We were lucky to catch up with Julia Baker recently and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, Julia thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Almost all entrepreneurs have had to decide whether to start now or later? There are always pros and cons for waiting and so we’d love to hear what you think about your decision in retrospect. If you could go back in time, would you have started your business sooner, later or at the exact time you started?
Fingers crossed that I don’t put a hex on us, our business at the age of eight months has been so much more wonderful and fulfilling than we could have ever expected.
Later I give the backstory on why we formed our business, but I can share why we love our businessand why I value my two partners, Mamie Finch and Ed Tessier.
This year, Mamiewelcomed her first child. With the structure we have created she has been able to prioritize her family. I could elaborate, but to prioritize your family says it all.
This year I have had to navigate moving my parents from their condo to independent living. Taking “165 years of memories and supporting items” and reducing it to 1100 square feet. There have been weeks when I was daily called to be present. Our partnership prioritized this life journey with them taking care of what needed to be taken care of at the officeso I could take care of life.
This year Edhas had volleyball and hockey games, family vacations, and a parent with early memory loss. Again – with the support of the two other corners on the triangle we have each been able to do what we need to do without worry or stress that what needs to get done will get done.
We often end our days with the phase “teamwork DOES make the dreamwork”. Not just a phrase on a napkin in our office.
Julia, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I elaborate on this later, but I stumbled into Landscape Architecture without even knowing it existed. I was sent on a temporary administrative job October 1,1991. That assignment. My enthusiastic efforts and abilities. Cosmic timing in life of preparedness, innate skills, and opportunity changed my life profoundly.
Both at my previous partnership and now, I see my role as the “hub” if you will. I allow my amazingly talented and creative partners to do what they are gifted at by moving the “administrative” tasks to my to-do list. Walking new clients through our philosophy and process, contract discussions, accounting and human resource, production calendars and scheduling, project management, follow-up notes and details, office management, etc. All of the things that bog-down creatives are in my wheelhouse and I enjoy navigating and fulfilling.
We’d love to hear a story of resilience from your journey.
Life is funny and basically unpredictable, no matter how much we plan and strategize. At my age, answering the question “share the story of a time when you had to pivot (in business, career, or life)” brought images of one of my favorite arcade games to mind – PINBALL! So many pivots in my career and life – what to share? I thought I’d share a pair: life and career.
When I was 17, I went from being a high school senior on the homecoming court, living life large, and looking forward to college life to a dramatic pivot a few weeks later – I was a married teenage mom. One of my guiding principles in life is to look in the mirror, honestly assess the situation and decide with intention next steps forward. Looking in the review mirror as you drive will cause a wreck. So, it goes with life. Fast forward to today. After a divorce and remarriage, I have four adult children, three bonus children, nine grandchildren and two more on the way next year. Wallowing in bad judgement, circumstances beyond our control and the impact of external factors is debilitating. Take charge and move forward. Stagnation and indecision fuel failure.
Thirty years to the day – October 1, 1991, to October 1, 2021 – I started an amazing career journey and ended it on the same day thirty years apart. October 1, 1991, I was assigned a temporary administrative position with a design office. Fast forward thirty years and I was a partner in what we had built to be the strongest landscape architecture firm in the southeast. Never had I imagined being a business owner. Never had I imagined the AMAZING projects we had the pleasure and opportunity to participate in. Never had I imagined being part of nearly four dozen lives of employees that were part of our team throughout the years. It was a fun, unpredictable, rewarding career. My responsibilities grew from answering phones to client relationships, contract negotiations, human resources, and being the hub that made the wheel go round. I allowed my talented creative partners to shine with their abilities without the mundane day to day tasks that fuel the machine. On the exact day I had walked through the door, 30 years later, we met with our team to tell them we were closing at the end of the yar. When my partners decided to dissolve our firm, it left me spinning. Remember the ride at the fair that centrifugal force held you tightly to the wall while floor fell out below you? This was everyday for the final months as we closed our firm.
But -PIVOT – I looked in the mirror and knew a few things to be true – 1) I knew how to nurture relationships with our team. There is no “I” in team and without a team, there is no firm. 2) I knew how to cultivate client confidence through relationship building and clear communication. 3) I knew logistics before it was a “buzzword”. As I walked through the doors of a closing business everyday with the intent of making it the best for everyone involved… inside I was under a pile of covers crying. Then one day – the clouds parted, the sun broke through and I realized I could take this skillset to create and build something new. Along with my two new partners, we have done just this. BFT Land Design is nearly a year strong and an environment we didn’t know could exist that we now couldn’t imagine life without.
We created this business to work for us … we don’t work for it!
What’s a lesson you had to unlearn and what’s the backstory?
Where I am now and what I have learned:
1) Life is amazingly unpredictable even if you are predictable.
2) Looking in the review mirror while driving forward will result in a crash.
3) Know what you bring to the table.
4) Be intentional everyday in making those around you feel valued. Contribute to making your environment better.
5) Dig deep to find your inner strength and not give up. Even when it seems to be the easiest.
6) Continue to make lists, goals, and plans – stagnation will result in failure.
7) ENJOY every day you are blessed to be given. You’re on the best side of the dirt.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.bftlanddesign.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bftlanddesign/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BFTLandDesign/about
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julia-baker-8b2172232/
Image Credits
I will provide these and additional images tomorrow.