We recently connected with K.T. Braxton and have shared our conversation below.
Hi K.T., thanks for joining us today. Owning a business isn’t always glamorous and so most business owners we’ve connected with have shared that on tough days they sometimes wonder what it would have been like to have just had a regular job instead of all the responsibility of running a business. Have you ever felt that way?
I think about what it would be like receiving a steady paycheck and benefits more times than I can count throughout the week. Happiness is transient, while true joy is constant. I find joy in living in my purpose. Some days running businesses has me ready to run for the hills -I MEAN BOOK IT, but when I worked retail there were times I wanted to take off as well. It is really important to me to emphasize that owning a business and being employed by a business are simply different paths not one being better than the other. Entrepreneurship is truly a calling. Sure, anyone can go pay a fee and file business taxes, then boom you’re an entrepreneur. Technically you don’t even need a business license in many states depending on the nature of your business, but to truly prosper in it which goes beyond money you have to be purposeful. When I was teaching soft skills in high schools, I would ask the students what they wanted to do and what they envisioned for their lives because every opportunity costs something and quality of life matters, so we have to decide what works best for our lives. I would throw out different scenarios to get the students’ wheels turning. I often told them if money was the main reason they wanted to go into business, then they needed to move over to finance. My whole life I have heard how most businesses fail and in my eight years of entrepreneurship I know how hard it is and how cash flow does not always steadily flow. That can be so nerve-wrecking, but when you are called to live this life you can have joy. So, am I happy? It depends on the day, but I do have fulfilling moments of happiness when I make businesses run more efficiently, make meals people dream of, and host impactful community events. I am happy when I see the missions I work so hard to bring to fruition embodied by more than me. I am happy to build something bigger than me.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your background and context?
I am the CEO & Founder of Young NOT Foolish LLC dba “YNF”, Braxton Management LLC, and Kenny’s 622 Trowbridge LLC. Everything I do involves serving people on some level. YNF produces positive apparel and hosts events with the goal to encourage, educate, entertain, and inspire. Our mission is spread love and build community. Braxton Management provides tailored administration to small businesses and professionals. From virtual assistance to managing daily operations, we manage the unmanageable. This year an association in District of Colombia was onboarded which was an amazing stride for this firm.
Kenny’s 622 Trowbridge is the most personal venture. Named after an old family home, this business embodies my love of loving on people the best way I know how -feeding them. We create scratch-made meals made with wholesome ingredients free of harmful additives and artificial colors and flavors. We provide private dining, host pop-ups, and cater events up to 30-50 guests. It took me a while to launch because if I’m honest, I was afraid of not just the potential of failing, fumbling because I already have two functioning businesses and need more time in a day and a steady team, but mainly because this was so personal. It is my love on every plate. I’m sharing my lineage. My dad and grandpa were so close to opening a restaurant but it never happened, so it was very surreal to learn that on the brink of this venture. I am most proud to be my ancestor’s wildest dream. I am proud of the work I do, though daily it gets clearer that who I am is beyond what I do professionally.
What’s a lesson you had to unlearn and what’s the backstory?
Y’all aren’t holding back today! Well, I am still in the process of unlearning the 24/7 entrepreneur mindset. Some days get very long. There is essentially always something to do when you operate one business, let alone multiple or have a full-time position and add on the other hats in your life. The 24/7 mindset is dangerous and admittedly I still have not shaken it just yet, but I am trying. Balance is so important and when we are incessantly working we do not enjoy each stage. I am certain there is much enjoyment I have missed. That mindset has usurped celebrations of milestones that I should have taken the time to revel in, but I was too engulfed in busy work. It is imperative to remember that every win matters including the small ones. Even learning from failures is hard to do when we rush back to keep the wheels spinning instead of reflecting. “Booked and busy” sounds cute and all, but you can stay busy running in place. What do I mean? Not all work is productive. I’m a woman of faith, so I try to be prayerful even in my work because I don’t want to work myself ragged in vain.
Where do you think you get most of your clients from?
This may not be the profound answer some people are searching for, but relationships! If I am honest I need to do a heck of a lot more networking, but the people I have in my network are so solid! I do not connect myself, my name -be it personal or professional- to just anyone. Integrity matters to me. Intentions matter, and I have been blessed to begin establishing relationships young. My mentor turned friend, Angela, has helped me tremendously, but that relationship has been cultivated and nourished since I was a teenager. She was grown but young enough to relate to and she took me under her wing. Recently she even helped me land a new contract out of state. Handing out a business card and giving an elevator pitch are both important, but I have found that real relationships are most effective in what I do. Yes, nepotism can have a bad rap but we have to face that “who you know” is important but what and how I execute what I know has kept me in rooms where I once thought I was unqualified to knock on the door. The network I have sees skills I sit on and holds me accountable to use and sharpen them and do what I need to do to prosper in my mission.
Contact Info:
- Website: Ktbraxton.com
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/kennys622trowbridge?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kennys622trowbridge
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ktbraxton
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCnJoQ-FPGWNVloFfXPtdjPw