We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Kelly Campbell. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Kelly below.
Hi Kelly, thanks for joining us today. We’d love to hear about a time you helped a customer really get an amazing result through their work with you.
The basis of my work is that I work with Source to clear family lines resulting in clearing, clarity and healing for the individual. Each of us have issues – trauma, false beliefs, harm – that are disruptive to our well-being and that have been carried down fro generation to generation. Also, when we form relationships with one another, we connect or “cord” with that person and that can be temporary or last for years and years depending on the situation. Many times, and hopefully, we cord with others that are healthy and we strengthen one another. Sometimes though, especially in intimate relationships, we cord with a partner that is disruptive to who we know ourselves to be and to who we are at our best self. I have a client who was corded to her ex-husband who was psychologically disordered and he was not only using her to energize him, but his cording went through their young daughter and he was inadvertently disrupting her to get to my client. His family line held very dark behaviors and they were continuing to affect all involved. I worked with my client who was open and ready to healing to remove the cords that were entwining the three of them. This didn’t disconnect the connections between parents and child, it cleared out what wasn’t current and wasn’t theirs to have to hold. Once this was done, my client had much greater clarity to see what was truly happening instead of letting her fear and disruption dictate her responses to him. This put the situation moving in the right – and more positive – direction. She still had the awareness that she needed to be careful with herself around him, but in removing the distortion, she was able to operate with energy that was appropriate and in proportion to what was actually happening as opposed to her nervous system’s trauma response. It has been over a year now and she reports that she remains in a much better place all the way around not only in regard to him and her daughter but that her nervous system is far less likely to hijack her in high pressure situations.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
Ancestral trauma, lineage disruptions, energetic cording from people, places, things, and events – all of these conditions cause significant disruption in our physical and energetic bodies. The disruptions can dominate our being, so we learn how to move around it and accommodate it so we can move through our lives. We have outdated belief loops and energetic dynamics that create misalignment in our emotional and auric space. These misalignments manifest as physical issues that keep us bound and constricted. Clearing work allows for release of outdated patterns, beliefs, and dynamics that are bound up within the emotional, physical, and auric bodies. Healing work opens up opportunity for release of this bound energy in the physical body, creating a secure place to heal physically and reinforce the energetic realignments, making it safe to be fully present to the wisdom and power of your body. From this newly created space of groundedness and power, you can explore ways to reconnect with your intuition, your spirit guides, your life purpose, your joy, and your fully present authentic self.
Some of the things my clients have experienced in both individual and group sessions include:
Physical ailments significantly diminish or dissipate entirely
Improved sleep
Clarity around disruptive relationships
Psychic abilities become stronger, more defined, and more easily accessible
A sense of the connectedness of things and awareness that wasn’t present before
Opportunities that have always been present become more distinct and actionable
Energy levels increase and balance
Reduced need and desire for substances to cope
A feeling of calm confidence about making the right decision for themselves
Renegotiating the impact of past events and traumas in a way that allows them to move forward free from the old narratives
A new recognition of synchronicities as part of the language of their intuition
Clarity about their life path and growth in this lifetime
Improved relationships with family and in intimate partnerships
Can you tell us about a time you’ve had to pivot?
My previous work is in the financial industry. I have a great professional reputation and thriving business that was very lucrative. As my gifts in the healing area were heightened and as I continued training in this field (I also hold a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner certificate), it became more and more clear that this is the work I am meant to do. Holding on to both businesses for a couple of years gave me a sense of financial security but it soon became clear that to do the most good and to honor the gifts, I needed to make a commitment to fully investing in myself and this new area of business. I partnered with an operations and communications specialist and we started Thirteen Rings.
Any stories or insights that might help us understand how you’ve built such a strong reputation?
As is true with most healing practitioners, your clients are your best resource for marketing. My clients trust me and refer friends and family to me. That is the affirmation I can receive.
Contact Info:
- Website: thirteenrings.com
- Instagram: thirteenringshealing
- Facebook: thirteenrings
- Other: https://bio.site/thirteenrings
Image Credits
Hilary Nichols https://www.hilarynichols.com/