We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Kimberly Leckie. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Kimberly below.
Kimberly, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. I’m sure there have been days where the challenges of being a business owner force you to think about what it would be like to just have a regular job. When’s the last time you felt that way? Did you have any insights from the experience?
There are pros and cons to every situation including running your own business. While I’ve found a way to manage my time and resources to enjoy more time freedom and earning potential, it came at a cost. The reality that my actions and inactions directly impacted the life of the business, soon began to keep me up at night. Unlike working for someone else, there is no one to shelter you from the consequences of your errors. There is no boss or manager to shield you from the blows of your blunder. Generally speaking, the life of the business is simply not your responsibility. You do your part and if the business goes under you move on and find a new employer. However, when you own the business your mind is constantly working to ensure its success and safety. It’s comparable to a parent and child relationship. You pour your all into the business and obsess about finding all the right strategies and remedies to raise up a business that can withstand the realities of the world. You prepare for life’s curve balls as best as you can while constantly being on the look out for any unforeseen threats…and even then some still get through. The more I grew into a smarter and more savvy business owner, the more my prayer life grew. It took my relationship with Jesus to manage the weight of this blessing where I can be at peace while making daily decisions that greatly impact my future and those I lead.
Kimberly, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I am a seasoned marketing and advertising professional with a rich 9-year journey spanning the vibrant cultural landscapes of the Caribbean, Canada, and the United States.
My academic foundation is built on a solid 4.0 GPA in Mass Communications from Liverpool John Moores University, complemented by a prestigious first-class honours degree in Integrated Marketing Communications from the University of the West Indies (Mona).
Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of solving complex business needs for medium to large-scale enterprises. I specialize in crafting innovative marketing solutions, seamlessly blending digital and traditional strategies fuelled by data and creativity. My expertise ranges from cutting-edge online marketing techniques to grassroots activations that breathe life into brands.
Yet beyond the numbers and strategies, my true passion lies in a vision that drives me every day. I am dedicated to building healthier and happier nations by fueling the success of enterprises that make a positive impact on communities and societies through their products or services.
At the heart of my mission is a commitment to nurturing a culture of well-being and fulfillment. Happiness, health and meaningful impact are not just buzzwords for me; they are the core values that underpin my business ethos and define my relationships with my team.
I am here to make a difference, to create success that resonates far beyond the boardroom, and to ensure that both the businesses I work with and the individuals on my team experience the kind of health and happiness that empowers them to reach their fullest potential.
Are there any books, videos or other content that you feel have meaningfully impacted your thinking?
It may sound counterintuitive but learning Karate has significantly improved my entrepreneurial thinking and philosophy. Most would assume that its main benefit would be its physical challenge but for me it is the mental challenge to approach the practice with a willingness to learn, try… fail and try again without losing spirit. I train around 4 times a week first thing in the morning and each training is a challenge of self control and discipline. I constantly push the line between mind over matter; challenging will power through the functional role of mind over matter. This is particularly challenging when under physical pressure. I usually leave each session feeling empowered to take on any challenge I may face that day. This isn’t because I’m exceptional at Karate and I did everything right but instead because I am not. I’ve come to learn and accept that growth takes time and consistency and while I may not be perfect, I am a bit closer to the ideal every time I show up and keep applying what I learn each day. It’s this philosophy that I then apply to business. It works wonders.
Learning and unlearning are both critical parts of growth – can you share a story of a time when you had to unlearn a lesson?
As a woman business owner it is easy to feel sexualised and/or trivialised by both male and female counterparts within your field. In response to this I had developed a hard ‘corporate’ shell that generally kept people at bay. This was a double-edged sword as while it kept things professional it also limited my ability to form meaningful relationships that did not hinge solely on responsibility and legal expectations. I’ll tell you now, there is significant value to the social aspect of relationships…even business relationships. My task then was to learn how to balance how I related with these counterparts to not disempowering myself or become imprisoned by excessive boundaries. The process is different for everyone so I had to take the time to see what fit for my personality, quirks and philosophies. Over time, I realised that my working relationships did blossom in a way that was a happy and healthy win-win for all involved. Perhaps you can have your cake and eat it too.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.datameetscreative.com
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/ceoleckie?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr