We were lucky to catch up with Jared Holloway recently and have shared our conversation below.
Jared, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. We’d love to have you retell us the story behind how you came up with the idea for your business, I think our audience would really enjoy hearing the backstory.
I have spent the majority of my life in my hometown, Mobile, AL. I was born in Dallas, TX, but Mobile is my home. I have always felt a deep connection to the place that raised me. A couple years after moving to Mobile, I was introduced to football. Outside of my faith and family, football quickly became the center of my life. At a very young age, I expressed extreme amounts of dedication, discipline, and hard work because I wanted to be the very best at what I so profoundly found my identity in. My love and dedication to football opened many doors for me that I don’t feel like I would have had access to, otherwise.
As a result of my passion for the game, I was able to earn a full scholarship to Samford University. It was here when I learned that my KNOWLEDGE of the game was vastly under-developed. My work ethic had propelled me to this point, but the foundation was not there. Four years went by and the football career that started when I was a young boy came to an end. I was grossly unprepared for this moment in my life.
I immediately fell into a identity crisis of sorts. One of the biggest things I found my identity in had now been ripped from me and I wasn’t equipped to deal with it. In the years to come, I would bounce from job to job trying to find my new place until a coaching opportunity presented itself to me. I quickly jumped on the opportunity and found my new passion. I’ve spent the last few years coaching and began to notice kids that reminded me a lot of myself. That is when the idea of “Trench School” began to surface in my mind.
Trench School was born from all of the challenges I faced along my journey as a young man. I want to be the person or coach that I NEEDED when I was a young man. I hadn’t really seen anything like that around and thought it would be great to start something like it in our area. I wanted to give back to my hometown in some shape or fashion and this was the only way I knew how. I want to teach young men fundamental knowledge that it takes to succeed in this game; so that they might one day have the means to earn a free education or even provide for their families. I want to teach young men about discipline, hard work, perseverance, etc. but also prepare them for life after you take the cleats off. My father once told me “when you leave somewhere, leave it better than you found it.” That’s what I intend to do!
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers
Trench School is intended to be a dual-faceted coaching service. We work intensively with young athletes to increase their performance/knowledge of their respective positions. On the other side, we also work to build relationships with these young athletes so that we may coach them in other avenues of their life. Of course, we want our athletes to come to us about football-related issues, but more importantly, we want them to understand that we are there to help them with any challenges they might face! We don’t just want to build football players; we want to build men! I feel as if our team of coaches are the best our area has to offer!
Can you tell us about what’s worked well for you in terms of growing your clientele?
The use of social media has helped me gain almost ALL my business that I have gain. Any clients that are willing, I ask them to share or post content from my pages. I also acknowledge (tag or mention in descriptions) my clients specifically. I have found that when you include clients in your posts they feel a deeper connection and are willing to go the extra mile for you.
Any insights you can share with us about how you built up your social media presence?
Paid ads. These have been amazing in increasing my audience. If you haven’t tried them, you definitely should. You can even choose your target audience so that you know your message is getting to the RIGHT people.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.trenchschool.com
- Instagram: coach_jholloway
- Facebook: Jared Holloway
- Twitter: coach_jholloway
- Other: Tik-Tok: coach_jholloway
Image Credits
Breyn Brooks