Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to LaShae Hayes. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
LaShae, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Going back to the beginning – how did you come up with the idea in the first place?
Two months after my baby brother Theron Wallace transitioned to heaven, Christmas 2021. God dropped the name of my ministry Grief Reveals Gifts, LLC in my spirit. When my baby brother passed it was the biggest tragedy I’ve faced in life. I decided to live my life on purpose. My 5th book was published with my husband in honor of my brother and those we’ve lost along life’s journey to impact and heal the Nation titled “From Pieces to Perfect Peace: Overcoming Grief”
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
My name is LaShae Wallace Hayes, I am a daughter of the Most High God, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I will be 32 years old on Thanksgiving this year November 23rd. I was born in Washington D.C. my biggest inspirations are my parents Weldon and Fran Wallace. I met God’s best for me, Brion K. Hayes 3.14.21 and we had the wedding of our dreams 10.23.22. We’ve overcome so much as a family. I lived in Illinois, Knoxville, TN and currently reside in Columbia, SC. I am the oldest of four and as mentioned before our heart, my baby brother Theron accidentally drowned Christmas 2021. I’ve always loved to read and write. At the age of 17, I started writing creatively and expressing myself. Freshman year of college my brother in Christ Antwaun prophesied to me and said I should write a book. I thought I was too young to be used by God then, however; I turned my gift of encouraging others into my first book published at age 21 titled “Look at God”. My sophomore year of college, I would walk around my college campus with my manuscript in a binder and share to my colleagues. “Crazy Faith” after graduating and while working at my first job using my Bachelor’s at a Camp mentoring Juvenile females my second book was published in 2016 titled “Season of Purpose” it was dedicated to my maternal grandma Dorothy who passed March 2016. In 2017, my third book was published titled “It Started with a Promise” standing on the promises of God and my Aunt Mary passed away in 2017. In 2020, my 4th book was published titled “Worship in the Wilderness” during a global pandemic COVID. I noticed a pattern of writing books during seasons of grief and my 5th book was recently published and birthed my ministry with my husband titled “From Pieces to Perfect Peace: Overcoming Grief” August 2023. Not only have the books and testimonies inspired a lot of people globally, they’ve are dear to my heart and heal me as well with scriptures, quotes, prayers. I am a living testimony.
I am a Reading Rainbow! @levar.burton In 1999 an original story I wrote was submitted and I won an honorary title “Young Writer and Illustrator” I was 7 years old I am 31 with 5 published books, a Middle School Counselor, Global Career Development Facilitator, Black Owned Business Woman with my Husband Grief Reveals Gifts, LLC and above all a daughter of the Most High God my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! “Reading Rainbow! Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high Take a look, it’s in a book, A Reading Rainbow! I can go anywhere Friends to know, and ways to grow A Reading Rainbow! I can be anything Take a look, it’s in a book A Reading Rainbow
“ #LookAtGod this truly touched me today! I would love to meet @levar.burton Manifestation of my ancestor’s wildest dreams!! I love my Great Grandparents, Grandparents, Parents (Momma and Daddy) … and rest in peace to my baby brother Theron #GenerationalWealthandLegacy
What’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative in your experience?
The most rewarding aspect of being a creative, is seeing the impact of what you’ve created impact many people. When I see my growth and resiliency of overcoming every obstacle personally within increases my faith in God. The harvest of blessings from God is the greatest reward. Making people smile by sharing your story/testimony is a great reward. Global Impact is a great reward. Personal testimonies of how the gift of being myself (LaShae) and my books have inspired so many people like a girl named Mary in Nigeria, Africa over 7,000 miles away through following my post on Social Media in regard to my baby brother passing. We speak a lot through social media and on the phone and I recently was able to call, pray and encourage her when her Dad recently passed away. The author of my life, Jesus has created a masterpiece and to me that is the ultimate reward knowing He is pleased and will say “Well done good and faithful servant.”
We’d love to hear a story of resilience from your journey.
Working as a Middle School Counselor and showing up daily for our future generation during the most difficult season of my life revealed my inner strength. My co worker recently shared with me, “I’m reading the book. I learn so much about inner strength from you. I want you to be strong and I know I am a man of faith BUT the BUT factor sometimes creeps in. I get weak when I cry and ask how do you do it? You have had a Job experience, and you still retain your balance and glow and smile and everything u need to appear to be in full tack. I admire you so much.
Be strong!
I love what I get to do daily. I am grateful God uses my tears to water my dreams. My greatest misery birthed my ministry Grief Reveals Gifts, LLC.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: lashae.w.hayes23
- Facebook:
- Twitter: lilw1123
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