Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Kennedy Swint. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Hi Kennedy, thanks for joining us today. Let’s kick things off with your mission – what is it and what’s the story behind why it’s your mission?
Hello, my name is Kennedy Swint and I am the owner/CEO of ‘God Made Me… ‘ ; One Brand, Serving One God to inspire, encourage, and gather His children; making an eternal impact.
As a 14-year old girl, full of passion and desires to begin something new; arose the awareness of a significant calling upon my life. Young, but without a doubt chosen; in my mom’s room is where it all began. There was an urgency to take action, and brainstorming is what we began to do. God gifted us a bold statement and we knew that it was the start of our brand, “God Made Me… .”
The business began to flourish and expand in ways that I couldn’t believe. Orders were consistent and the brand was receiving a lot of attention, except I was not seeking the one who’d blessed me with the opportunity, God. I lacked maturity in my faith and did not understand the depth of needing a relationship with Him. I began to seek what the world had to offer, and slowly the brand began to slip through my fingers. I did not have a desire to continue spreading the message, and even considered closing down the business.
In 2023, After years of not operating the brand and realizing that the world was not fulfilling, I began to focus on wanting to build my relationship with God. I was attending church, changing my habits and spending more time reading the Bible, however I still wrestled with poor habits and childhood trauma. My father’s absence is something that angered me, and created hatred within my heart. I didn’t understand why I was still struggling with these issues, until one day I attended an afternoon service where God spoke directly through the pastor to me saying, “the daughter in the room with an absent father, God wants you to know that He is your father and will never leave you.” I’d received comfort and relief in knowing that all along God had been with me. And as days began to pass, God removed the hatred from my heart and healed me from the hurt I’d faced. I now truly understood who God was and who He’d always been to me.
Now, I am 18 years old, and beyond grateful to say that God has truly renewed my life. He’s made way for me to rebrand the business and now confidently spread the gospel. I am continuously evolving each and every day, optimistic for the opportunities ahead of me. I want children and young adults to know that God predetermined their existence, so no one can take away the purpose He’s placed on their lives. Isaiah 46:4 is a significant scripture to the brand, reminding us of God’s promises, and prayerfully inspiring all to spread His love and be just who He’s created them to be.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.
Hello, my name is Kennedy Swint and I am the owner/CEO of ‘God Made Me…’ , a christian clothing brand (t-shirts, hoodies, etc.) created to inspire, encourage, and gather God’s children; making an eternal impact. At the age of fourteen, God called me to my brand, where I struggled with understanding the importance of what I’d been called to do. Later, I discovered the significance of having a relationship with God, and I’m actively learning how to steward my brand, ‘God Made Me… ‘. The opportunity of owning this brand is extremely important to me because it is something that God has specifically designed for me. I am set apart from others knowing that God has created me uniquely; planting a special seed in me that only I can offer to the world. It’s incredible to know that God is using me as a vessel to welcome others to Christ; expressing the love that He’s placed in my heart and the things that He’s healed me from. He allows ‘God Made Me…” to be a tool in my growth as an individual and with Him, strengthening and flourishing me in ways I cannot fathom. Over the years and throughout my journey, I am proud to know our Savior and experience His never-ending grace. So if there were something I’d like everyone to know, it’d be that God has created you fearfully and wonderfully for a remarkable reason; one that no one else has or can take away. Many people do not make it to see this day, so with every breath in your lungs, every thought that crosses your mind, and every action you take, understand that the grace of God is still upon your life and that He is calling you to something special. We are loved beyond measure and if not known by the world, we are known by God.
Have any books or other resources had a big impact on you?
Rebranding, restarting and rebuilding my brand has by far been one of the most challenging things for me to do. Not because it was difficult, but because I lacked determination to push forward. However through my journey, the Bible has been a living and guiding word for me, despite the challenges faced. It has allowed me to gain an understanding of the characteristics I should attain, and the various ways to steward what I’ve been blessed with; my brand ‘God Made Me… .’ Every emotion, obstacle or question that I have, is answered through God’s word; creating in me a drive to accomplish and be confident in what He is calling me to.
We often hear about learning lessons – but just as important is unlearning lessons. Have you ever had to unlearn a lesson?
Perfection. The childhood trauma that I faced created a dwelling place for bad habits, one being perfection. I lacked attention, love and reassurance from my father that I longed for; producing a yearning to be seen and noticed by others. Slowly, it began to become a lifestyle and would cause me to overthink everything that I’d do. It was a characteristic that I allowed to take control of my life, and it did nothing but lead me into sadness. But over time, I began to seek God in my weaknesses and hurt; He healed me from the pain and reassures me that His grace is what makes me perfect. A lot of the times, we seek to be perfect in all circumstances, without understanding that perfection is unachievable. God created us to be perfect, and He knew we’d fall short, so He sent His only son Jesus Christ to take away our sin. He says that it is by grace, through faith; not by our works. So to the person struggling with perfection, know that you are perfect in the eyes of God, and it is by His grace that you are seen that way. Keep being who He’s created you to be and know that you are loved.
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