We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Judy Lichtenberger. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Judy below.
Judy, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today What’s been the best thing you’ve ever seen (or done yourself) to show a client that you appreciate them?
Family, friends, and laughter is good medicine. We love interacting with our notaries to make their profiles perfect!! We love rating them based off their hard work. Our clients are happy getting the perfect scan. Taking our time reviewing what has been uploaded into the portal. Most importantly making sure that package gets to its destination on time. And our customers who are satisfied with the service we provided. Always looking for the most experienced, knowledgeable, and caring NATIONWIDE notaries.
Judy, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
I started my career with Travelers Insurance in 1999 as a Property and Casualty Adjuster for Personal Lines. This role provided the opportunity to work front line as a catastrophe adjuster to helping people put their lives back together. In 2011 I decided to switch sides and obtained a General Lines agent license. I have been an Agency producer for several independent insurance agencies in Houston. With my experience on the company side and agency side, I come to my current position with knowledge and ideas that can help to establish relationships with carriers and build life long relationships within my community of experts.
Eagle Eye Signings & Mobile notary is a family ran business. I, enojoy working with my two daughters, nephew, and my husband. We all have different roles and love executing our daily tasks. We have goals to learn new skills, and are open to adding new capabilites to positions.
I enjoy our team meetings and listening to the ideas and processes of each person. Our goal is always improve on our service, who to partner with, and how to be creative in the process. And of course contracting the BEST notaries in the business. We have company tutorials, video courses, and our training binders.
What’s a lesson you had to unlearn and what’s the backstory?
The lesson I had to unlearn is to never put your eggs all in one basket. I have had a mentors who tells you to focus on one thing in your business so you will be the expert in that field. In my case it was loan signigns and General notary work would need to be on the back burner.
Being diverse in any business has to be key.
Has it been pretty quite since the mortage rates have gone up. And we are seeing most companies in a holding pattern. Here is what my company is doing to stay busy. We keep providing great customer service, great communication with our clients, daily routines, and always dive into training materials. We also do GNW, RON, and work with our business partners to expand our services. We never want to say no to any work we are requested to do.
We offer a wide variety of services which include general notary work, virtual hearings, telephonic hearings, I9 verifications, loan signings, estate planning documents, property tax closings, and structured settlements.
Any advice for growing your clientele? What’s been most effective for you?
Keep in touch with your customers by picking up the phone. And in our business answering all emails. If you get a job doing an I9 then that lead to you getting other notary work from that same client.
We recently got a response like,
“Thank you so much! The assignment was perfect and that doesn’t happen very often. I will pay the invoice today.” ~ Our Customer
Stay focused, persistence, habits, and dispelling negative influences. Be a great storyteller to your own book of life. Enjoy and always keep your customers at the center of your day. Our main job is to create the BEST customer experience.
Always being ready for a “Yes, I can help.” Get up and get dressed, show up, and plans of action.
We want to contract with the BEST notaries. Our Eagle eyes are focus on the most experiences notaries in the business!! We assist our nationwide notaries in giving them advice on how to make their profiles look amazing. And most importantly providing them a good rating based of the work they have done for us. This helps them get more assignments from other Signing services.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://eagleeyesigningsllc.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eagleeyesigningsllc/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loansigningconcierge
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/judy-lichtenberger-a53b5315a/
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