We recently connected with Jenn Merz CQ and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Jenn , thanks for joining us today. We’d love to hear about a project that you’ve worked on that’s meant a lot to you.
One of the most meaningful series is, Modified NJ Loves CO currently display in the Botanical Narratives group exhibition at Sassa Bird Fine Art in the Art District on Santa Fe. Over the last year there have been a lot of changes with the women in my life, both loses and gains. I am originally from New Jersey, my husband and I relocated to Colorado six years ago. It was challenging to start over and has taken some time for me to truly call Colorado home. What makes a home to me is comfort, safety and a foundation which is what these women have given me. The hardest change was the passing of my Mommom, she was emblematic of unconditional love. As an adult you can chose your family. The bond with my Mommom was the archetype for all subsequent relationships with strong women. The six paintings in this series are to honor the most significant women in my life and relationships that have grown. Three paintings in particular are nearest to my heart and also a milestone in my life as an artist, Nurture, For Katherine and Tribe.
Nurture, represents the mothers of my life both past and present as some have passed away. All these women combined including myself have helped me become who I am today. When I was baby my mother got very ill and became paralyzed on the right side of her body. Due to her illness and disability both my grandmothers and my aunt helped raise me. As a child I had to learn to help take care of her, while learning how to take care of myself. I’ve included myself as a Dahlia flower in the center of this painting symbolizing inner strength. All these flowers or “Mothers” including the Dahlia represent who I am now. Flowers in the painting, Orchid, White Zinnia, Peony, Violet, Rose, Rose, a hybrid Lilac/Hydrangea, and the Blue Rose is for my Mother as blue was her favorite.
For Katherine, after relocating to Colorado I established my art brand Jenn Merz ColorQueen. After my first experience visiting a First Friday in the Art district on Santa Fe. I was so inspired by the artists’ generosity and overall openness of the community. It was a slow start until I meet Katherine Payge, whom offered me a space to show at her gallery. In fact, she also hired my hubs, Sean Malkasian who is a guitarist to perform at openings and events. What is astounding to me is that all these connections are because of her. I am lucky enough to have them actively in my life now. To me, they are like family, and are a huge part of why Colorado is now home to me. In December Katherine passed away before seeing this completed work of art. The original title was supposed to be “Firmly Planted,” which I still am, however I wanted to honor her. The yellow background represents me. Flowers in this painting, Lotus, Japanese Iris, Yucca, and a Poppy, the center flow: Columbine for Katherine Payge. Recently “For Katherine” made it to her new owners Kristina and Charels Davis. Whom oddly enough lead us to our dream home!
Lastly, Tribe, this painting of multicolored Sunflowers primarily represent Colorado women artists whose relationships have grown both professionally and personally. The two sunflower buds represent newer relationships that are growing, the one bud represents a friend who has a deep love and appreciation for the arts. All of their support, encouragement, and knowledge base has helped me evolve as an artist. As our relationships grew over the last year I realized more and more that you are your best self when you have your tribe. Colorado Women Artist represented in this painting. Annette Coleman, Jenn Merz CQ (Me), Jean B Smith, Sami Auster, Shara Oliman, Emily Oldak and Meldoy Epperson. Sunflowers meaning: Friendship, Adoration and Loyalty.
Jenn , before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
I started taking private art lessons when I was 12. Art was the only thing that made sense to me, likely due to chaotic home life. I continued my art lessons throughout adolescence, striving to take every art class I could find. Thanks to grit, a solid foundational education from my high school and, an affinity for the craft I was able to pass standards for Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia. In college, I explored processes which led me to my niche as a painter, printmaker and sculptor. I discovered my appreciation for shape, color with an emphasis on the female figure and nature. Which lead me to graduated with a Bachelors Fine Art in 2005.
As a painter, printmaker, sculptor, my work consists of combining different mediums to create decadence. My inspirations come from personal experience(s), emotions, my home and places I have visited. The minimalist approach in my work gives me the freedom to capture the true essence with simplicity and, express what is truly in my head and in my heart. Within that intimacy I feel extremely empowered and purer than the latter.
