Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Kathlena Luft. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Kathlena, appreciate you joining us today. We’d love to hear the backstory of how you established your own practice.
I was previously practicing as an Occupational Therapist, when I experienced QNRT(Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy) as a client. It made such a positive impact in my life and my son’s life, that I decided to train with Dr. John Turner in Atlanta to become certified as a practitioner.
Initially, I began practicing QNRT out of my home in Spring Hill, while continuing to work part time as an Occupational Therapist. But with every OT patient I saw, I felt I could better help them with QNRT. So, I finally stopped the OT work, and trusted the Lord to provide QNRT clients.
Late January of 2020, I relocated to the Brentwood area right before Covid began to spread. That year was a struggle, because Nashville was extremely locked down. But because I truly believed in the benefit of QNRT, I just kept pushing forward in faith. As clients experienced relief of symptoms, they shared QNRT with friends and family.
Since I’m currently the only certified practitioner in Tennessee, there are still so many people who have never heard about this amazing tool, which physically removes trauma from the brain and nervous system. My prayer is that more people will be educated about QNRT and come to understand how the brain processes and stores trauma. Trauma and stress do not just cause emotional or mental symptoms. So many of our physical, immune, social, and relational issues also stem from trauma in the brain, which generates unhealthy thought patterns in our subconscious. These negative patterns shift our perceptions, and can begin to run our lives. So instead of just treating symptoms, QNRT resets the source of symptoms as they apply to specific brain lobes and neurological pathways. This allows the brain to then function in a balanced, healthy state. One of my greatest joys is being a part of Christ’s healing process through QNRT, providing a better quality of life for my clients.
The most important thing for any professional is to follow where the Lord leads, which usual relates to using the gifts and talents He’s given you in some way. That doesn’t mean it will be easy starting out on your own. But I believe the areas in our lives we are most passionate about working on will ultimately bring others and ourselves the most joy and peace. Just keep giving God the glory and honor as you continue growing in your area of expertise and in your business.
Kathlena, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I am originally from Huntsville, AL and graduated from UAB in Occupational Therapy, with a minor in Psychology. When I later transitioned into training for QNRT, I already understood it from a client’s perspective. And with my previous neurological training, it felt like the perfect fit. I became fascinated with how the brain shields us from trauma by compartmentalizing it, so we can survive. But as trauma builds up in the brain, it has no more room to function properly. This is why so many of us have more serious issues mid to later in life.
After I completed the regular QNRT certification, I went on to become certified as an Advanced QNRT Practitioner. This allows me to address a wider range of issues, including Auto-Immune/ Inflammatory, Metabolic, Allergy sensitivities, Hormonal Imbalance, and Miasms which can create severe mental/emotional/physical issues.
QNRT is a unique set of proprietary protocols, which no other neurological treatment utilizes. EEG studies have proven that each QNRT Reset physically removes a piece of trauma from the brain, showing a decrease in short term and long term trauma areas in as little as 12 Resets. Though for more severe issues like frequent panic attacks, severe depression, trauma from abuse, PTSD, Auto-Immune issues, addictions, ADHD, or OCD behavior, clients will more likely need 20-30 Resets before they feel a huge shift in their nervous system. This is because it takes more pieces of stored trauma to manifest a serious physical, mental, immune, or behavioral issue.
I address each client’s symptoms at the beginning of each treatment session, so the subconscious can pull up the information to be Reset. We continue addressing the agreed upon plan of care through QNRT Resets, until symptoms are relieved and the brain and nervous system are more balanced. Clients then come in for maintenance Resets as they need. The more QNRT Resets you have, the more tuned into your nervous system you become.
I am most proud to be able to use my skills and training to assist in changing lives for the better. Most all of my clients have walked through very difficult times. I’m honored and privileged to be allowed to share in their suffering and then help remove it. Thankfully, QNRT does not require any extensive processing on the part of the client, because the neurological protocols lock in the patterns or issues which were created by the individual trauma events. This is a huge blessing for clients who do not want to relive such traumatic events, as EMDR or counseling requires. I also work with couples separately, until they each have removed enough trauma to be receptive for counseling together. Without removing the unhealthy or negative patterns, counseling alone would not work. It’s so rewarding to also be a part of helping families stay together and thrive. I’m so thankful to be a part of God’s healing story in so many lives.
What’s been the most effective strategy for growing your clientele?
It really all comes down to how you treat others. I have always had a heart for serving others. I treat each client not only how I would want to be treated with compassion and respect, but also how I would want my own family members to be treated. QNRT is such a individual journey, where very private and sensitive information is discussed. I try to create an environment of trust and openness, while also honoring those clients who do not which to share more. As QNRT alleviates my clients’ symptoms, they feel and function better. All their relationships and environments are improved, without pieces of trauma pulling up to skew perceptions. After experiencing QNRT, it’s hard to keep it to yourself if you’re someone who wants to help others. So naturally, my clients have shared QNRT as a way of helping those around them. What a blessing that we can pass it on, and help heal one brain and one life at a time.
If you could go back in time, do you think you would have chosen a different profession or specialty?
I would absolutely choose QNRT again. In fact, I wish I had discovered QNRT earlier. Sometimes our career path is a journey which navigates us to the next level, when we’re ready to receive it. My previous occupational therapy career taught me about working with clients, using psychology skills, and working with neurological principles. So perhaps my transition into QNRT work came easier because of my past experiences in occupational therapy and as a QNRT client. I love learning about new discoveries in the brain, as QNRT protocols continue to evolve through research and practice.
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