We recently connected with Jxjury and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, JxJury thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Can you open up about a risk you’ve taken – what it was like taking that risk, why you took the risk and how it turned out?
The biggest risk I’ve ever taken in my life? I’m currently living in it as we speak!
Growing up in the IE (southern California), there were three things that moved my spirit the most – basketball, music, and fashion. I was an avid sneakerhead, who loved to play basketball all hours of the day, and made my own music. I knew at a young age these were the things I wanted to spend my life’s work in. So I began to carve a path that would allow me to do all 3 of these in the corporate world. I had this crazy idea of working in Nike Basketball at the Nike WHQ in Beaverton, OR. I wanted to inspire the world like those Michael Jordan / Spike Lee commercials we watch growing up – “Mike, it’s gotta be the shoes!” I wanted to make THAT. It was an unheard of dream where I came from, but it was my dream job.
So I packed my bags and moved to Portland, OR at 18, right after I graduated high school. I had an opportunity to play college basketball at a small private school called Pacific University. But more importantly, I put myself close to the Nike WHQ, and knew somehow, someway, I’d find my way in.
No internships, no job offers, no real leads. Just an absolute grind, a load of networking, and delusional faith is what I was running on. And after about 2.5 years after graduating college, that grind paid off. I FINALLY landed my dream job. Nike Basketball Apparel Product Manager. Leading the apparel business for Nike Basketball – like what?!
Over the coming years I would go on to work with my idols – Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving, eventually launching Giannis Antetounkompo and Paul George’s businesses, and growing that apparel sector to astronomical numbers. It was this job that made me realize how good I was with external partners, big personalities, and still driving the business needs. And I decided that I was ready to move on from basketball, and lean into my love for music. So I took a newly created role in exactly that: Product Director of Entertainer Apparel Collaborations – primarily focused on Drake’s new Nocta business. Another idol and dream job opportunity!
I worked at Nike for 10 years. And the constant theme was, I worked in the things I was most passionate about and got to be my creative, authentic self in the process. But along those 10 years, as amazing as it sounds, I began to feel the ceiling. My creative ideas eventually had reached what felt like a corporate box. My only outlet for driving creativity outside of this box was my own music, which I had been creating alongside this entire corporate journey. But the further I climbed that corporate ladder, the bigger responsibilities and demands, the less time I had for my own creative works, I felt like my growth was beginning to slow down.
At this point I really challenged myself creatively with the little time that I DID have. In July of 2023, I launched an amazing summer album called “Gone, Leave A Message!” with a talented friend of mine. In September of 2023, I threw a music festival for the city or Portland called “Dhope Fest”, featuring the city’s best artists and DJs in which I headlined. The response from the audience for these works was so magnificent, it truly was the most cloud 9-feeling sense of fulfillment I had felt in a long time.
And everything clicked December 2023.
I was in Toronto for a meeting with Drake, a normal meeting about the Nocta business. And I thought about how I had been taking these type of meetings for 10 years at this point. That entire meeting, all I could think to myself was, “Wow, I think this is it.” I realized, I had already done the dream. I’ve checked the box. I no longer felt the fulfillment that I used to feel.
And the place I was feeling this fulfillment? My own creative. But I was only dedicating 4% of my total time all year to my work (I know this because I calculated it thoroughly)!
So my wife and I spent the coming weeks brainstorming a plan that would change EVERYTHING for the both of us in 2024. It was rooted in this simple thought – I know longer care to pursue a “dream job”, I want to build our “dream life”. So we planned out what a dream life scenario would look like. And for me, it looked like dedicating more time to my craft. I didn’t want to be 60 years old, looking back and thinking, “wow I was really good and I never went for it.” It’s time to GO. This dream life also looked like me being creative in all the ways I did at Nike, but doing it MY way. I love partnerships, I love storytelling, I love brand moments.
Hence, we created a plan where I could go all in on my music and be a freelance creative director all at the same time. AND, we would leave Portland, OR, and travel across the country to New York City. Talk about living the dream in the big city?! That was exactly the plan. I’ll spare you all the details it took to execute this. But rest assured, we executed.
Enter June 2024, the biggest month of our lives. Where I quit my dream job, and we took a chance on ourselves. We moved to NYC on June 1st, and haven’t looked back since. All the paychecks, glorified titles, and stock options added up could NEVER amount to what we are experiencing now. Two entrepreneurs, focused on absolute fulfillment in our life and our life’s work. No longer chasing a dream job, but instead, building our dream life.
Today, I write this from our beautiful new Brooklyn apartment, staring at the Manhattan skyline, while mapping out the rollout plan for my new record and content, and simultaneously building the brands of 3 very different creative clients that I am so excited about. I’ve never felt this inspired in my life!
Risks are always met with such risk aversion. But a risk will only not work out in the end if you don’t calculate and show up every single day. Where there is a will there is a way – cliches exist for a reason. But every idol I’ve ever had, they were my idol because they took the risk and then become who they became. And I got to work alongside so many idols in the last 10 years. I suppose some of that risk-taking idol magic has finally rubbed off on me over the years?
In summary, I owe so much of this new life to the biggest risk-taker I know – my wife. Without her coaching, her resilience, and brilliance, I wouldn’t have had the greatest epiphany of my life. We made it. We are here. And we are doing it.
A cheers, to the dream life.