Looking back, are there any resources you wish you knew about earlier in your creative journey?
Absolutely, the biggest resource that I wish would’ve known about sooner is The Women’s Caucus For Art. I found out and became a member of the Colorado Chapter 2020. This chapter is part of a national organization for women artists, with chapters all over the country. This community offers so much for our members and has been a real game changer for me, both professionally and personally. Since joining I became a board member-member at large. To date I have co-curated two exhibitions. In May 2021, See You See Me Diversity of Mind juried by Adi Norris at D’Art Gallery; this was an amazing experience and such an honor to work with Adi. For the month of March 2022 our Mo’Print exhibition Inked & Numbered at Mint & Serif Coffee House to celebrate printmaking. I am also a part of our mural committee. We were invited to Colorado Women’s Day on March 11, 2022 for live painting of our current mural project honoring five Colorado women artist: Elizabeth Spalding, Eppie Archuleta, Betty Woodman, Senga Nengudi and Jean B Smith. We worked on the Senga Nengudi and Elizabeth Spalding’s paintings that day. I also had the honor of being one of the judges along with Louise Cutler, Suzanne Frazier, and Shara Oliman to select the winner of the Wonderful Woman in the Arts Award. We choose Addrienne Amato & Kelly Cope Russack creators of the Boulder Creative Collective. I am so grateful to a part of this organization and all these opportunities that have been made possible.
We’d love to hear a story of resilience from your journey.
Like so many of us, life throws adversity which can be a hindrance to our passions. When I turned 30 the horrors of my childhood began to haunt me affecting many areas of my life. Again, diving into my art became a platform for my healing which helped in my survival. Despite the effects of these memories (triggers) impacting my life, I was able to maintain working two jobs. As hard as that time was for me, it lead my art to have purpose. I decided to use those emotions I was experiencing in my work to pull out and concord the monsters. That kept me captive for so long within my own walls. My intention is for the world to see, my hope is that my work will inspire others.
I started my “Enlightened” series in 2015, my goal was to create a body of work on a personal level. To channel my pain, insecurities, fears and anxiety into my art. I decided to peer into the darkness of my subconscious mind. By allowing myself to be vulnerable I was able to illustrate the stages/steps of my personal journey to achieve happiness and a level of enlightenment.
My Undisguised collection of 2020 is the result of my Enlightened series. With each paint stroke and color I choose my vulnerability took on a different role peeling off layers unknown to me of may years of pain and torment form the hands of my abuser. Using myself for the female figure(s) to explore and express emotions that come of being violated at a young age, nudity and self scrutiny. Each day I choose to face adversity with confidence, pride and holding the healing light within. Those are my greatest weapons along with painting.
When my husband and I relocated to Colorado I was fortunate to have received affordable therapy sessions and attended workshops at The Blue Bench. The therapist changed her days to accommodate my work schedule, listened intently, and provided insight for grounding exercises I still use today. The Blue Bench also provides workshops for family members of survivors. My husband attended one of these workshops which he found very informative and provided helpful techniques for both of us when triggers arise. I am forever grateful for the help we received from The Blue Bench, they helped make Colorado home for me. Without this organization my Undisguised collection wouldn’t have been possible. 30% of all sales go to The Blue Bench, please visit my website for more information www.jennmerzcolorqueen.com
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.jennmerzcolorqueen.com/
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/jennmerzcolorqueen
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKGyqpwpiVEe_mMdkHesQ2w/featured
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennmerzcolorqueen/
- Other: The Woman’s Caucus For Art Colorado Chapter: https://www.wcaco.org/copy-of-jenn-merz-cq 40West Arts: https://40westarts.org/artist-directory#!biz/id/6085fdb69b68f577590e995c
Image Credits
Personal Photo taken by Liseli Thiele of Own The Thrown Management https://instagram.com/ownthethronemovement?utm_medium=copy_link