Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Kailani Raye. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Kailani, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. What did your parents do right and how has that impacted you in your life and career?
If I’m honest, it was everything they did wrong. Your eyebrow may have raised there but hear me out.
If my parents had done everything I expected that “perfect parents” should do, I wouldn’t be here today having this conversation with you. What would be considered their bad decisions, was the exact formula that not only led to my actual existence but my ultimate development.
If they had done everything right, I wouldn’t know the duality of light and dark. I wouldn’t know what it means to be broken down so you can build yourself back up. I wouldn’t know heartbreak and the path that leads to the discovery of self love before all other loves. I wouldn’t have became a leader. I wouldn’t have learned to lean on God when I felt I couldn’t lean on anything else.
My parents got it so absolutely right. They existed. They passed down their cuts and bruises and I was able to find the medicine. Everything I am today is the beautiful result of 2 very human people just trying survive not only physically but mentally and emotionally as well. Together they created 4 amazing women. A gift to this world if I might say. 4 generational curse breakers.
I am all of Kenny Daigre and all of Stella Ramirez. That, they got right.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.
Whenever I’m asked how I got to this place professionally I always laugh a little inside because the truth is it’s my lessons in life. The part that makes me giggle is that most, if not all of my life lessons have come to me by way of men. So yes, I can attest, men are good for something!
This journey began in heartbreak as a lot of self-discovery journeys do. However it wasn’t exactly the Eat, Pray, Love moment we hope our journeys would look like. Mine was more like Stab, Death, Repeat. The ending of this relationship shattered my entire life as I knew it.
This relationship, or situationship rather, was the hard kind that breaks you down to build you up. So like most women in my position I decided “I’m gonna go to the gym and get fine, then I’ll get 5 new boyfriends and that’ll be that on that!” A plan lol. What happened after that was transformational. I inadvertently immersed myself into a world of health and wellness. And not just the looking and feeling healthy kind, I mean emotional health, mental health, spiritual health — the kinds of health no one else taught me. Not even my mother, because no one taught her.
I was doing heavy work. Not the laborious kind of work that required hours of researching, writing, strategizing, planning, networking and everything else needed to execute an idea. This required a work unlike anything I had ever explored or even thought about. It was a deeper kind of work. This was a work they didn’t teach me in school nor was this a work that had a definite end time. This work only worked if I did the work — and only I could determine the outcome. This work is what I now know as “The Inner Work”.
The natural researcher I am, I dove deep and I realized I wanted to share and teach everything I was learning. I wanted other women to find the love they were so desperately craving, but not from any external factors. I wanted them to find that love in themselves.
As I journeyed through my relationship with God I realized that’s where it all started — the beginning and the end. Looking back I now realize that this relationship was divinely orchestrated and I regret nothing. It’s in sharing this experience and my journey that most women relate to me and that has become one of my goals when I create the spaces I work in. I want the women that work with me to feel safe, seen, aligned and empowered.
When I first set out on this pivot in my career I had no intention of ever becoming a Life and Mindset Coach. But if I look back on my life’s trajectory, I was always a Life and Mindset Coach. In my most natural self, this is my superpower. I was always the friend you come to for advice, I was always getting comments on my energy and aura –– before I even knew what an energy or aura was –– and I was always told I should be a motivational speaker. A younger, more undeveloped version of me would have sold my right kidney before speaking in front of people but alas, as God and life would have, here we are.
So much of my current life is a manifestation of visions and dreams that only used to live in my imagination. Since I was a child I’ve always seen my life through the lens of a movie. It was my way of escaping from my reality. Pretending like I was the girl in the scene and acting out what I would do if it were me –– I was giving big main character energy without even realizing it. What I didn’t know was that I was actively practicing visualization as my method of manifestation. I was allowing TV and Film to expand my mind and because of this I always knew more was out there for me.
And that’s the thing I’ve come to realize as an adult –– not everyone knows or believes there is bigger out there. A few years ago I remember sitting in church. I am a member of One Church led by Pastor Toure Roberts and Sarah Jakes Roberts. I can write an entire essay of my development in this beautiful space but another story for another day. But there are a few words that have stuck with me from the moment I heard them.
Those words, from God’s heart, to my Pastor’s mouth, unto my ears were:
“We are not destined to live a life of mediocrity, but a life of greatness and abundance!”
In that moment it was as if God so effortlessly planted the seed in me –– this would become my purpose. This was going to be my mission in life, to get people to believe this and take action. What I didn’t know was that I was going to step and pivot into a career that fills me up more than anything I’ve ever done in my life and I was going to create spaces that allow me to show up completely as myself in my truest form.
Today, I am a Certified Hypnotherapist and Life and Mindset Coach.
