We were lucky to catch up with Jordan Schneider recently and have shared our conversation below.
Jordan, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Often outsiders look at a successful business and think it became a success overnight. Even media and especially movies love to gloss over nitty, gritty details that went into that middle phase of your business – after you started but before you got to where you are today. In our experience, overnight success is usually the result of years of hard work laying the foundation for success, but unfortunately, it’s exactly this part of the story that most of the media ignores. Can you talk to us about your scaling up story – what are some of the nitty, gritty details folks should know about?
So with Kratom you have 3 main colors red, green and white which all have various “strains” . So when you purchase Kratom you choose the strain and color and the cost will depend on the weight. Purchases could range anywhere from just one ounce up to the 5s, 10s to 100s of kilos. When I started my business and not to sound cliche I started from nothing, I had enough money to buy 1 kilo of Kratom and didn’t even think to consider that once I received it, I didn’t have anything to properly weigh it with, nothing to package it in once it was weighed nor did I know who I was going to sell it too. Still I took what little money I had left and I bought some baggies and a cheap kitchen scale from Walmart. But before the package even arrived, I was already on social media posting about it and making countless Snapchats. My first kilo was a White Kratom, which was my favorite at the time so I felt this would be easier to market versus the other colors since this is what I purchased for myself. Also I’m very passionate when it comes to Kratom, So It’s very easy for me to talk for hours to anyone willing to let me explain what it is and what it’s done for me. And when I said I made countless Snapchats I mean so many that some people deleted me and my significant other was getting annoyed with my never ending drive to keep promoting my business and my vision. Now I can talk about kratom all day long, yet nobody will know what I’m talking about until they actually try for themselves. So the best way I found to get people to try it, is to give them free samples. If you want to prove that you have the best and it is what you say it is, what better way than to give it away for free? more people are willing to try something if they don’t have to pay for it. I always tell people It will literally cost you nothing to try it So if it’s not for you At least you didn’t waste any money. But if they like it they will tell the friends and family about it and it will make it easier for them to want to make a purchase now knowing what it is they are buying. I still offer free samples and To this day I think that is what helped me grow and continues to help me grow. Free samples is what helped me turn ordering just 1 kilo into ordering 40 plus kilos of all different colors and strains.
Jordan, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
My name is Jordan Schneider I’m 32 I’m in the Kratom industry , I offer powdered kratom, capsule Kratom and clothing associated with Kratom and our slogan Plants Over Prescriptions. I source All my Kratom from farms in Indonesia and I offer a wide range different strains and in a variety of colors for a fraction of the cost of what local competition does. What also sets me apart from others It’s my love for kratom And I use it also, So I’m not I’m just some salesman selling whatever because it’s my job I’m doing this because it’s more than a job it’s my passion. And also I think it’s my drive to prove people wrong, I had a lot of people Tell me that My business would never amount to anything. Which can be discouraging, But it still drives me to work harder to do everything I can To be the best. Midwest Speciosa LLC is my business Midwest because I’m from Kansas and Speciosa because Kratom is Mitragyna speciosa a tropical evergreen tree in the coffee family native to Southeast Asia. it has been used in herbal medicine since at least the nineteenth century. Kratom has opioid properties and some stimulant-like effects. Thus Midwest Speciosa LLC was started to help spread knowledge and information about Kratom And what it has done for me in hopes It may do something for you too. We try to offer an alternative to pharmaceuticals But in no way shape or form are trying to be medical professionals providing medical advice. Everything Kratom has done for me may not do for you. I can tell you I don’t know where I’d be if I hadn’t found Kratom I know that it makes me never want to touch a prescription pain pill ever again One thing I can say Is that for me Kratom works!
Any stories or insights that might help us understand how you’ve built such a strong reputation?
Being honest and communicating. I believe in Trying to connect with people on more than just a business level. I’m a genuine person with a passion I think people can see that I just care and And then this is way more than just a job for me It’s my life.
We’d love to hear the story of how you built up your social media audience?
hashtags hashtags hashtags and use scheduled post. Learn about analytics and Make videos and new content as much as you can. I mean I even started a podcast Just to try to help get my name out there I even use dating apps to promote my business Honestly with social media there’s an endless things you can do help get you noticed.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/midwestspeciosa/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MidwestSpeciosaLLC
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/MidwestSpeciosa
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJIIym7mBzW2KM811c5F95Q
- Other: https://mycrd.is/MidwestSpeciosallc