We were lucky to catch up with Jamie Holliman recently and have shared our conversation below.
Jamie, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. Can you open up about a risk you’ve taken – what it was like taking that risk, why you took the risk and how it turned out?
I started practicing hypnotherapy in January 2018, in Fort Lauderdale, FL. When I first started practicing I was sharing an office suite with two psychologists and a family therapist. My clientele was primarily comprised of their patients they needed help getting through to. I had a never-ending roster of clients without having to market. In May 2020, right when the world shut down from Covid I took a huge risk and I left Florida and moved to California. Florida was opening back up business, but California wasn’t going to be for an unforeseen amount of time. I shut down my practice in a place where I would have been able to re-open and moved to a state where I knew I would have to convert my practice to be entirely online. Before Covid, hypnotherapy was done in person only. No one was doing this virtually and honestly, we weren’t trained on how. I had to learn how to not only work with my clients online but also had to learn online marketing on the fly. Before this, I was not a social media person, and I only knew old-school marketing tactics. So I moved to a different state, during lockdown, not knowing if I was going to be able to pay rent, all while trying to restart a business in a completely new way. To my surprise, I had no issue at all getting clients because I was the only one in the area doing it online so I was able to see clients when everyone was shut down. Even though the world has opened up my practice is still predominantly online. I do see maybe 10% in person, but this has allowed me to see people all over the nation and internationally. My practice is still thriving and it was forced to evolve, but for the better.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
Before becoming a hypnotherapist, I was a medical assistant for a primary care doctor who specialized in Integrative and Functional Medicine. This form of medicine combines Western medicine with the Eastern philosophy of treating the mind and body as one. It was there that I was thoroughly educated on the importance of nutrition as well as how greatly we are affected by our environment. What I also found after countless hours of speaking with the patients was that there were deep emotional stressors, limiting beliefs, and negative mental patterns that were keeping them sick. It was through those conversations that I realized I had a hidden talent for seeing in others what they can’t see for themselves. That led me to become a clinical hypnotherapist.
When it comes to what I do I like to think of myself as a subconscious integration specialist. This is because I do more than just ‘hypnotherapy’. I have been trained in some of the most powerful therapeutic modalities including but not limited to, Advanced Conversational Hypnosis, Rapid Resolution Therapy, Breathwork, and Clinical and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. I know that no two people are the same and that no modality is a panacea, so I am always on the hunt for a method that will fill a gap left by another method. It is also my intention to get profound and everlasting results in the shortest amount of time.
In the beginning, I was seeing a lot of people with low self-esteem and lack of confidence, phobias, addictions, anxiety, depression, autoimmune disorders, relationship issues, weight problems, and just feeling stuck. My practice has evolved now to where I occasionally see clients for small issues as I mentioned above, but the majority of what I see people for is a full multi-month coaching/therapy container. I call it Soul Alchemy, and it’s where I help people design the life they want and deconstruct their current “identity” so we can build a new one that matches who they want to be. We look at all areas of their life including careers, relationships, money, and purpose. My goal is to peel back all the layers of their childhood conditioning and programming to reveal their authentic selves. It consists of all of my therapeutic modalities plus coaching.
I also offer digital projects like online courses and subconscious programming recordings.
If you could go back, would you choose the same profession, specialty, etc.?
Absolutely, I have no doubts that this field is where I belong.
Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?
This is unfortunately a field where about 80% of graduates don’t stay in practice or even get their practice off the ground. This is because no one is hiring a hypnotherapist, you’re on your own. You not only have to be good at what you do, and continue to learn but you also have to be your marketer, web developer, social media manager, virtual assistant, and bookkeeper. You have to wear all the hats and that’s just too much for a lot of people. It’s not what they signed up for, and it’s a lot of different professions to have to learn and master. It’s incredibly draining and disheartening. Especially since marketing and social media are always changing; it gets to be a lot to figure out. My resilience is that I keep going. I don’t see another alternative, so I continue to learn and grow until I can’t anymore.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.jamieholliman.com
- Instagram: @jamielynnholliman
- Youtube: @ Jamie Holliman