We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Jana Askeland. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Jana below.
Jana , looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. Going back to the beginning – how did you come up with the idea in the first place?
I’m constantly asked by my peer group about cars and suv’s best suited for families. I also see SO many posts in Moms Groups of women asking “What’s the best SUV for 3 car seats across” or “what will fit my two big kids and also has a full 3rd row?”. These questions always get so many opinions because Moms are PASSIONATE about what they drive!
The thing is, after working with and being around the automotive industry for two decades, it still continues to be a male dominated business. So many of these auto dealers (not all – there are some great ones out there!) aren’t in touch with what a busy female wants and needs in a car buying transaction.
With the pandemic causing a chip shortage which in turn caused an automotive inventory shortage, i saw an opportunity to showcase available vehicles that the average consumer may not have access to. With the help of local dealer partners, I started doing very amateur videos from a mom perspective. And it seemed to resonate!
I try to keep a Carolina feel with mentions of our beloved landmarks and sports teams and i always try to keep a positive spin on each vehicle. (Which isn’t always easy!) Vehicles are subject and I don’t like every one… but i try to remember that not everyone is like me and see it from a different perspective.
I knew from the start I needed to be real. Moms use bad words sometimes and have major mom brain moments others. I try to be as real as i can in my videos and love showing the bloopers. I’m slowly growing a following and have been surrounded by so many supportive people along the way.
Jana , love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I grew up around cars and the car business. My dad was a wholesaler (which means he bought and sold used cars) and my brother could always be found under the hood of a car and he drag raced most of my life.
After college I fell into radio advertising and immediately gravitated to the local car dealers for partnerships. I love blending my knowledge of marketing and advertising with a sector that I’m so comfortable and familiar with.
Once I became a mom, I realized that finding a safe car to haul my babies around in required A LOT of research. And i wasn’t alone. Most moms are doing the same thing, trying to find the best car within a budget.
Not only do I look at cars from a mom perspective, i also offer concierge car buying services. This can consist of a simple zoom call to discuss vehicles that fit a checklist OR go as far as helping with dealer negotiations. I also have a referral base of Carolina car dealers who I trust and feel comfortable recommending to others.
I’ll never push my opinion but I like to lay out options and comparisons. Sometimes the simple answer is: How soon do you need a new car because THIS one could be on a multi-month wait list.
I’m happy to say that I’ve helped almost a dozen local moms find a new family car that they love!
Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?
Before this, Social Media is something I used to post pics of my kids. So I had no idea what I was getting into when I started Carolina Car Moms which LIVES on Social Media.
When it comes to creating content that will get ample views, adding trending music and understanding the elusive “algorithm” I’m still relatively clueless. It’s been a HUGE learning curve to figure out where, when and how to post on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. It’s exhausting!! I’d like to say I’ve gotten better and I’m figuring things out but it’s 100% the most frustrating part.
Can you tell us about a time you’ve had to pivot?
I started Carolina Car Moms with a friend who works in the Auto industry. She was such a HUGE resource for me because she’s fact based and regimented and I’m more off the cuff and love to just “wing it”. Unfortunately, the Carolina Car Moms because a conflict with her day job and sucked up valuable time she didn’t have so she stepped aside. We are still GREAT friends but not having a sounding board and a partner in crime is hard.
I considered changing the name to Carolina Car Mom – but decided I wanted to keep it plural because Carolina Moms are what drives this whole thing. The moms who watch and comment on my videos ARE Carolina Car Moms. The moms who DM me and ask for help – they are Carolina Car Moms.
So I made a few tweaks and decided to go it alone and give myself creative freedom to incorporate other moms on things like “Real Mom Ride Alongs” where i ride along with a Mom and listen to her tell me what she does and doesn’t love about her vehicle. It’s gotten great response so far!!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://carolinacarmoms.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carolina_car_moms_/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CarolinaCarMoms
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/carolina-car-moms/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc70aZU-9cjnBoU4-TiUSMA?sub_confirmation=1
- Other: http://www.tiktok.com/@thecarolinacarmoms