Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Joe Campagna. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Alright, Joe thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Let’s kick things off with talking about how you serve the underserved, because in our view this is one of the most important things the small business community does for society – by serving those who the giant corporations ignore, small business helps create a more inclusive and just world for all of us.
My business A Plus Roofing & Exteriors was created based off my interest in helping the underserved home owners of the world. Specifically based off the topic of home insurance coverage. In today’s world when you own a home or property that is under a mortgage loan you are required to carry home owners insurance. Carrying home owners insurance is very important when considering the maintenance costs of being a home owner and the potential catastrophes that could come about such as : Fire damage, Roof leak, Pipe burst, broken utilities, other cases of water damage etc. What caught my heart on the matter was how the insurance industry lacks to educate and encourage home owners to USE THEIR INSURANCE! They tell them things like your payment will go up or you’ll get dropped. If so then what is tho point of even having this coverage? Yes sometimes payments will go up, little to most people know it will inflate no matter what as the world inflates so do policies and payments. The measly few dollars the average increase costs is nothing compared to the fixes to some of the catastrophic cause. for example: the average roof cost $10k+ or sewage line costs $20k+ whatever it may be these policies are in place to help cover the cost for home owners thats why they pay year in and year out to have coverage. A story I like to tell as well is how the insurance industry does everything to push back against claims NOT to cover issues that are supposed to be covered. They lie, cheat, and steal their way out of covering things they’re required to cover and if the home owner or the contractor working for the home owner doesn’t know any better these insurance companies get away with doing the minimal. I Met a little old lady in here 70s last year and a tree fell and broke the front of her roof, due to the conditions of the roof the whole front had to be replaced, well the back was in such bas shape it was leaking and there were trees growing out of the back of her roof. We fought to get her insurance to cover the whole roof so this little old lady that works 40+ hours a week at her old age making close to minimum wage, could have the peace of mind knowing her roof isn’t leaking anymore. Well to say the insurance instead of covering the back Side of this roof they found another contractor willing to just do the front and left her with a leaking roof on the back. This was when I decided to start my roofing company, train and learn how to defeat these insurance companies when faced with situations like this. im here to help people get the coverage they deserve.
Joe, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
So before I become a contractor I was going to school for computer networking at ITT technical institute. Little did I know before I got into my core classes this program was closing down nationwide, we showed up to start out core classes and the doors were locked.That evening on the news they were announcing the closure of the program and frankly my future.
So I approached my father who has been a contractor part time for most of my life and we decided to start
A Plus Painting & Renovations in 2017.
We were and still are a full service contractor interior/exterior services and remodeling.
We specializing in all interior remodeling and restoration. We renovate a lot of bathrooms and kitchens. As well as restore peoples homes to their original condition before their catastrophic events occurred.
Now I did separate my exterior services at the beginning of 2024 when launching
A Plus Roofing & Exteriors.
I found roofing to be my calling back when covid hit and I was playing with the thought of getting into the roofing industry full time but I just wasn’t sure about it so I procrastinated for a few years, we still did roofing but I was not fully focused on it how I envisioned myself being, but that would soon change.
In the middle of 2023 when I attended my first ever local networking event for roofing, little did I know this event would change my life forever. One of my friends who is now one of my mentors Benny Fisher owner and CEO of THE BIG FISH another local roofing company told me that this next speaker was made just for me as well as the one following.
When I Heard these 2 speakers ( John Senac & Chuck Thokey).
These guys are major industry influencers. Once I heard their teachings through their speeches I knew I was missing so much, thats when I started preparing to build my new company A Plus Roofing & Exteriors. All while still running and operating my interior remodeling company.
Something that sets us apart is how I myself as the owner take charge of my company’s and all the personal duties, from answering the phones and running all communications, to selling the jobs, inspecting the roofs, writing up the contracts, scheduling the work, running production, to collecting the payment. Well say I do it all other than working in the field, which I still do 20% of the time. I will say I am learning the EOS system (entrepreneural operating system) to learn how to build a leadership team and delegate my many responsibilities as possible so I can scale my businesses instead of be limited by how much I have to deal with on my own. Because I do see myself as a Visionary and I would like to find the time to be just that.
For my roofing company we are big believers in quality thats why we work along side Owens Corning, IKO, and Become roofing supply for our roofing products.
As for siding we prefer the Mastic ply gem products, as well as Alsides Charter oaks products.
These products help us offer great warranties and great outcomes to all our projects.
We also roll out our own seamless gutters on site with our state of the art KWM Gutterman machine.
What’s worked well for you in terms of a source for new clients?
When I went into business for my first company it was when Facebook groups were just becoming a thing, I made myself apart of as many local groups as I could but the local group that helped me build my business and brand awareness was “The Citizens of Bethel Park” we were one of the first contractors in that group and it helps us become so known because I would post on anything and everything someone needed help with that we were equipped to handle for them.
I will say one of my biggest helps was selling gutter cleanings they were easy to get our foot in the door at every cleaning I would hand the home owner a business card with our other services listed, once they seen them it would always trigger them to ask us “oh you do this as well?” as that was how we ended up in so many homes in the local communities.
Word of mouth followed from there, we just made connection after connection resources after resources Until eventually we met a few huge assets that would become not only a customer but a friend. Which I would like to say we experience with more than half of our customers we call them FAMILY. I ended up getting us in with a huge restoration company that made us their Roofer and thats what Brought us into the insurance side of the industry, from there the leads are endless and very broad as they come from all the surround counties in Pittsburgh PA.
Can you talk to us about how your funded your business?
To be honest we struggled very hard in the beginning only bringing in $60k in revenue our first year in business and that wasn’t going to support 2 families. I was still very involved in the street life and selling marijuana. I had been selling marijuana since I was 13 on and off at low rates and high rates. I was never some king pin but I was known for having the best quality around and thats how I paid my bills until my business financially stabilized my life. it wasn’t until around Covid when I decided to give it up completely because we were finally financially stable enough to only rely on my business. I have no shame in sharing this fact because it shows the drive and determination ive always had to make sure no matter what I could provide, grow, and become better in anyway possible. I Thank God everyday that I no longer have to rely on such things to be financially stable. as well as not having to look over my shoulder worrying about committing a crime that could take me away from my family.
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