JxJury, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
My name is JxJury, I’m an Artist and Creative Director.
My entire life has revolved around basketball, music, and fashion. Essentially, my life’s work has been influencing and contributing to the culture I love. I’ve worked in the corporate world and as business owner in all of these realms.
My first break into this work was my first job at Nike WHQ. Over the years, I had the privilege to make apparel for the world in collaboration with everyone from LeBron to Drake. My industry was product creation, everything from concept and design to sourcing and manufacturing to distribution and marketing – I managed the entire process with all those cross-functional teams. I made broader product that went to Kohl’s and high heat collaboration product that sold out in a Kith or Supreme store within hours of launch. I’ve collaborated with other parties like Warner Bros, NASA, Playstation, Paramount, Nickelodeon, Mattel. I’ve done it all.
Now, I use the same methods that made me successful in the corporate world for my own business. I oversee an entire vision from start to finish, and use that in my music and with the clients I work with today. As a Creative Director, I help drive authentic worldbuilding and storytelling and branding for other creatives and brands. My clientele ranges from artists, to actors, to brands and other creative entrepreneurs.
I’m usually hired because of my unique set of skills and experiences. I have an ability to bring people’s dreams to life with a bigger picture that even they couldn’t see. And because I am an artist and music producer, I’m able to help drive an entire campaign concept from how it looks and feels aesthetically, to how the music sounds. I produce all music for all campaigns that I lead – because sound is such an integral part of branding, no one talks about how important that is. Do you know the McDonald’s jingle? My point exactly!
What am I most proud of? Two part answer:
1) In terms of projects, I think one that stands out is leading the launch of Space Jam 2. My team designed the uniforms in the movie. Which required us to travel to Warner Bros studios to sit with the director of the film, the VFX team, the whole boardroom. And we planned out how this would work logistically. But Space Jam, the OG film, was such an important film to me as a kid. To have had the honor of being the reason why kids where the Space Jam 2 Tune Squad or Goon Squad uniforms – it’s truly a full circle moment. We made a whole collection for the launch too, pretty awesome.
2) I’m most proud of myself for always chasing what I believed in. Just always doing what I loved. I figured out how to make what I love my job – in various ways. And because of this, I think I’ve always been inspired. And because I’m always inspired, I’ve inspired so many others out there.
I’m 5’8, had NBA aspirations – but let’s be real. Not many 5’8 guys are playing in the league regardless of how good they are. But even still, I figured out how to be amongst best of the best ball players in the world. My hoop dreams led to making LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Kobe Bryand, all of these guys, respect my expertise. 12-year old me would think that’s pretty cool.
We’d love to hear a story of resilience from your journey.
I like to think of my resilience as tethered to my delusional faith and confidence in my abilities.
When I was in 8th grade, I told everyone I’d play varsity basketball as a freshman in high school. I got laughed at, and teased about it. No on believed it could happen. I mean, at the school I was going to, no one has done it. And cmon, I was 5’8! Ha. But I knew how good I was and I knew no one could match my work ethic. When tryouts came around, I crushed. I outworked everyone. Leaps and bounds. And I made the varsity team as a freshman. There of course were sophomores, juniors and seniors who didn’t make the team that felt upset that I did. But I knew I belonged there.
Fast-forward to my first varsity game (and first high school game ever). I came off the bench, made 6 three-pointers in a row and made the paper the next morning. I was never doubted again for the next 4 years.
When I was graduating, I told everyone I would go work for Nike WHQ, I wanted to be amongst the greats. And inspire the world. Their response – “you mean the Nike Factory store, like at the mall? That’s cool.” Kids in high school didn’t understand or even comprehend what I was trying to do. Even those older than me that were in college or fresh out of college, alumni, thought my idea was insane. But I knew. And I left home to go pursue it.
Fast-forward to my first job – well we already talked about that! Lol
And after 10 years of climbing the corporate ladder, gaining the trust and respect from some of the biggest names in the industry and some of the most executive level names at Nike, I had another crazy idea. I want to move to NYC and pursue my art. I will be known for my music and my creative mind. Can you guess what some people thought of that idea? I’ll let you imagine based on the historical context.
I’m where I am today because I have always had a delusion belief that I am capable. I am so confident in myself, but I also put in the 10,000 hours to be this confident in myself. Regardless of doubters or obstacles, I know anything is possible with that level of resilience. And if I’m ever in a place where I need reminding, I just look back at my younger self and say – “we’ve already proven we’re capable.”
How did you build your audience on social media?
Honestly, this is so hard for anyone. I wasn’t devoted to growing this, because I made excuses while working my 9-5. I wanted to spend all my time on my craft and hope that people would find it. But it doesn’t work like that. I didn’t flip my mindset on this until I finally decided to bet on myself.
I left my dream job to grow MY audience. And I’m at the start of that journey. But I know exactly what will make it happen and it’s not rocket science. I need to consistently show up. You need to be AMAZING at what you do, have an authentic and amazing brand image, and be relentlessly consistent. Usually we as people, small business or brands are missing 1 of those in our niche – even if we hate to admit it.
So here’s to me being consistent and showing up. Follow the journey with me IG: @j_jury and TikTok: @jxjury
My audience will look a lot different in a year from now. No more excuses. We need to show up!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://jxjury.com
- Instagram: j_jury
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jon-jury-69a36450/
- Twitter: jxjury
- Youtube: jxjury