed for long-term personal success in their lives. Through a holistic, person-centered approach, we help members and fellows discover and reach their full potential. We believe that all females have quite a few special places in society and it is never too late to claim that space.
I am most proud of the new 2023 Cohort that began on June 1st! We have five women who started in this first cohort and they are young moms who are ready to take on the world. The main thing I want readers to know is that we all have a responsibility to give back to the community. Whether you live, work or pass through, we are obligated to create a community that is productive and poor into society so we all are better. Everyone deserves the opportunity to be a better person, no matter what they have faced in their past. If they are willing to do the work, give them their flowers now. I chose to work specifically with females because of the children. Females birth the next generation and if we want them to be great, we have to pour greatness into them. That’s why we are big on teaching life skills!
Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?
A story from my journey that illustrates my resilience is our very first fundraiser last year for the foundation. We hosted a Harlem Nights themed event and guests were asked to come dressed as those from the Harlem Renaissance as we paid homage to them. It was 60 days before the event in October and tickets were not selling at all. I contacted the venue and canceled the contract because I wasn’t able to fulfill the quota. I then called around to some other places to see if I could get a cheaper venue or quota to meet. Absolutely no venue in Minneapolis or the surrounding area had an opening in the month of October. October was chosen because it’s before the “s” word hits hard and people are still out and moving about before they buckle down for winter.
Ticket sales began to pick up a little bit and I contacted the original venue to see if the date was still available. Glory Be Unto God, it was the ONLY date available. I signed another contract and continued to promote the vent even more. The Minnesota Vikings, WILD and Lynx provided items for the silent auction as well as local business owners. The event was successful! Although we only made $500 that night and I spent $5k, it was the experience that showed me I could do it.
Can you tell us about what’s worked well for you in terms of growing your clientele?
The most effective strategy for growing my clientele is being authentic and people know I truly care about them. When you are in a place of leadership and branding your business, you have to be able to relate to people. They have to trust you, confide in you and believe you have their best interest at heart. It goes way beyond getting a sale or program participation. I show up for people and I inspire them to be their very best. I also give them permission to be themselves without judgment and that’s what humanity looks like. Word of mouth is a powerful thing. They tell someone about my program and they tell someone; before you know it, you have your first cohort happening!
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Headshot: TP Photography (Terence Penister)