Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Joey Lusvardi. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Hi Joey, thanks for joining us today. So let’s jump to your mission – what’s the backstory behind how you developed the mission that drives your brand?
A few years ago, my cat started having some behavior problems. He would follow me around the house at night and make this sad sounding meow, wrap his tail around him, and try to bite me. The poor guy is normally very, very sweet so this was concerning. I didn’t know what to do other than set up a vet appointment. I couldn’t get him in for a month and in the meantime I was relying on advice on the internet. Some of it was questionable at best looking back on it. His vet was extremely helpful, but I didn’t realize there were people out there who could help cats who have challenging behaviors!
A friend introduced me to the concept of behavior consulting when we were talking about me taking a different career path. I realized that it was a perfect fit for me. I get to help people so they don’t feel as lost or scared as I did and I get to help cats, too!
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers
I am cat behavior consultant! Sometimes I refer to myself as a cat trainer because people use that term, but it’s not fully accurate. Training is part of a lot of behavior plans (and yes, cats can be trained!), but what I do is more in depth. I do an assessment of cats’ behavior to help cat parents figure out why their cat is doing something bothersome. I look at the environment, the cats’ developmental history, the interaction between the cats and others in the house, and more. I then offer suggestions about addressing the underlying causes of the behavior and work with the client over time to make adjustments based on how the cat responds to interventions.
Cats have a reputation for being easier pets than dogs, but they really are much more complicated than we give them credit for. A lot of behavior concerns in cats come from us as humans not understanding the cat or ignoring their signals that there’s something off when they try to communicate with us. Other times, we try to treat them like little humans. That usually doesn’t work out too well. I help act as an interpreter of the cat’s behavior for the people and help them see what their cat is trying to tell them.
One thing that’s important to me in addition to making sure the cats’ needs are met is making sure that the humans’ needs are met, too. Some problems aren’t super fun to address, but I always try to include at least a few fun things for the humans to do with their cat. I incorporate play, training, or other bonding activities so the people leave feeling like they really know their cat better. There are some parts that won’t be super fun and there are some non-negotiable things (you probably need some cat furniture and you need to scoop the litter box daily!), but that doesn’t mean caring for your cat has to take over your life. If you’re feeling frustrated and not sure what to do next, I’m here to set you on the right path!
Do you have multiple revenue streams – if so, can you talk to us about those streams and how your developed them?
Yes! In addition to behavior consulting, I make some cat products such as snuffle mats and cat toys. I mostly sell them at events, but they’re a nice supplemental source of income. They also help promote my behavior consulting as I get a chance to talk with people about their cats while I’m helping them pick out a product.
Let’s talk about resilience next – do you have a story you can share with us?
Getting started, it was really hard to get my name out there and find potential clients. The first few months were extremely slow and so every lead was critical. I had one week where I had three leads contact me (which was a huge amount at the time!) and none of them responded back to me. It really was disheartening because I was so excited to potentially help these cats, but then they just disappeared. I worried I’d never build a client base. I felt bad for a few days and questioned myself a lot, but decided that I really want to do this. I identified some areas I could use help in and began seeking resources. I also started trying to build more connections in the area and get my name out there more. It wasn’t an instant uptick in business, but I started noting more and more clients trickling in. Then, for whatever reason, I suddenly had a huge influx of clients. It was great! I was able to see the results of my hard work pay off. It took a lot of patience and reflection on things I was doing that needed to improve, but it ended up being worth it in the end!
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Image Credits
Sarah Coleman, Katie Leatherberry, Katie Hagmann, and Joey Lusvardi