Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to James A. Hicks. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
James, appreciate you joining us today. How do you think about spending on the little things / small joys when finances are tight?
The interesting thing about the economy is that it goes in cycles. What we are seeing now in our economy is not new. It literally happens at least once every decade. And we may be heading towards a recession. Which means money will get tight, jobs may start to lay-off workers and good opportunities may be far and in between. And during those lean times is when you have to be wise in how you spend, save and plan for the future. In a recent television interview I discussed why it is important to create a clear strategy to help get you through the lean economic periods. Some suggestions that I give my clients during this season is first, do a restructure. Restructure your budget, restructure your investments, and even debt. Make sure that you are prepared to go through the storm no matter how tough it may get. And do the restructuring ahead of time. Hicks Financial; Asset and Wealth Management can put a plan in place that will help you do just that. And also, don’t wait until it gets bad to make the necessary changes. And second, during lean times, don’t forget to look for opportunities. Plenty of individuals, investors and corporations actually make a profit during times of recession. That is because as land values decrease and businesses are going under, they take advantage and purchase both at a discount. This can place you in a great situation once the country eventually crawls out of its economic distress.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers?
So I got into the industry mostly through Graduate school. I initially went to grad school just to add it to my resume and for it to position me to get a Vice President position within a fortune 500 company. But once I started learning more about Finance, Accounting, Strategic planning, Business Marketing, etc…….I decided that working directly in business and finance was the way to go. Then eventually I said, why just settle for being a Vice President of someone else’s company, when I can be the CEO of my own. That is when I started strategizing to develop the plan for Hicks Financial; Asset and Wealth Management. I provide multiple products within the financial sector. Anything from Business coaching, Strategic financial planning, Wealth and Educational planning, Corporate Career development…..and much more. I work with individuals, families and small businesses and help them become financially free. What sets Hicks Financial; Asset and Wealth Management apart from other firms is I try to bridge the gap between what the rich and financially successful know, and what the average 9-5 employee may not know. Also the minority community is extremely disadvantaged when it comes to knowledge concerning business and wealth. My job is to teach those tactics in order to help minority businesses grow and help families become more financially stable. So far what I am the most proud of is all of the clients I have been able to help along the way, this last two plus years. Multiple families and small businesses have grown stronger and wiser financially. I have even helped clients prepare and receive high paying jobs through my corporate career development services. If there was anything specific I would want readers to know about me, is that I am a man of Faith, and I am also a man who is very passionate about what he does.
Are there any books, videos, essays or other resources that have significantly impacted your management and entrepreneurial thinking and philosophy?
The main book that has influenced my thought process, personal philosophy and even business style is the Bible. The Bible is filled with stories and parables that teach life strategies and even ways to handle your finances. It also creates boundaries when it comes to decisions I make in life. As a Christian, the Bible is my source for balance and understanding. Other books that have inspired me are Napoleon Hills “Think and Grow Rich” as well as Barack Obamas ‘The Audacity of Hope”. I have also been inspired to grow my relationships by studying “The Love Journal” created by Alice L. Sanders. And l am learning more about creating my non-profit business by reading “Start a 501c3 Nonprofit that doesn’t ruin your life’ written by Dr. Audrey K. Chisholm.
How’d you build such a strong reputation within your market?
When I started my business a little over 2 years ago, I did not have any direct finance experience. I never worked for the big firms like Morgan Stanley or Goldman Sachs. But what I did have was plenty of personal experience. Prior to starting Hicks Financial; Asset and Wealth Management, I was already helping friends set up budgets for their families and advising small business owners how to become more profitable. My background as an executive in corporate America helped me learn how to read financial spreadsheets, balance departmental budgets and manage resources. Also going to school to receive my Masters in Business taught me more of the Economic side of Corporations and how they scale from one level to the next. I put all of this experience together and I now use them to help others. Since then I have been the keynote speaker for nationwide conferences and been the guest on multiple podcast heard throughout the nation. All of this exposure has helped me expand my reputation as a business leader and an expert in the world of finance. Other things that has helped me to expand my reputation is being featured on a national television program as well as several magazine articles detailing the in’s and outs of Hicks Financial. I am extremely proud of the success that we have achieved thus far. I am looking forward to helping so many more individuals, families and small businesses, get stronger financially. As well as expanding my media presence through radio, television, magazine articles and books to help get the message across that everyone has the potential to be financially free.
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: hicksfinancialawm
- Facebook: hicksfinancialaawm
Image Credits
WinterPhresh Photography