We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful James Bene . We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with James below.
Alright, James thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. What sort of legacy are you hoping to build. What do you think people will say about you after you are gone, what do you hope to be remembered for?
After years of working in the spiritual wellness industry and building my company Bene Mudra I would have to say that I still value the one on one connections I have made with many clients of mine over the years. I never really cared so much about how I am to be remembered but instead how I can help change peoples lives for the better in the moment. I do hope my legacy lives on in the balanced and joyful lives of others. If I am remembered as someone who helped promote spiritual wellness and inner healing within people I would be very happy.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
I consider myself a jack of all trades to be Frank. As a child I had many phenomenal spiritual experiences that led me in becoming who I am today. I am an intuitive healer, teacher and spiritual guide. I offer one on one private sessions, group workshops, international retreats and am the owner of Bene Mudra, a wellness platform providing modern spiritual wellness to individuals, groups and corporations. I have devoted many years of my life to the study of spirituality, mindfulness, meditation and different healing modalities. I am a musician at heart and enjoy using sound as a method of healing as well.
I work as a coach, mentor, psychic intuitive and reiki master. I also provide reiki training workshops and just recently co-hosted our second annual retreat in Sicily where we provide yoga, wellness, intuitive development and travel/adventure to attendees. We are getting ready for Greece in June of 2024!
Travel and wellness have always been such a interest of mine. Being able to guide a group of students to the amazing places that have spiritually moved me is such a blessing. I am most proud of the work that my partner and I are accomplishing within our retreat business. We provide a well rounded cultural expression that consists of self realization, community and adventure. Not your ordinary yoga and wellness retreats!
How about pivoting – can you share the story of a time you’ve had to pivot?
I am currently in a life pivot! I am in the process of allowing my business to become what I always felt it could. Playing small is not an option anymore and I wish to transition into a bigger market. I have been seeing clients for over 15 years and I think that it is time to take all of what I learned and expand my reach. I think a major lesson I am learning now is to go with my gut even if it seems scary. Letting go of the person I was in order to become the person I am meant to be is difficult because it requires releasing aspects of myself and my business that I have come accustomed to., especially monetarily.
In order to grow we must listen. In order to listen we must stop. In order to stop we must feel the need to. My business is not just a business…it has become my identity. Being spiritual is who I am and it is also something I do. A voice is telling me it is time to change the formula and I am excited to see what is in store for 2024!
Can you talk to us about how your side-hustle turned into something more.
As I said earlier I was always a jack of all trades. I worked in many aspects of the wellness industry while my own practice and business was totally a side hustle in the beginning. I remember printing flyers and hanging them around town promoting myself as a healer when I felt ready. Honesty the calls came in and I answered. One thing led to another and I walked the walk, did the work and made sure that my sessions were the best! I truly gave my all to each of my clients and I feel because of that I was highly recommended and still am. At the end of the day this is a business of referrals so always being the best version of myself is very important. At this stage of the game my experience speaks for itself and is another key reason people wish to work with me.
Key milestones I had was to move from the east to west coast and start my business there. I currently live in LA. Another milestone was to have a successful retreat business..which is on the rise and to write. I currently have two books available on Amazon. They are workbook journal style experiences geared towards helping people manifest joy. They are 122 Days Of Joy and My Manifestation Journal!
Contact Info:
- Website: www.Benemudra.com
- Instagram: @benemudra @jamesbene
- Youtube: Bene Mudra Channel
- Other: Find me on Instagram where I provide links to all social, articles, interviews , media and events!