As a hypnotherapist and life coach, I have the opportunity to help people unlock their potential and improve their lives. By focusing on spiritual growth and subconscious discovery, I can help my clients access deeper levels of self-awareness and tap into their inner resources to create positive change –– or what I like to call, “Creating Your Heaven on Earth”.
Spiritual growth can mean different things to different people, but it generally involves developing a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s place in the world. By helping my clients explore their beliefs and values, I help them gain clarity on their life purpose and align their actions with their values.
Subconscious discovery involves exploring the unconscious mind, where our beliefs, emotions, and behaviors are often rooted. By helping my clients access their subconscious mind through hypnosis or other techniques, I help them uncover and address deep-seated issues that may be holding them back in life.
Overall, my focus on spiritual growth and subconscious discovery is a powerful combination for helping my clients achieve personal transformation and live more fulfilling lives. My goal is that every person that experiences me will feel seen, safe, inspired, and empowered to take aligned action towards creating their heaven on earth.
When asked what I’m most proud of, I always say my biggest accomplishment is that everyone that experiences my energy, my spaces and my aura, absolutely loves me! I know, I giggle every time I say it too. But it’s the truth. And the part I am most proud of is the love and admiration that people have for me is the love I so freely give out into the world being mirrored back to me. People can feel my love and see my light because that is God’s love and God’s light ruminating inside of me. As a believer and someone in deep relationship with God, if my main purpose on this earth and in this lifetime is to bring people closer to the Kingdom –– I think I’m doing a really, really good job!
How about pivoting – can you share the story of a time you’ve had to pivot?
I moved to Los Angeles from Sacramento, CA 12 years ago.
I was going to become a Wardrobe Stylist. At the time this was not as much of a recognized profession as it is now. But I knew it was going to happen. I always say fashion saved me in a way because it was my first experience with self discovery, but it was also my first experience of trusting God and fully manifesting the life of my dreams.
In the height of my career I was in that situationship I mentioned –– the one that served as a catalyst to my complete evolution. When this relationship ended I thought I was going through a normal breakup. I felt everything a girl would, sad, unmotivated, mentally and emotionally exhausted –– you know, the normal stuff. But one day I realized something more was at play here something bigger that I couldn’t recognize. On the conscious level I knew something was wrong when I declined a big trip to go with a major singer to Paris as his stylist. I lied and said I was already booked but in reality I didn’t have the bandwidth to carry the job. I didn’t have the mental nor physical energy. Looking back I now know this was the beginning of a stirring and reprogramming within me that would lead me to where I’m at today.
I spent weeks and months thinking I was a failure because I no longer resonated with this amazing life I created. Everything felt mundane and unaligned but I couldn’t get myself to walk away. I just moved through the emotions completely uninspired and angry almost.
One day I went to a special evening church service where T.D. Jakes was speaking. His message was catered to young Hollywood and Entreprenuers here in LA that also loved God. It was so packed that night I remember having to sit on the floor along the wall but my spirit knew I just needed to be in the room.
There was one point in his message that I could have sworn he read my journal and was speaking directly to me. He said that we are all given gifts but we often make the mistake of thinking our gifts are our purpose. What we need to realize is that the gifts God has given will lead us to our purpose and if we have to leave one gift to receive the next then we must do so. His voice trailed off and it was like the room got silent, but in that moment as if an angel came down, a chain was broken off me and I was set free. I gave myself permission to let go of everything I had built and worked hard for and I waited. God would send me my next gift.
What’s been the most effective strategy for growing your clientele?
Short answer, showing up exactly as myself.
Before I was a Life Coach, I set out to be a Business Coach. I had learned so much about business in trying to start my own and I would give my other entreprenuer friends tips and strategies, I assumed maybe this is the business I’m supposed to start. But as I dove into that it didn’t feel aligned. I felt forced and I felt like I became a slave to my clients. But a lesson and experience I wouldn’t take back because I developed so much in this time.
When I began my community I kept getting questions like do I do one-one-one coaching. People loved that I talked about God but they also loved me as a leader and felt safe in my space. Like I said before I never set out to become a Life Coach but I felt like I was being called to it. I prayed and told God I would lean into this but I need confirmation I was doing the right thing. The moment I said I was going to offer this service, I immediately signed three high-ticket clients and that was all the confirmation I needed.
Showing up as exactly who I am supposed to be in this world is what got me my first clients and is still what invites people into my world. Whenever I try to emulate what other coaches or business owners are doing it feels forced or nothing moves, no sales, no clients, nothing. When I get out of my own head and just show up in my messy action, people feel my spirit and they want more.
I wish I could give you some step by step strategy but sometimes the truth is people just want to know you not all the fancy bells and whistles. But you, your story, your thoughts, your energy, You are your best asset!
Contact Info:
- Website: coming soon
- Instagram: @kailaniraye and @thefourletterproject
- Linkedin:
- Youtube: coming soon
Image Credits
Yasmína Antonio (event photos) Kaye McCoy