We were lucky to catch up with Larry Williams recently and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Larry , thanks for joining us today. How did you learn to do what you do? Knowing what you know now, what could you have done to speed up your learning process? What skills do you think were most essential? What obstacles stood in the way of learning more?
I have learned to illustrate and design by studying the works of designers of the past, work that was done before the age of computers. The work that was done then still stands the test of time. Knowing what I know now I would definately utilized the time I have and apply it to my craft. The most essential skill to have being an illustrator/ designer is the ability to draw, a lesson learned from one of the masters of design, Saul Bass. Two of the biggest obstacles that stood in my way is self denial and procrastination.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
Every since I was a kid I have loved to draw, from stick paper wars to 5 page comic books! I was born and raised in Detroit, MI an artistically rich gem of America, a cultural melting that always fed my hunger to create.I am trained in almost every art for, but my love lies with graphic design and illustration. The love for both has lead me to start my own freelance studio Brokenlead Studios
BrokenLead Studios focuses on bringing its clients ideas to life through illustration ( childrens books, ads, character design, and commercial art, ect) and design ( logos, corporade idenity/ branding, book cover design, album art, and poster design).
I work closely with all my clients to create the most vibrant work that will make their ideas stand out!
Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?
Struggling with mental health while trying to be a creative has been one of my biggest obstacles to overcome. There was always that voice telling me that I am not good enough, or telling me i will never be better than what I am. These thought would often mainifest and grow into complacency and self pity. Sharing a space and conversations with other creatives have definately helped me through such funks. Another tools thst helps me through such obstacles is surrounding myself by creative books and resources, I always keep books and items that help to ignite that creative spark. I follow tons of creatives on instagram…their works can hepl to inspire.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative in your experience?
The most rewarding part about being creative is knowing that with every project I am making something that is new to the universe, something that has never existed before. It is also rewarding to know that my clients and customers are happy and satisfied with the work that is produced for them.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://brokenleadstudios.com/
- Instagram: brokenleadstudios