Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Kristine Kozuki. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Kristine , appreciate you joining us today. We’d love to have you retell us the story behind how you came up with the idea for your business, I think our audience would really enjoy hearing the backstory.
Im a born and raised Maui girl with deep roots tied to the island. I come from a family of entrepreneurs who also opened now famous businesses here on Maui. My grandma opened the largest oldest bakery on Maui in 1965 and my grandpa opened the most famous diner on Maui a few years prior in the 60s as well. My grandma and mother always told me to figure what I loved and to do a lot of it and thats how I would find my purpose.
To be completely honest, I grew up in a home that I felt was haunted, my family were logical business owners/entrepreneurs so they were non-believers of anything spiritual/metaphysical. I felt alone and scared by the energies so I set on a mission to learn more and understand it on all levels. I found myself intrigued by it and learned to love being in the energy once I understood it.
As I got older, I dived deep into spirituality, learned about many different religions, metaphysical energy, energy healing, and energy work. I learned there were many different energies on all levels that we work with in this human experience. In my 20s I dove into the world of reiki healing and have been an avid reiki practitioner since then. When introduced to Aura Photography, I knew it was one of the tools I could use to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual. It was means for those who wanted to learn about their energy on all levels, mind, body, spirit. It taught people how they can use their energy to weave their dream reality and be in energetic flow using the synergy of both logical science and spirituality. Its a means for people to logistically see and make sense of what they are feeling.
Ive been a reiki practitioner for 14 years & have been doing aura photography professionally for 7 years. I started small and slow just having fun and being in the energy. I decided to take a big leap in 2021 so I sold my home, opened my brick and mortar shop, and have been offering my services full time since then. I am the primary facilitator but also have other seasoned healers work in the space as well. Together we help to raise the vibration of the collective from our small but powerful space in historic Makawao Town.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.
Pink Moon Aura is an integral part of our community and is a special place for healing and growth. We specialize in science and spirituality and serve as a haven for those seeking balance and insight. We are not affiliated with any specific spiritual practice or religion nor does it replace any religious or spiritual practice. What we do is just “love” and intended to add on to your spiritual experience, so its for everyone :) We are a service based business where we provide a logical approach to metaphysical and spiritual experiences by facilitating reiki, aura photography, crystal grid classes, healing circles/events, & distribute high vibrational crystals. We are dedicated to helping people connect with their spiritual and energetic selves and are a unique & comprehensive resource for those on their spiritual journeys.
We have been helping our community to heal one person at time by providing various healing options & hold space for people wanting to truly make sense of their energy and purpose on all levels.
Can you tell us about a time you’ve had to pivot?
I have always been in the energy since I was a little girl but was raised in a logical non-spiritual home so while I was free to believe and do what I wanted, I did not think I could ever do what I do now, full time. Growing up, while I was raised as a free thinker for the most part, I was also heavily encouraged to work hard, go to school, and work in a profession that pays well and provides stability. I did get my degree in Small Business Managent but really did it because I thought thats what I was supposed to do. I also didnt want to disappoint my family as I was always quite rebellious and viewed as the black sheep in the family.
I love people and creating experiences so I decided to dive into the hospitality world. I was in hospitality for 25 years before I decided to give up the “9-5” and became my own boss. I was a Four Seasons Concierge and a Front Office Hospitality Manager for many years before I realized that people really needed the spiritual services I was offering “for fun”.
As mentioned, I took a huge leap in 2021, sold my home, and decided to do the energy work full time. Despite going through some personal struggles, I was ready and it was time to make my energetic mark on the world and share the knowledge and experiences ive had since childhood. I also realized that true abundance is earned through being of service in joyful ways specific to your gifts and doing what you love. We all have the ability to do what we love but we also have to take risks and that crucial leap to be in alignment of what we deserve.
How do you keep your team’s morale high?
As ive been a “people manager” for many years before deciding to do my own thing, I feel that being a good manager is being a team player, leading with the team, playing with the team, and being an equal to the team.
We are all teachers and students no matter what role we are in and I feel everyone should be empowered to be a contributor. I also believe that a true leader acts as a role model and also helps others to set them up towards their own dreams and goals.
I believe in win win situations and always offer to hear what makes my team happy and what their ideal situation(s) is/are. From there, I try to match as much as I can do.
Most importantly, I feel its important for people to know how much they are seen and appreciated. I feel that no amount of money can replace the energy and frequency of love, appreciation, and acceptance.
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: @pinkmoonaura
- Facebook:
- Yelp:
- Other: Access to google reviews:
Image Credits
Photos are all mine. I paid some photographer friends but I own the rights to these images.