Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Kimberly Benoit. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Kimberly, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Let’s start with the story of your mission. What should we know?
I have a tremendous passion for helping leaders reclaim control of what they own and can do when in a toxic or dysfunctional workplace. This, in part, came from a realization that in the past, even if I didn’t think or intend to, I was part of the problem. It could have been from lack of experience, poor judgement or not challenging the false narrative I had in my head.
The reality is we have all made mistakes and will make more in the future. It is our responsibility to be self-aware and grow when we realize that in fact we, yes you and I, are some of the FUN in dysfunction.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
I have over 20 years of corporate and leadership experience across industries, geography and leader levels. From this, I have found a passion for working with other leaders through coaching, consulting and training to help them navigate the more challenging elements of leadership (ie navigating a toxic team dynamic, how to approach challenging communication/messaging with your team, handling resistance, improving team engagement).
I decided to pursue a coaching certification after working with 2 leadership coaches myself. They each encouraged me to consider how I could use my experiences and natural gifts of connecting with others to serve leaders in a way I had not previously.
I am proud of the success of my clients. While and after working together, just seeing the lightbulb moments makes it all worth it. When you consider how much time we spend with our co-workers, learning how to be a better version of yourself matters. Not just for your health and sanity, but for those who work with and for you.
I would want them to know that change isn’t like hitting an easy button, but it does come about as the result of making small changes every day. Even the smallest of changes can have a tremendous ripple effect.
Here is a professionally branding piece (I own) that might be useful:
You can probably name plenty of toxic leaders… but would anyone name you?
Many leadership coaches have an answer for “how to deal with toxic leaders” – but that’s the wrong question entirely. The better, more effective question to ask is this one – because kicking toxic cultures, leaders, and employees doesn’t start with others – it begins from the inside out.
This is the eye-opening reality I first faced during after-work wine with a friend years ago. We were knee deep in our regular complaining session about our toxic co-workers when I wondered aloud, “I bet they don’t even know how toxic they are.” A thought came rushing into my head that I’d never considered – what if I was just as clueless? Might anyone consider me a toxic leader? The true answer, uncomfortably, was yes.
A rush of reflection and inner work followed, ultimately culminating in the development of The We’ve All Done It™ Framework – a compassionate, enlightening way of reconsidering the role we each play in toxic workplaces and what we can do – on an individual, team, and organizational level – to change them.
Through coaching, consulting, speaking, a podcast, and the “We’ve All Done It” book, I’ve cultivated my 20+ year career of lessons about finding fulfillment, increasing retention, aligning teams, and ultimately better-navigating workplace toxicity together. I’ve spent decades becoming an award-winning leader and working for a wide range of industries and companies, from small non-profits to Fortune 50s like Target. And as a bestselling author, multi-certified coach, and professional with two master’s degrees, I’ve become both a highly trained expert and a proven real-world guide to leaders and their teams. Along the way, I’ve presented to thousands, speaking on ways to innovate and reframe the challenges we face at work and within ourselves every day.
Through everything, what I’ve learned in a nutshell is that the greatest mistake we make as leaders is to look at others when we should start within ourselves. When we stop to think about it, the reality is that we have all done it, because we all bring our own “BS” to the workplace buffet.
So, what “BS” belongs to you? What belongs to your teams?
And what could be possible if you had a new way to combat toxicity and turnover?
The answers to these questions change cultures, one leader at a time. So, if you’re ready to ask them, I’m here to help. Let’s keep your great leaders, unite your teams, and kick toxicity from the inside out together.
Any advice for growing your clientele? What’s been most effective for you?
NETWORKING!! Just get out there and meet as many people as you can. I have met so many people, and sometimes I am not the best resources for them. What as been helpful is being able to refer because of all of the connections I have made and make a priority.
What do you think helped you build your reputation within your market?
I wrote a book (We’ve All Done It: Getting Real About the Role We Each Play in a Toxic Workplace) and maintain a podcast of the same name (We’ve All Done It). I make a point to talk about being aware of how we show up and how that either helps or hurts a dynamic or culture. On the podcast, I bring on guests who are vulnerable and open about sharing so that we can great conversations to hopefully foster compassion and humility while navigating the wild world of leadership.
Contact Info:
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Image Credits
@photogenicphotography @kimberlyjbenoit