Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Kathryn Inman. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Hi Kathryn , thanks for joining us today. Let’s kick things off with your mission – what is it and what’s the story behind why it’s your mission?
When addiction took a hold of my youngest son, I began a long journey to a place that looked like the end for me. No matter what I did to try and save Justin, things continued to get worse, until it broke me completely. I was being tormented by a darkness that seemed to have swallowed my son whole. I had not a single ounce of fight left in me when I finally looked up and cried out to a God I didn’t know. He answered my desperate cry, and like a tidal wave, His peace and transforming grace washed over me. In my surrender, everything changed.
Our story is not unlike a lot of other families that battle addiction, but let me tell you, our journey almost killed me, and it almost killed my son. By the grace of God, we came out on the other side of suffering into a new life of faith and promise. I pray that other families struggling in addiction will find hope in our story.
“Counting Spoons ~ A Memoir of Heroin, Heartache, and Hope” is the first book I’ve written. It is a non-fiction, transformational memoir about addiction and redemption. I think what makes Counting Spoons powerful is that it’s told from both mine and my son’s perspectives, and it gives all the glory to God, but not right away. Our story shows the slow progression from our despair to our faith. God really does use our suffering for good—my family is living proof!
Justin has been clean and walking with Jesus for eight years now. He is married with three beautiful children, is a business owner, and God continues to bless our family richly. In five years, He has given us five preciously perfect grandchildren who bring us immeasurable joy. Let me tell you, when God pulls a rescue like that in your life you want to tell everyone that will listen about how good He is, so that’s exactly what we’re doing.
As a Christian Author, this is my mission…
“I am called to write stories that inspire readers not through perfection, but by exposing the wreckage in our lives. By uncovering places of suffering and hard truths, we discover that hearts can be made new, there is always hope, and anything is possible through Christ.”
Kathryn , before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
There I was, on a plane, traveling from California to join my husband for a new adventure living on the beautiful big island of Hawaii.
And there God was, about to change my world.
On the flight over, I remember closing my eyes, trying to exhale all the years of chaos and stress that followed me around like a dark cloud threatening to take me under. My son’s addiction, the fifty-hour work weeks, the sleepless nights—it was almost the death of me, but all that was behind us. My family is healthy and healing and now, finally, I can rest and never speak of those dark times again.
But that is not how it went.
I barely remember the five-hour flight because I was too busy pounding away on my laptop. I thought I was just journaling, but God had other plans. My entire first year in Hawaii was spent hovering over my laptop day-in and day-out, writing a story that was pouring out from my soul like a firehose.
Throughout the writing process I began to realize that this was more than journaling, and I kept confessing to God that I was terrified of sharing our story with others.
“Father God, I cannot do this—I’m not strong enough!”
And God, being God, responded over and over again, “Fear not, my child, I am with you.”
As He was with me, through every single page.
All that to say, with the help of my family and God himself, we wrote a book, found a Christian Publisher, and launched our story out into the world laying bare our soul for all to see.
I didn’t dream of becoming a published author or being an advocate for the broken and addicted, but God has given me a purpose—He is using every bit our pain and suffering for good.
Romans 8:28 “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”
With the current Fentanyl crisis and the numbers of overdoses soaring, the world needs hope, the kind found in the pages of “Counting Spoons ~ A Memoir of Heroin, Heartache, and Hope” –our family’s story of how our we survived the harrowing journey of addiction and, by the grace of our mighty God, came out on the other side stronger than ever.
God has given our family a powerful testimony, and we want to share it with everyone who will listen. If you are in the throes of addiction, love someone in addiction, or if you’re hurting and broken—this book is for you. Read it, share it, and help us spread hope.
Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?
My resilience came in my surrender.
I thought I was strong and had life figured out. I wore my independence and ability to navigate life like a badge of honor. I was a single mom working hard and raising my two sons–life was certainly not easy, but it was good.
My perceived strength and resilience worked well for a little while. I bounced back from every obstacle I came up against until addiction came and took a hold of my youngest son. Before I could even catch my breath, our entire world began spiraling out of control. Watching my son destroy himself was a living nightmare. There was not a single thing I could do to help him or help myself. It was then that I realized I was not strong at all—I was weak and desperate. I could not bounce back from this one on my own.
Through that nightmare I recognized my need for a Savior, I surrendered it all, and then Jesus rescued me. Now I rejoice in my weakness because I know where my strength, resilience, and hope comes from. Praise be to God.
2 Corinthians 12:9-11 (NIV) But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”
For you, what’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative?
As a 60-year-old first time author, do I love writing? Absolutely I do. It brings me joy and healing and comfort and all wonderful things. But, for me, more than how much I enjoy writing, the most rewarding part is spreading hope and glorifying Christ in my words.
My first book, Counting Spoons, is dedicated to Jesus. After all, it really is His story. He is the reason I’m here today. He’s the reason my once addicted son is alive and thriving. He is the reason for all the blessings in my life, and there are many. Jesus is my hope. My strength. My peace. My everything.
Readers have asked what I’m writing next, and I’ve been asking God the same question—I’ll keep you posted!
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