We were lucky to catch up with Joshua Gipson recently and have shared our conversation below.
Joshua, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Owning a business isn’t always glamorous and so most business owners we’ve connected with have shared that on tough days they sometimes wonder what it would have been like to have just had a regular job instead of all the responsibility of running a business. Have you ever felt that way?
As a business owner, you go through ups and downs; all you can do is prepare for the down times when you’re up. That takes discipline and a strong mindset and that can sometimes be frustrating. At a regular job that’s not anything you typically have to worry about. You get paid every two weeks and most of the issues can be written off as “someone else’s problem”
That said, I wouldn’t trade being a business owner for the world. I love the freedom it gives me and it has allowed me to grow as a person with so much responsibility. Can it be hard? Yes, but it’s one of the best feelings ever and nothing great comes easy.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.
My name is Joshua Gipson, I am the owner of Precision Productions here in Michigan. We specialize in marketing videos that promote a service, product, or event. I started off making funny YouTube videos with my friends and because I had a good camera people would ask me to film events for them or take their family photos. After a while, I thought “Why not make this into a business?”
Precision started in 2016 and we have grown so much since the beginning. For starters, I now have a team of 2 employees that help me carry out the day-to-day tasks and help grow the company. Having staff is a tremendous accomplishment for me and I love to see people grow in their own creativity. One thing about having staff is making sure you have your Systems and Processes down. These processes help my staff know how to operate even if I’m not there.
We have worked with some small companies and some larger companies and I am proud of the work we do. Each video we make is better than the last and that’s all I can ask for.
You can check out more of our work at ThePrecisionProductions.com
Have you ever had to pivot?
One of the key times we had to pivot was the infamous pandemic of 2020. With filming and photography being our main source of income, things were made difficult as we couldn’t be in person to help brands market their products.
The pivot was made when we added an animation department. (Cartoons can’t catch Covid) and with that transition is has launched us into different avenues that I didn’t plan for.
We now have the capability to add animation to any video making it interesting and an overall good time to watch
We’d love to hear a story of resilience from your journey.
Lets be honest, being a business owner isn’t always fun, I can point to more than a few times when funds were low, and clients were not calling. It would have been easy for me to give up but I absolutely refuse. If clients arent’ calling then the questions I ask are “what am I doing wrong?” or “What can I do better?”
Its that resilience that keeps me going in the good times and the bad
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.theprecisionproductions.com/
- Instagram: @ThePrecisionProductions
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PrecisionProductions1
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/inprecisionproductions
Image Credits
Walker Leigh Chrisman Precision Productions LLC