We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Joshua Samaniego. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Joshua below.
Joshua, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. We’d love to hear about when you first realized that you wanted to pursue a creative path professionally.
While serving in the United States Marine Corps, I had always used music as an escape. I would write songs and sing them while playing my guitar for my buddies in the barracks. One of my buds in particular, Isaac, saw that I had a talent, and convinced me to go to music school with him once we got out. Once I started down that path, entering the doors of the Los Angeles Film & Recording School, I new this was what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to share my experiences with the world through my music.
Joshua, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
When I was in high school, I was very much interested in the music arts, so I decided to enroll in guitar, piano, and choir. I knew nothing about music, but I knew I loved it, and I wanted to learn how to play and sing those beautiful melodies. I was fortunate enough to have an amazing teacher, Mark Wingland, who taught these classes. He put his heart into teaching music, and now looking back at it, set the foundation for what it meant to pour your heart into your craft. Fast forward to now, I am proud of my work knowing that I put a piece of myself, my experiences, and my emotions for my listeners to feel.
Do you think there is something that non-creatives might struggle to understand about your journey as a creative? Maybe you can shed some light?
There definitely is! People close to will tell you that what you are doing is not a sustainable career. You’ll hear a lot of doubts. Please do not take it personally, they are just looking out for you because they don’t see your vision. They don’t feel what you feel… that fire lit inside of you, that little voice you hear, telling You to follow your heart, your passion. It’s up to you to prove yourself right and go after that dream! :)
Are there any books, videos or other content that you feel have meaningfully impacted your thinking?
Oh yes! It’s this speech given by Denzel Washington in 2011, at his university graduation. He says, “imagine you’re on your deathbed, and standing around your deathbed, are your ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential. The ghosts of the ideas you never acted on. The ghosts of the talents you didn’t use. And they’re standing around your bed angry, disappointed, and upset. They say, ‘we came to because you could’ve brought us to life.’ They say. ‘And now we have to go to the grave together.’ So I ask you today. How many ghosts are going to be around your bed when the time comes?” After hearing this, it really made me think about my life and the time that has already passed, and the time that’s still to come. It made me realize that I don’t have to to waste. And I don’t want to be old full of regrets because I didn’t go after my dreams.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://instagram.com/samthereapermusic?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/jabelmusic_?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
- Linkedin: https://linktr.ee/jabelmusic?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=ed6002d6-6c05-4c6d-a73a-87bcfbf5a921
Image Credits
Vincent Valdez, Tiffani Garcia