We were lucky to catch up with Jordan Rice recently and have shared our conversation below.
Jordan, appreciate you joining us today. What’s been the most meaningful project you’ve worked on?
I recently produced a feature film titled All Alone Together. This film was shot and edited by over 150 USC students, most of whom are currently in school. I helped create this film alongside Alex Nimrod (Writer/Star), Maximus Jenkins (Director), and Kaleb Manske (Cinematographer and Editor). Over the past two years, this team has been hard at work creating a visually stunning and emotionally captivating piece that will leave readers wanting more. It will be submitted to over 35 film festivals and we cannot wait to see where it goes from there!
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.
I began as a musical theater performer and have been doing that since I was quite young. Upon moving to LA, I started a production company with 3 of my closest friends called 4085 Productions LLC. Over the course of the past 3 years, I have tried my best to develop both my careers as a film and theatrical producer, as well as a musical theater performer. With 4085 Productions, I have helped produce 2 film festivals. Within that, I had personally produced films such as Breathe and Sore Throat which have two and seven festival selections respectively. As a performer, I have gotten to act in musicals at USC such as Spring Awakening (Ernst), A Chorus Line (Greg), Carrie: The Musical (George, Billy U/S, Mr. Stephens U/S), and am currently one of the Players in Pippin. I am a determined, hard worker who quite frankly, gets sh*t done.
What do you find most rewarding about being a creative?
The most rewarding aspect of being an artists getting to create meaningful art with other talented humans. For me, it’s less about the final product, and more about the process of making art.
In your view, what can society to do to best support artists, creatives and a thriving creative ecosystem?
Society can best support artists by continuing to show up for artists and creatives. Whether that be contributing financially, contributing by giving time, or contributing by seeing new work, society must continue showing up to support artists.
Contact Info:
- Website: jordanlanerice.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jordanlanerice/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordan-rice-363b8a165/