We recently connected with Joseph Bautista and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, Joseph thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Are you happy as a creative professional? Do you sometimes wonder what it would be like to work for someone else?
I think it’s a lot of fun creating a song. From it’s earliest idea in your head and listening to it in it’s final finished form as a product is an amazing feeling. Whether the song is good or bad. It’s your creation, your song, your music come to life. So yes there is that satisfaction when writing a song and seeing it through the end of it’s process. Yes happy in the moment when writing and recording.
Funny enough I wasn’t feeling artistically fulfilled at my 8-5 jobs. I would always do something music related after work or during the weekends and even on my lunch breaks. I think it made me appreciate music much more since my time was being shared. I guess it’s important to have a good balance. If you can actually have regular job that is something creative, that’s a win win!
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
Hi, I’m Joe! I am Filipino and was born in Los Angeles, CA. I make music as a solo artist under the name, monkier Theredspirit pronouced ‘The Red Spirit’. It was inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender. The truth is I couldn’t think of an artist name at all and I didn’t want to use my name. So I just used my instagram handle.
I started this project while only having a part time job back in 2019. I started recording songs that I’ve written over the years prior. The four songs became an EP and my debut as Theredspirit.
My music has been described as having “catchy vocal leads, twangy guitar tones and honest intimate songwriting”. I guess my genre would be indie, indie pop or indie rock. Shoe-gaze singer songwriter kind of music as well! A lot of my songs come from personal experiences, past relationships, heartbreak. You know relatable kind of stuff.
I released my debut album in 2020 called ‘Rebel Without French Fries’. The name inspired by one of my favorite films, Rebel Without A Cause. One of my favorite songs I’ve ever made is called ‘I Live In The Moment feat Isen’.
I highly suggest listening to that song if you want a taste of my works.
How did you build your audience on social media?
A lot of hashtags and asking people to follow you. Just kidding! Though I think both of those things will help. In the beginning I never really tried to build an audience or following. My 2nd account on Instagram was solely a spam account that eventually evolved into a music account. When I released my first album I had about 90 followers and got like 10 likes on my post saying “OUT NOW!”. All the likes were from bots haha! I was embarrassed honestly. I was thinking in my head. “Man no one’s ever gonna listen to this, what am I doing..”. Eventually I was just whatever about it. I didn’t let that stop me from making music. I just kept on keeping on. And before I knew it I had 500 followers, 1000. Some of my favorite musicians, musicians that inspired me to make the songs that I’ve released started to follow me! Like how cool is that!? That potentially, the artists that inspired you are now listening to your music and maybe being inspired themselves, from you! Yeah I think it’s important to just keep making music, be consistent in your art and post, put yourself out there. It’s just social media. Who cares if no one likes your posts or comments. The post is out there for you and whoever is interested will see it! You never know who’s interested and keeping tabs. It’s like that quote, if you build it, they will come.
In your view, what can society to do to best support artists, creatives and a thriving creative ecosystem?
Sharing your work and word of mouth possibly? Maybe having the distributors pay you more for streaming. Everything is so digital these days and so many social media platforms you can create a following from. If some of your followers, friends, family shared your work, your music or whatever you created. I think that would really make for a thriving ecosystem. More people would be listening to your art, Which in turn could make you feel more inspired and happy and you would make more music! I also think supporting people that are interested in art. Encouragement and pushing them in that field. It’s never guaranteed but at least you won’t have regrets that you never tried. I’ve been making a lot of aquascapes lately. Fish tanks with no filters, no water changes. Just plants and light to make an ecosystem. Self managed aquariums basically. It’s totally possible to create that in your creative life somehow. Just keep trying, keep going. Support your artist friends and family, be their light!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://linktr.ee/theredspirit
- Instagram: https://linktr.ee/theredspirit
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theredspiritmusic/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Theredspiritjoe
- Youtube: www.youtube.com/theredspirit
- Other: www.tiktok.com/@theredspiritmusic https://theredspiritmusic.creator-spring.com/ https://www.threads.net/@theredspiritmusic