We were lucky to catch up with Katerina Kormas recently and have shared our conversation below.
Katerina, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. What do you think it takes to be successful?
I think there’s no magic formula for success, but, I do think there’s a beautiful synchronicity of how your mindset, intuition, and aligned actions lead you to where you desire to be.
Most of us have been taught to believe that if we work hard, hustle, show up, do the work, and take the actions, we will succeed at our goals and dreams. And I believed that at first. When I started my coaching business 7 years ago, I listened to the advice, I showed up before and after my full time job, I hustled on weekends, and yet, I still didn’t see results for years. I watched everyone around me have the life and business I desired to have.
I followed their strategies, I bought their courses, joined their masterminds, and still didn’t reach my goals or see much progress.
It made me wonder – why do some people take all the actions, show up in their business consistently and have a thriving business, while others that seemingly take almost all the same actions, and show up consistently still struggle to see results?
I felt like there was a piece missing. And, I was right.
I learned – “not all thoughts, beliefs, actions, and intentions are created equal.”
Not all thoughts and beliefs will inspire you and drive you to show up and take action. Not all actions are the right fit for what you desire.
They have to all align and work together.
Digging deeper into my own entrepreneurial journey and working with female entrepreneurs, I realized there were things happening behind the scenes that were the driving momentum, and fuel that determined the timeline to success.
It came down to the unwavering belief in yourself, qualifications, gifts, and talents, and what you are creating in your business PLUS doing it YOUR way by trusting your intuition and taking the actions that aligned with your own vision for your business. You have to create an action plan that feels good, ease-ful, and right for you for the unique vision you have for your life and business.
And then, show up each day consciously and consistently believing those empowering thoughts while taking the actions will lead you to creating the success that matches your desired goal and dream.
Katerina, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
Hi, I’m Katerina Kormas, a mindset and confidence coach for female entrepreneurs. And I LOVE what I do. It took me 30 years to discover my passion and another 6 to finally rip off the bandaid and do it, but I’m here and it just keeps getting better.
As a coach, I specialize in guiding new and aspiring entrepreneurs to shift their perspectives, ignite their confidence, and fearlessly showcase their talents. By aligning their beliefs and actions, I help them forge deep connections and resonate with their audience, while showcasing their unique skills and experiences. It’s magical watching these fabulous women sculpt thriving, impactful businesses and lives driven by passion and purpose.
To be honest, though, I didn’t always feel passionate about my own life. 13 years ago I was in a career that left me feeling drained, unfulfilled, and lacking purpose. I moved to a new city and took a lateral position at a non-profit, and found myself staring at a blank wall one day for two hours just thinking about how lost I felt. I remember going to the book store trying to find a book about a girl like me – lost and stuck in her own life – hoping that the ending of the book would tell me how to find my passion and direction.
I even tried Googling “What should I do with my life?” in desperate hope something helpful would pop up.
A few days later, a friend told me I needed a life coach. I didn’t hesitate. I had no idea what a life coach was, but a coworker recommended one, I hired her, and my life changed dramatically in just a year. I was daring to do things I never dreamed of doing – move across country, quit my job, go back to school (for massage and life/mindset coaching), and actually dream of owning my own business. I knew then I wanted to help other women live life their own way, tap into their talents, gifts, and experiences to design lives and businesses that they jumped out of bed for each morning.
I understand that everyone’s journey is unique to them – their stories, experiences, beliefs, desires – I love working one on one with clients, seeing their visions become their reality, seeing them lead themselves instead of life leading them. I love helping them get that small mindset or perspective breakthrough that truly changes everything for them. It’s this beautiful moment where something clicks, a veil is lifted, a paradigm is shifted, and they step into a version of themself allowing them to be bolder and braver in their actions.
I used to dream of being a radio host, but now I get to turn that old dream into hosting my own podcast, The Fearless Female Entrepreneur, where I feature solo episodes and interviews with entrepreneurs sharing our own journeys, knowledge, insights, and experiences to help other entrepreneurs reach their next level of success and design lives and businesses their way.
Have you ever had to pivot?
The truth is, when I started my business 7 years ago, I was actually afraid to focus on mindset and confidence coaching specifically even though I felt it was my true passion and gift as a coach. I had a limiting belief that no one would want to hire a mindset coach, so, I became a business coach thinking that is what would bring me the revenue and that is what people were really looking to invest in. As a business coach, I coached on strategies, marketing, visibility, getting clients. I launched programs, sold courses, but, I felt so empty. I wasn’t excited about the work I was doing even when clients were seeing results.
I felt like something was off, missing, just not right. I wasn’t excited about my business anymore. I could see how my clients needed more focus and support around their mindset. That the strategies weren’t going to get them anywhere if they didn’t do the inner work.
I knew it was either give up all the work I built to create the business, or pivot.
And I knew the pivot had to be what I truly wanted to do and that I needed to do my own inner work to believe that I could succeed at it. I needed to believe that my passion and knowledge was enough.
The confidence didn’t happen over night. It took showing up everyday and just believing that that one post, that one podcast episode, that one program I launched, that one time I talked about mindset, would resonate. I repeated that belief over and over again with every action I took.
I think we believe that if what we are doing is working and we are seeing results, then we should stick with it. What I realized is that without passion and excitement for your business, you’re just going to either burn out, feel resentful, or quit. You lose momentum, and people around you can feel that energy shift. You no longer show up consistently. You don’t show up to sell the programs, products, and offers that you’re not excited about.
We also tend to think that if we pivot, change our minds, or try something new that somehow we may seem flaky, or that we will fail or it would mean we failed, but in reality, we are being true to ourselves. We are choosing something better and more aligned for us for where we are in the moment.
If it the pivot doesn’t work out, you’ll learn so much about yourself, and then you just pivot again until you find the right fit.
We are always growing and evolving. I learned we should remain open to our desires, dreams, likes and dislikes, shifts in our confidence levels, and embody the belief that it’s ok to pivot to what is a better fit for where you are in your journey.
What’s been the most effective strategy for growing your clientele?
This may be an unexpected response. You might think I’m going to talk about my sales funnels, Instagram Reels, or Youtube. But honestly, my clients come from all over the place. Most come from unexpected places.
My most effective strategy is being human. Being me. Being relatable. Being a story-teller. I’m a service based business working individually with people, and my belief is that people need and want to make “connection points” with you.
As humans, we make connections, and build friendships and relationships by having things in common – both people loving chai lattes, having dogs, being entrepreneurs, living in the same cities, believing in law of attraction, belonging to the same networking group, loving the same podcasts.
The more you have in common, the more of a relationship is built between you.
My clients come from finding those connection points in the stories I tell on my podcast, in my emails, on Instagram. They come to me from me connecting and collaborating with others. I connect with people in DMs over funny stories, or sharing recipes, and then we are guests on each others’ podcasts, joining each others’ programs, and referring friends to each other.
I show my personality, and my own personal journey and stories of starting and growing my businesses.
It works for growing my business, but this mindset and approach also brings so many new possibilities, opportunities and life experiences where I get to connect to so many women around the world.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.katerinakormas.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katerina.kormas
Image Credits
All photos except the 1st one: Allie at Verb House Creative