Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Kelsey Archbold. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Kelsey , appreciate you joining us today. Can you talk to us about how you learned to do what you do?
I’ve always had an interest in the arts. As a child my mom signed me up for art camps and lessons, and I always knew that I wanted to go to an art school. In 2005 I went to Kansas City Art Institute. The first two years of my degree I spent learning the basics of making art: color and form, doing artist studies, drawing and painting from life. The next two years I spent experimenting. One year I did almost no painting at all! I did installations and what I called memory maps, using words to make a drawing.
I think it’s really important as an artist to learn the basics, and then put those basics aside and experiment. It’s important to make friends with people who’s work is like yours, and also to make friends with people who’s work isn’t at all like yours. Spend time talking about each others work. Finding other artists that I get along with has been a great way to speed up my learning process. Find people that you find inspiring, go to their art shows, talk to them about their process and materials, spend time together in a cafe just drawing. Art can be such a solitary activity, it’s important to not be alone in a vacuum all the time. Nothing makes me want to paint more than spending time with other painters.
You can learn a lot looking at art that isn’t like yours, but has something that yours might be missing. I like looking at abstract work, even though my work is very illustrative, because I can learn more about colors that way.
In terms of obstacles, life often gets in the way of producing work. I have a chronic illness that made it hard for me to spend a lot of time in the studio when I was in college, and I wish I could go back and change that. Now I’m mostly better, but I have a family with two young children and finding the appropriate work life balance can be tricky. One thing I started doing, is to keep plants in my studio at home. I water them before I work, and when i notice they start looking a little dry, it’s time for me to get back to it!
Kelsey , before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
I’m a painter and illustrator and have been exhibiting and showing my work in Austin, Texas for over ten years now (oh how time flies!). I started showing at coffee shops and restaurants, and out of my studio on the east side. Now I show out of the Austin Art Garage, and do some pop up art shows on the weekends.
I started out doing gouache paintings, but now almost exclusively work in oils. My work is has always been centered around animals, but those animals have changed and evolved though the years. I started doing bee and bear paintings in 2011 and now do mostly snake and bird paintings, although bees have always and will always appear in my work from time to time.
I do mostly paintings for clients, although sometimes I’ll also do design work for posters tee shirts and such. I’ve also done installations and murals for businesses, and this is something I would like to do more of.
I also do pet or children portraits! I love capturing their personalities in my work. Showing their personality is as important to me as creating a likeness. I ask for at least three photos to base my painting on. Even if I don’t use them all as a reference, it can give me a clue on their personalities.
What do you find most rewarding about being a creative?
Being an artist has allowed me to pay attention to the world differently. Looking at the light reflect through the tree leaves, different colors of shadows, the curve of the cheek of my babies face, are all things that jump out to me saying “pay attention to me. See my color, see my form.” It’s so easy to go through our day to day life without taking the moment to really see what beauty the world offers.
Are there any books, videos, essays or other resources that have significantly impacted your management and entrepreneurial thinking and philosophy?
I did Artist INC a few years back. It has put together by the Cultural Art Division of Austin and the Mid America Art Alliance. Artist INC was a several week business class for creatives, where we learned about social media, grants, and how to put together an artist statement. I found that not only was the class really helpful, but meeting other artists was a good networking experience. A lot of these artists I’m still friends with and we support each other’s work in person and in social media. I also listen to the podcast Art Grind. It’s a semi monthly podcast where artists interview other artists. Listening to creatives have conversations and talk about their life story has been very inspiring. Makes one feel less alone, which I guess is one of the great things about podcasts.
Also gives you ideas to try. One thing I want to do in the next year or so is the 50 No’s challenge. Applying for shows and opportunities can be scary, to put not only yourself out there but your art. For the 50 No’s challenge, instead of trying to get Yes’s, you work on just applying to as many things as you can until you get 50 No’s. Changing the parameters of the goals can take a lot of the scary out.
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: @kelseyarchboldart