Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Jenn Morse. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Jenn, appreciate you joining us today. If you’re open to it, can you talk to us about the best (or worst) investment you’ve made. What’s the backstory and the relevant context behind why you made the investment
Interestingly, both the worst and best investments I have made to date were in coaches. My best investment was early on, taking an empowerment program to help spiritual entrepreneurs start their businesses, by Natalia Benson. This program really catapulted me into my business and also provided the confidence and support network I needed. My mindset was evolving, I started thinking like the person I wanted to become, and therefore, became that person. I still stay connected with the women from that program to this day.
The worst investment was another business coach who was not as sincere. Her marketing was smart, she knew exactly what to do, but there was no heart, passion, or care—just lots of ruthless business tactics wrapped in new-age packaging. I ended up going down a long road because of her coaching that I now know wasn’t for me.
So what was the difference between picking the aligned coach and the one who wasn’t? With the aligned coach, I felt connected to her heart, her passion, and I could tell she was in service to the greater good, which is what I wanted too at that stage in life. When I chose the coach who was not most aligned, I was in a place of wanting more money, wanting to scale, and lost sight of my own heart and passion.
So, it’s not about the coaches; it’s about the level of consciousness and intention while making those decisions. I found my match both times.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
I wear multiple hats as a third-generation healer, polyvagal-informed empowerment coach, and business mentor. My passion lies in guiding individuals and teams toward balance in today’s fast-paced world.
I also have a background in the arts as a photographer (I still own a photo studio in Upstate New York).
My journey into this multifaceted role stems from a deep interest in the convergence of business, healing, and art. Entrepreneurship has been in my blood since I was a three-year-old, selling Snoopy snow cones on my front lawn. Childhood and my 20s presented challenges like dyslexia, ADHD, a traumatic brain injury, and frequent panic attacks.
One morning I passed out from nervous system overwhelm (panic attack) and woke up on my bathroom floor. I knew something had to change.
Faced with no other option, I embarked more seriously on my healing journey that led me to study with my grandmother and eventually become a coach and healing practitioner as I became eager to share my insights and help others.
Over the past decade, I’ve assisted numerous artists, solopreneurs, healers, and creators in launching and building their businesses. Whether it’s securing funding, developing programs, or crafting new offerings and bodies of work, I’ve been there to guide and support them.
Additionally, I’ve collaborated with business owners, CEOs, and leaders to navigate stress, executive functioning, and nervous system overwhelm, all while devising effective strategies for growth.
People now know me as the energy detective + personal trainer for your soul.
My coaching approach revolves around nervous system recalibration, fostering emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. This recalibration empowers individuals and teams to deliver their best work. My work is an amalgamation of ancient wisdom traditions, modern science, and psychology, infused with the art of compassion, offering holistic solutions to my clients.
I work closely with high-achieving individuals, businesses, leaders, and teams to instill a more holistic approach to business and interpersonal relationships. Through my coaching, I help manage stress, enhance executive functioning, and address nervous system overwhelm, all while creating effective strategies for business growth and maintaining overall health.
In my healing sessions and ceremonies (based in Ojai, CA), I am able to reconnect people with their essential selves and spiritual guidance.
I specialize in identifying and addressing the energetic root causes that may be hindering your progress, enabling you to move closer to your goals.
My approach involves:
- Releasing traumatic stress
- Resolving inherited ancestral patterns
- Cultivating intuition and self-trust
- Strengthening the nervous system
- Healing triggers
- Establishing healthy boundaries
- Overcoming codependency
- Breaking free from outdated thought patterns
I firmly believe that regulated nervous systems + spiritual connection hold the key to unlocking the potential for positive impact within our relationships, communities, companies, and the world.
I’m here to support both individuals and teams in their journey towards healing, thriving, and living a life they love.
Let’s talk about resilience next – do you have a story you can share with us?
This will be a vulnerable one, but a story I have not often told, and I think it’s very important. I had a severe breakdown after a series of events in Mexico in which I sat with Ayahuasca, and soon after, one of my good friends almost lost her life. I was in a state of psychosis for 2 months (luckily I was able to recover not in the hospital but naturally with my healers and friends around) … this was a spiritual rite of passage. After I came out of the state, I went into another dark period for about 6 months where I was battling with suicidal ideation. This was the darkest year of my life, and all the while, I had to run 2 businesses (my photo business and my new budding coaching + healing business). I look back, and I can’t believe I made it through that time and neither business crashed, and I regained health. I had AMAZING support from healers, friends, and family. I had so many tools already in my toolbox, and THEN was the time to use them. I was put to the test. I passed. Also, the healing clients I was working with at the time also truly gave me hope and a sense of service, and showed me wow, I can still help people even if I am struggling, and they are helping me learn new lessons in each session. I can feel tears welling up just speaking of this because to lose your mind and will to live is one of the scariest things on this planet. I found God, source, spirit, community, and my own strength in that time. I did indeed become reborn.
Any insights you can share with us about how you built up your social media presence?
I started sharing my life, my heart, and my philosophy passionately. I was engaged genuinely. I had to get over my fear of rejection, of people not liking me and judging me, of that one person from high school and what they might think. I had to let it go, to grow.
Practically, I did hire a service last year to help with organic growth, that was good, but I find when I am more involved, the better.
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